The Law 40 / 2004 allows the use of procreation medical assistance only 'if there is no other effective treatment methods to remove the causes of sterility or infertility. "
heterologous fertilization are prohibited (art. 4), ie with a donor outside the couple and human cloning. Prohibit any experimentation on the embryo, as well as "any form of eugenic selection of embryos for the purpose of the gametes. On this point the controversy revolves on the pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, in fact forbidden to couple with concrete reasons to fear for any inherited genetic defects, for the simple reason that regardless of the outcome of the examination, the embryo is not selectable. Among
the most disputed passages , contained in the chapter " measures to protect the embryo, there is that provides for the creation of embryos focused on a unique, contemporary house: you can have a maximum of three embryos, a figure considered by many experts as too low, and most importantly all three together to plant because the plant is the only contemporary legally permitted.
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