The exploitation of ' nuclear energy in Italy has ancient origins.
Despite the limitations due to both the result of the Second World War (which decreases the economic resources that could essere utilizzate per la ricerca) che agli accordi di pace (che imponevano all'Italia di non poter disporre di un'industria per l'arricchimento del combustibile), la decisione di costruire la prima centrale elettronucleare venne infatti presa già all'indomani della conferenza "Atomi per la Pace" di Ginevra dell'8-20 agosto 1955 e portò l'Italia, nel corso degli anni sessanta, ad avere sul proprio territorio tre impianti di prima generazione basati sulle tre più innovative tecnologie dell'epoca (i reattori di tipo BWR e PWR Magnox).
L'Italia nel 1966 figurava come il terzo produttore al mondo di energia nucleare dopo USA e Inghilterra.
Essa si dotò di tre centrali of different production methods that accounted for virtually prototype models that were also used in the UK and U.S. experience abroad Reactor their parent dies.
The first Italian nuclear power plant was built in Latin, a plant with a single type of Magnox reactor, once completed May 12, 1963, it represented the most powerful model in Europe.
Eight months later, he was prepared to Sessa Aurunca, which followed less than a year after the installation of the Trinity, which had provided a PWR reactor at the time of its duties was lacentrale electronuclear more powerful in world.
The energy produced by these three plants was still low compared to national demand, which contributed to an average of 3-4%.
The first national energy plan launched in 1975 envisaged a strong development component of the power programs.
In addition to the three plants already in operation and one under construction, were proposed a number of sites for new power plants over the construction of some prototypes of innovative reactor.
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