Survey conducted in 2008
Has anything changed since the 1987 referendum? What they think and What do they know the Italians, the nuclear? polls that were published for the most part limited to answer these questions, trying to mark a clear line between who is and who is pro and cons, how many are here and how many of there, flying the shadows and do not in fact helping to understand the complexity of the picture. It stands, in this view, the research published from the Energy Lab Foundation within its preliminary report on the conditions for the return to energy power programs in Italy, and conducted by GfK Eurisko "State and prospects of public opinion on nuclear power in Italy," because it reveals particularly rich in insights and opinion of Italian nationals involved, and what it means to make information on these topics.
A void to be filled, to evaluate before choosing
The survey, which followed quantitative models and qualitative through focus groups, was conducted between late 2007 and early 2008, and involved 1500 people. First, the search was in fact a photographer: nuclear power is left completely out of our scenario for twenty years, out of any conversation, it was public or private. While the rest of the world, however, accumulated experiences, reflections, surveys, opportunities for conflict and confrontation, on the nuclear issue in our country has fallen silent. Edward Lozzi, research manager, speaks of a power failure, neglect of the collective. Not only are the plants were decommissioned, but the theme itself has been banned from our cultural landscape. A vacuum of information and culture that explains the confusion and difficulty with which respondents answered the questions of interviewers. Italy imports about nuclear power? Italy participates in international research on nuclear energy? Italy's nuclear power plants on its territory and are active? The Italians, mostly do not know that well corresponds to 76% the percentage of Italians interviewed declared that they just informed. More specifically, according to Eurisko, 35% believe that Italy can not produce nuclear energy or if it does or not, 37% considers that Italy has no nuclear energy amounts from abroad or does not know.
Let's look at the specific questions and answers of the survey statistics.
Speaking of nuclear energy, how you feel informed?
Along with this empty space becomes a new availability, practical, not ideological, to reconsider the nuclear option, ie the willingness to form an opinion. "The figure that emerges most clearly is their willingness to assess, investigate how well the nuclear option," reiterates Lozza. Respondents clearly indicated a willingness to assess the opportunity in a framework of cost-benefit analysis. Availability which is justified in the daily lives of Italian citizens in need of a new savings from current part they could not escape: the bills of electricity and gas. In 2005 was 50% of respondents to say to considering the nuclear option to get cheaper bills, in this latest research, this amounts to 66%.
knowledge about the status of nuclear power in Italy
look more data: for 56% of people consulted, the Italian situation from the point of energy is negative. For 77% to improve the situation of Italy requires investment and development of renewable sources, but the second source cited is nuclear power (35%), followed by hydrogen (32%) and oil and gas (11%). It is striking, and perhaps due to the scarcity of information available, the slight gap between the nuclear energy source in use in the rest of the world, and hydrogen, as yet still only a promise for the energy sector, but " source "about which you have created large consensus, even in the media, and high expectations.
"Above all," says Lozza, "Italians do not want the country to lose the train of research in this area." This option is considered far and dequalificante losing to Italy. Italian citizens who declare themselves, with a clear majority (72%), to the participation of the country to international research in the nuclear field, quite favorable, with a slight majority (53%), the production of nuclear energy in Italy, and were against the import of nuclear energy days (45%).
Evaluation of the energy situation in Italy and waited for action
Nuclear power becomes an issue around which to think of evaluation in a global context. A theme around which to form an opinion and define a common feeling, shared. A total mature attitude that is expressed not only in a more proactive, in a desire to exercise choice in the awareness of the need for a collective vision, the definition of a common address and shared.
What are the relations between Italy and nuclear power? Expectations and prefigurations
will obviously have to wonder if the attitude, the mental and psychological disposition is the same even where the plants were and are: bulky, visible. Eurisko research has specifically investigated the views of residents within a radius of 30 km away from the 8 sites where nuclear facilities are closed. "In these areas, we have not found a strong discrepancy with data from the rest of the Italian population, "said Lozzi." The level of awareness is slightly higher, but there is no opposition in principle stronger than elsewhere. "
perceived benefits from the production of nuclear energy
Propensione alla produzione di energia nucleare in Italia a fronte di un vantaggio economico
Dati e riflessioni interessanti che lo diventano ancora di più alla luce di altre recenti notizie. Il 24 novembre si è costituito a Roma un nuovo movimento antinuclearista che intende dare battaglia per evitare che "prenda piede l'istanza scellerata per il futuro del Paese di una riapertura al nucleare". Del comitato fanno parte personaggi come Dario Fo, Moni Ovaia, Paolo Cento, Marcello Cini e Margherita Hack.Sembrano qui riproporsi i toni di vent'anni fa, e nel buco nero informativo in cui vengono a inserirsi è difficile immaginare che la discussione resti pacata, basata su dati scientifici.
Costruzione di una visione condivisa in Italia sulla questioni di base: orientamenti
Moreover, the authors of the survey, asking how it is appropriate to make information on the subject warn scientific information in this case can not simply be poured, the scientist moved to the city, is to reconfigure the scientific data. Moreover, it is known che in un ambito che evoca scenari delicati come il nucleare, il ruolo dell'informazione è modesto, può modulare orientamenti e disposizioni già presenti negli individui più che portare a cambiare opinione. Se mettiamo insieme tutti questi elementi - le difficoltà connaturate a un discorso pubblico sul nucleare, la rimozione e l'assenza di esperienze sul tema da vent'anni in Italia, il rimettersi in moto di movimenti ideologici che si ricollegano direttamente alle battaglie degli anni Ottanta, e le prese di posizione di un Governo che pare volersi muovere in maniera autoritaria, senza troppa considerazione di un faticoso, quanto necessario, processo di condivisione e partecipazione delle scelte - sembra difficile immaginare che i cittadini italiani may be able to get what they want to show in this study: a calm and thorough comparison by which to make rational and pragmatic choices for themselves and for the country.
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