Chernobyl 'of 1987 led Italy to hold the upcoming three years national referendum on the nuclear sector.
The three referendum does not explicitly forbid the construction of new power plants (let alone imposed the closure of existing or under construction) but merely to repeal the so-called "compensatory charges" payable to local offices of the sites identified for construction di nuovi impianti nucleari (nonché la norma che concedeva al CIPE la facoltà di scelta dei siti stessi in presenza di un mancato accordo in tal senso con i comuni interessati) e a impedire all'Enel di partecipare alla costruzione di centrali all'estero.
Visto l'esito molto netto del voto, tra il 1988 e il 1990 i governi posero termine all'esperienza elettronucleare italiana con l'abbandono del Progetto Unificato Nucleare e la chiusura delle tre centrali ancora funzionanti di Latina, Trina e Caorso (l'impianto di Sessa Aurunca era infatti già stato fermato per guasti nel 1982 e, a seguito di valutazioni sull'antieconomicità delle riparazioni).
Le due centrali di Latina e di Trinio erano praticamente end of life (they were designed to operate for 25-30 years from power reactor) and therefore the only station that was actually closed well in advance cycle was expected to Caorso.
Failure to produce electricity from nuclear plants (which generally stood at 3-4%) was offset by the increased use of fossil fuels (especially coal and gas but also oil / fuel oil ) and with a further increase in imports in addition to that already required each year to cover the general increase in consumption.
then in time, the use of coal and oil / fuel oil has been increasingly abandoned in favor of gas, currently the main fossil fuels for electricity production.
-see end of blog the results of the referendum
-see end of blog the results of the referendum
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