Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Countrie That Eat Little Calories


From a purely scientific point of view, the project was considered Life Ursus a success, even if it is considered essential in the long term monitoring articulated in order to reach a valutazioni più precise in merito.
Si evidenzia inoltre l'importante rilievo attribuito alla reintroduzione da parte della comunità scientifica internazionale. Un esempio è dato dal fatto che nel 2005 la XVI Conferenza Internazionale sulla ricerca e sulla gestione delle popolazioni di orso si è tenuta a Riva del Garda, prima sede italiana della conferenza internazionale a cui hanno partecipato circa 400 esperti provenienti da 40 paesi diversi.
La reintroduzione dell' Ursus Arctos nella Provincia Autonoma di Trento è diventata un motivo di scontro da un punto di vista politico e sociale soprattutto a livello provinciale, anche se si segnalano dibattiti accesi anche su un internationally, particularly after the case of killing the bear JJ1 in Munich June 26, 2006.
The words of the President of 'International Bear Association Harry Reynolds, they understand very well what could lead to discontent and confrontation with the people: "The success of such initiatives ( reintroduction of specimens nda ) depends not only on conditions related to the natural habitat, but also the degree of acceptance and the cultural acceptance by the population resident
[. http://www.comune.rivadelgarda.tn.it/bollettino/2005 / atnewsitem.2005-09-28.1825957655 / ]

Scontro Politico a livello provinciale :

La questione relativa alla presenza dell'orso è stata indubbiamente, nelle ultime due legislature (XII e XIII), uno dei temi caldi dell'agenda politica trentina.
L'opposizione di centro destra (in particolare con il partito della Lega Nord, di Forza Italia e Alleanza Nazionale) ha esercitato una costante pressione sulla maggioranza di centro sinistra rappresentata da Lorenzo Dellai, che fino ad ora ha sostenuto attivamente il progetto.
Vediamo le posizioni politiche in dettaglio:

Posizione della Lega Nord al progetto di reintroduzione (vedi anche nella sezione interviste la posizione di Diego Binelli representing the party)

The Northern League considers negative the reintroduction of the animal in the province because its presence gives rise to two problems: problems of maintaining public security and a cylinder engine weight on the provincial budget. The party involved with:
-repeated interogazioni provincial (provincial Question all texts are available on site http://www.consiglio.provincia.tn.it/banche_dati.it.asp )
-event to say bear no "held at the headquarters of the Adamello Brenta Strembo, Saturday, Aug. 30.
-theme often used in campaign to denounce the alleged waste of public money of the center-left coalition represented by Lorenzo Dellai.
-petition in progress.

position of the infant political group Administer the Trentino , represented by Nerio Giovannazzi, a former member of Forza Italy, November 9, 2008 in the provincial presented himself independently, is refusing to support the center-right coalition that presented with Sergio Divina both the center-left coalition, which incorporated as a police leader for the third consecutive Lorenzo Dellai (see section interviews place Nerio Giovannazzi).

Administer the Trentino is not a group against the project re-entry, but rather the manner in which this project was managed for now. Nerio
Giovannazzi, leader of the newborn group, believes that this initiative is now a real "limitation of human freedom" as well as an operating cost too burdensome for the Autonomous Province of Trento. The representative of the party spoke with Nerio Giovannazzi:
-repeated interrogations conducted in both the provincial and in the twelfth and thirteenth term, when he was a member of Forza Italy (website http://www.consiglio.provincia.tn.it / banche_dati.it.asp you can access the texts Question provincial)
-petition with signatures collected around 6000
-poll on the website http://www.neriogiovannazzi.it/
position of the political group of the Greens and Democrats for Trentino the reintroduction project (see also section interviews with the position of the exponent of green Roberto Bombarda)
The political group of the Greens and Democrats of Trentino , part of the center-left coalition, has always been marked by a strong support for the project Life Ursus. According to Robert Bombard, now the only member of the Greens to be successful, since the elections of November 9, 2008 to enter in the Provincial Council, through this initiative may actually have the opportunity to preserve a species that has always been identified with the territory. Therefore, both the XII XIII in the Legislature, the Democrats and the Greens Trentino intervened with: Question
-provincial to understand how to find the bear in captivity and how promuovre restocking
-defense attacks the project moved by some political forces
-promotion of the project and insist on the need for public communication
"diplomatic crisis" internationally

crisis occurs at the time of the killing, by the Bavarian authorities, bear JJ1 in August 2006. The killing of the plantigrade is attributed to the danger of the animal, in which Bavaria had eaten sheep and other animals, but in any case did not attacked the man.
Italian Environment Minister then in office, Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, viewed this event as a clear violation of the European Directive Habitat that highlighted the importance of protecting endangered species, including the bear brown over the Alps, to maintain biodiversity. After the killing
animal Minister intervened demanding explanations from the Federal Environment Minister Josef Pröll, Austrian and German Sigmar Gabriel, and report this to the European Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas. "The Italian government - said Pecoraro - can not firmly draw the attention of the European countries concerned to respect the principles set out in Annex 1 of the Habitats Directive, and the opportunity to reconfirm that, regardless of any protocol for the management of ' bear, it was expected a more pronounced coordination so as to safeguard their lives. Italy can not accept that population control Bear Mountain is via the killing of people "
[ http://www2.minambiente.it/Sito/comunicati/2006/26_06_06_1.asp ]

Mobilization by environmental movements (see also Interviews section)

During commissioning in captivity and the killing of the bear Jurka JJ1 in Bavaria will be several events organized by the environmental movement (see Section approfoditamente Triune ) denouncing the conduct of the authorities.
In particular at the provincial level, Besides being spoken down to the streets and through a series of popular petitions (delivery of 20,000 signatures for the release of Jurka), Anna Pilati as legal motion no hunting seeking initiation of criminal investigations to the Attorney Trent for "Violation of the provision in Article 727, paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code, which prohibits the keeping of animals, in conditions incompatible with their nature and productive of great suffering." information at: http

The discontent of the citizens

I partiti politici che si dichiarano non favorevoli al progetto del reinserimento dell'orso bruno in Trentino ( Lega Nord , An , Amministrare il Trentino ) si considerano portatori di un disagio rilevato tra la gente, in particolare tra gli abitanti delle zone maggiormente interessate alla presenza dell'animale.
Per contrastare le critiche e fornire maggiori informazioni alla popolazione contrariata e spaventata dalla presenza dell'orso sul territorio, tra le altre iniziative la Provincia Autonoma di Trento ha promosso una serie di conferenze aperte al pubblico, ma in particolare rivolte alle categorie potenzialmente danneggiate dalla presenza del plantigrado. Qeste rientrano active in the campaign since 2003 know the brown bear, prepared by Forest Service and Wildlife, in collaboration with the Trento Museum of Natural Science.
Considering that a similar project in France failed precisely the position strongly opposed sheep goats farmers, this type of encounter, added to a number of financial plans for cushioning and preventing damage, might be useful to maintain a direct contact with the territory and respond so quickly to concerns experienced by the citizens.


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