La Politica italiana What do you think the Italian parties on the nuclear issue?
symbol Communist Refoundation |
Rifondazione : The response of the party is a dry No to nuclear power because the site
http://home. / xisttest / 20% is highlighted by the fact that nuclear power is an economic issue "
return to nuclear power in Italy is a huge deal that will prepare a great feast to which the table sits a lot commensali avidi di denaro e di potere ". Affermano che la promessa dei bassi costi dell'energia dopo l'instaurazione del nucleare è un grande inganno poichè non si considerano i costi provenienti di tutta la filiera che va dall'estrazione dell'uranio fino al suo trasporto.
Logo italia dei valori |
Italia dei valori: Per questo partito bisogna rispettare la volontà dei cittadini che hanno detto NO al nucleare con il referendum nel 1987. Affermano che non esistono stime ufficiali sull'estrazione annuale di uranio (Data covered by state secrecy), but uranium is destined to run out within 35-40 years. No country in the world has come to a final solution for the storage of nuclear waste, and risks of a nuclear accident increase with the increase of power plants. For 15 years, no Western country (except Finland) has developed on-site new nuclear power plants : The last nuclear reactor built in the nation nuclearized in the world (the U.S.) since 1979. This is for a simple reason: nuclear energy is "anti-economic" costs are very high because of the construction of power plants (20 billion euro).
Logo PD |
Partito Democratico: “
No al nucleare e sì all'efficienza e al risparmio energetico ”, queste le parole del segretario Pier Luigi Bersani "
Nella nostra posizione non c’è nulla di ideologico. Siamo contrari perché c’è un problema di costi economici troppo alti ed incompatibili con le logiche del mercato libero dell’energia e perché ci sono problemi irrisolti di gestione e di sicurezza per lo smaltimenti delle scorie ". Per riavviare l'economia e la competitività bisogna puntare sul risparmio e sull'efficienza energetica, sulle fonti rinnovabili. All'interno del PD vi è la corrente dei verdi gli "ecologisti democratici" il loro è un NO categotico al nucleare. Il Pd però viene "contraddetto" dal loro stesso parlamentare del Umberto Veronesi, famoso oncologo che ha accepted the position of president of security, he says that "all Italy is aware that nuclear power is inevitable, because in 50 years we have more oil, there will be between 100 and between 150 will end the coal gas: then we will be dry. " The only possible solution, then, is the atom: "Now - Veronesi says - there is nuclear fission, in 20 years there will be the fourth generation that will no longer waste and then in the 70s will come 'fusion. If we love our children and our grandchildren, we must take this path, because they will be around 2120 to live the tragedy of lack of energy. " Umberto Veronesi and 72 other signatories (the nomi che appaiono in calce sono dei maggiori "scienziati" italiani) hanno scritto una lettera aperta al segretario Pierluigi Bersani, chiedendo di riconsiderare la propria posizione nei confronti dell’utilizzo dell’energia nucleare in Italia.
Ecco un esempio di intreccio tra politica e scienza .
Logo UDC |
Unione di centro : Il partito si è astenuto al voto. Per quanto riguarda la possibilita' di realizzare nuove centrali la posizione del partito sul nucleare e' ben nota, essendo da sempre favorevoli all'utilizzo di tale fonte d'energia, ma and the question 'of such importance that call for a bipartisan agreement, a pact between the majority and the opposition that does not exist'. Without an agreed system and a multi-year plan shared between the different political forces, says the leader of Lazio UDC Francesco Carducci "
is likely to make a leap in the dark on an area that also requires large investments. For these reasons we We also abstained on the motion presented by the majority. "
PDL Logo
People of Freedom: The Berlusconi government was the proponent of the decree that launched the return of nuclear power in Italy. The Minister said that Scajola " n is inescapable on a plan of action for the return to nuclear ", clarifying that it is not statements of principle but of an "s
olenne commitment by Berlusconi with confidence that we will honor with conviction and determination. " Only nuclear plants allow to produce energy on a large scale, secure, cost competitive and environmentally friendly, said the minister, thus reaffirming the need to rebuild powers and institutions of the garrison, forming the necessary technical and entrepreneurial sector and providing credible solutions for radioactive waste. The favorable points for the PDL are: the low cost of energy after production from nuclear energy, the increase of jobs, respect for the environment.
League Logo |
League: The League supporters are in favor of nuclear " I have absolutely voted for these policies which provide principles of safety for citizens and the sustainability of the installations "Zaia said, referring to the measure approved Wednesday, February 10 Council of Ministers. Zaia reiterated that the hypothesis could be ruled out of plants in the territory of the region:" In
total transparency, we are extremely confident that it should start first by a sense consistency ". Veneto today has a positive energy balance, it produces more energy than they buy. The second finding to note is that the Veneto is a very man-made land, which is defined as the Los Angeles of Europe. And where there are no settlements, there are areas of high environmental value. For this reason, says Zaia "
say that we would like to address the issue .
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