Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Camilla Rodrigues Travestis


Responds Cheyenne Daprà : keepers of a herd of about eighty sheep in Val di Rabbi.

semi-structured telephone interview conducted on 14/12/2008.

Q: Are you in favor or opposed to the reintegration of brown bears in Trentino? Why?

A: I am opposed because space for bear there is more. This is my main motivation.

Q: Do you think the image of the bear is stronger than "bad" you eat the sheep, or bear the "victim" killed in Germany and Switzerland?

Here we would say the image of the bear who eats the sheep.

Q: What experience has had with the bear?

A: I've never had because Rabbi where I keep the sheep never arrived and for goodness sake! If the bear was in Val di Rabbi, why should I change jobs, can find out where the sheep back whenever he is hungry. You create this modo il suo territorio e si stabilisce lì.

D: Si è dotata dei recinti elettrici messi a disposizione dalla Provincia?

R: No e non sapevo ci fosse questa disponibilità. Comunque i recinti elettrici li ho sempre usati per le pecore al pascolo, per evitare che queste sconfinino dal prato assegnatomi.

D: Quanto pensa abbia influito l’aspetto turistico, ossia l’attrattiva per il turista di sapere l’orso libero sulle montagne, nella decisione di ripopolare il territorio?

R: Sono spesso a contatto con i turisti in vacanza in Val di Rabbi l’estate, vengono a vedere le pecore e spiego loro il mio work as pastor and it happens that I wonder if it's true that there is the bear, but do not go looking! It's not like in the American parks, where you get in the car and go in search of animals. Well, I do not believe that tourists come here to see the bear.

Q: Do you have something?

R: Yes, I would bring the experience that I have been told by some friends, pastors, who work in Alta Val di Non in Proves There is often the bear and some pastures have been abandoned for this reason. The pastors there had to move their herds in Austria, with a great deal of money and energy. Many pastors as I raise sheep as a hobby, is already a difficult life and if in addition there is the bear! Claim for damages, then, is simple: you have to prove that your sheep have been killed by the bear. This you can do when the ravening bear and they see the signs, but if the bear the scares them, running away, falling into a ravine you can not always show the bear was the cause. In addition, you are not compensated by the sheep to the actual value that the sheep has to shepherd the sheep killed by the bear is perhaps the most beautiful sheep in the flock or one that gives birth to more lambs during the year.

Responds Peter Panciera : hobby breeder of Carciato, Dimaro village of Val di Sole

semi-structured interview carried out face to face on 16/12/2008.

Q: Are you in favor or opposed to the reintegration of brown bears in Trentino? Why?

R: I oppose because I believe that the bear rather than curse the benefit ports, and because it has no utility. Even at the time of the "poor Austria" ("poor" with nostalgic feeling because there's more, we are referring to the Austro-Hungarian note) gave awards to those who killed the bear, perché distruggeva le mandrie e i greggi. Davano un bel premio di venti o trenta Corone.

D: Che esperienza ha avuto con l’orso?

R: L’orso mi ha mangiato nel 2002 due pecore e nel 2003 altre tre. Era il tempo della Jurka, quando aveva tre orsacchiotti. Ho anche la foto della Jurka e i cuccioli che rincorrono le pecore.

D: Ha chiesto il risarcimento dei danni?

R: Mi hanno risarcito di una pecora. Perché vedi, io il bestiame lo tengo libero, ho un “gregge errante”, vado a vederlo una volta ogni venti giorni e lo tengo sulla zona del Monte Peller, della Val Nana e del Sasso Rosso. Sul Brenta insomma, Adamello Brenta Park area. Obviously the bear comes from Tovel. Now, because of the bear, sheep do not take more, I had ten or twelve, but after the bear has eaten me five, the others I have deleted. Now I keep the goats because they are more cunning, more are repaired, but the sheep lies down in the meadow. Goats manage to kill the bear less than one every two years.

Q: It is equipped with electric fences provided by the Province?

R: No, because the sheep had free and then there is no place for making fences. Then the bear with a paw destroys all the threads, it would take those fences with più corde e una tensione forte, quelli sembrano funzionare. Però per le pecore ci vorrebbe un’enormità di corda e non ne vale la pena. E poi passano le persone e possono staccarti l’elettricità.

D:Secondo lei è più forte l’immagine dell’orso “cattivo” che si mangia le pecore o quella dell’orso “vittima” ucciso in Germania e Svizzera?

R: Le persone che conosco io erano più contente di sapere l’orso ucciso in Germania. Perché ormai le montagne sono più popolate, ci sono più strade, malghe, c’è più gente, ci si va in macchina. Per l’orso ci vogliono posti great, let's put it in Alaska! Now here in the middle of streets and people are impossible. I found that the bear is only useful for those who have led, for the Province, the Guards, ...

Q: How much thought has affected the tourist aspect, that is the attraction for tourists to know the bear free mountains, in the decision to repopulate the area?

R: Well, now almost everyone is asking with concern, "You can see the bear?". And then this recovery of the bear ... two or three females were sterilized, the one they put in a fence and then rebuilding it? For me the project Ursus is a total failure. Aside from the cost to buy the bears, keep them, for Radio-, ... then the bears thrive, such as Jurka has scored three, every two years and then gives birth to this recovery? ... Did sterilize the females, Jurka, which was that he did more damage, now they do not know whether to put Casteller in Trento, or Valsugana, however, as they pulled into a fence ... this is the recovery? We should have a bigger space, not a narrow space like the Brenta! Two years ago, when Jurka crossed the ski slopes, all from the chair said "Look at the bear! Oh, the bear ", but because were safe on the chairlift!

Q: Have other animals?

R: Yes, I have asses, but I keep them in the pasture with the pastor. In the evening, put them in the stable, while the sheep I had out all night, even if the bear has no timetables, mostly at night, but the sheep has eaten me during the day.

Q: The success is that other animals have killed the cattle?

R: Yes, the eagle took me a lamb of twenty days.

Q: And he asked for damages?

A: There have not asked for compensation because there was the carcass, the eagle took it off the lamb. The sheep ate the bear that I have compensated me for the day after we found the carcass, both of my sheep than a shepherd of the Val di Non Instead, for the other sheep we could not show that it was state because the bear had been a month and we managed to find only a few bones and wool. The ranger came, took the pictures and so on, but could have been a lightning bolt to kill them. If you do not find the body is because sometimes the bear takes it with him, sometimes underground, with some doing so.

D: The Forest Guards I have proposed to put the fences?

R: No, because if I had the sheep back home ... but I have a wandering flock! If you wanted to repopulate the park were to bring other animals do not know ... wild sheep, mountain goats, but not the bear. The bear eats! E 'herbivore and people do not do anything, but I do not know if it's nice to find the front. He never heard that the bear has attacked people but it does happen the first case, or because he was hungry or because the puppies or perhaps because it is wound. Even the dogs say they do nothing, but then you hear cases of aggression to people. Same will be the bear!


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