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Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
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Cosa intendiamo per "scatola nera"?
The "black box" is a metaphor often used in science to refer a dispute that has already been completed, of which we consciously only input and output. In the "black box" there are scientific controversies or debates or disputes in which the scientific and technological knowledge has not yet been defined and taken for granted.
Our intent is to open the "black box" of nuclear energy to highlight the debates in the different axes of the triangle politics - science - citizens.
These social groups influence each other, in a democracy the people determine policy through the ballot box and in turn influence policy through science funding. But science, too, thanks to technological inventions and discoveries radically change the habits of citizens and decision-makers.
Our goal is to build a blog that allows you to inquire about the controversy of the use of nuclear energy. Italy has chosen to revive nuclear energy generation industry is about to build eight new plants in order to obtain 25% of energy from them.
We wonder if the units are safe for healthy people who live around , let alone in the case of accidents such as Chernobyl, because we know that in this case the consequences are irreversible. To answer this question, we gathered information from many sources and have heard different opinions of scientists, politicians and associations.
We wonder if the units are safe for healthy people who live around , let alone in the case of accidents such as Chernobyl, because we know that in this case the consequences are irreversible. To answer this question, we gathered information from many sources and have heard different opinions of scientists, politicians and associations.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
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L 'acronimo FIVET (Fertilizzazione In Vitro con Embryo Transfer) è utilizzato per definire tale tecnica: si tratta di una fecondazione in vitro dell'ovulo con successivo trasferimento dell’ embrione così formato nell’ utero della donna.
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Since the first trials on humans, studies Edwards aroused strong opposition d fter having been able to successfully fertilize eggs taken from some women, the Medical Research Council decided not to fund the continuation of the project, but through a private donation of the two researchers were able to move forward. In vitro fertilization was then the center of a lively ethical debate, initiated by Edwards himself with an article written by attorney David Shape already anticipated many of the complicated questions that would have led to reproductive medicine.

Despite Edwards himself asserted that research on human reproductive cells and embryos should be carried out under precise ethical guidelines , and although it was assured that an ethics committee was created at the Bourn Hall Clinic, its work on artificial insemination met a strong opposition by religious leaders that they considered immoral by governments, which they thought was more important to limit fertility rather than promoting it, and some colleagues who had different ideas about the safety of embryos. "In retrospect - reads a note from the Nobel committee - it seems incredible that Edwards only been able to answer all the criticisms that flooded over the years, but which has remained so unflappable and determined in pursuing its objective science. "
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La storia del nucleare in Italia
The exploitation of ' nuclear energy in Italy has ancient origins.
Despite the limitations due to both the result of the Second World War (which decreases the economic resources that could essere utilizzate per la ricerca) che agli accordi di pace (che imponevano all'Italia di non poter disporre di un'industria per l'arricchimento del combustibile), la decisione di costruire la prima centrale elettronucleare venne infatti presa già all'indomani della conferenza "Atomi per la Pace" di Ginevra dell'8-20 agosto 1955 e portò l'Italia, nel corso degli anni sessanta, ad avere sul proprio territorio tre impianti di prima generazione basati sulle tre più innovative tecnologie dell'epoca (i reattori di tipo BWR e PWR Magnox).
L'Italia nel 1966 figurava come il terzo produttore al mondo di energia nucleare dopo USA e Inghilterra.
Essa si dotò di tre centrali of different production methods that accounted for virtually prototype models that were also used in the UK and U.S. experience abroad Reactor their parent dies.
The first Italian nuclear power plant was built in Latin, a plant with a single type of Magnox reactor, once completed May 12, 1963, it represented the most powerful model in Europe.
Eight months later, he was prepared to Sessa Aurunca, which followed less than a year after the installation of the Trinity, which had provided a PWR reactor at the time of its duties was lacentrale electronuclear more powerful in world.
The energy produced by these three plants was still low compared to national demand, which contributed to an average of 3-4%.
The first national energy plan launched in 1975 envisaged a strong development component of the power programs.
In addition to the three plants already in operation and one under construction, were proposed a number of sites for new power plants over the construction of some prototypes of innovative reactor.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
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Robert Geoffrey Edwards was born in Manchester the September 27 1925. After graduating from Manchester Central High School, he served in the British military during the Second World War .
Al termine del conflitto, si laureò in Biologia con una specializzazione in Zoologia nella facoltà di Scienze Biologiche alla Bangor University, in Galles , per poi continuare i suoi studi presso l'Istituto di Embriologia animale afferente alla facoltà di Scienze Biologiche dell' Università di Edimburgo , dove conseguì il Ph.D nel 1955 ed iniziò ad interessarsi di fecondazione.
Passato all' Università di Cambridge nel 1963 , continuò a dedicarsi allo studio della fecondazione e nel 1968 iniziò a collaborare con il ginecologo Patrick Strepto on the issue of human artificial insemination .
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Robert Edwards is believed to have deserved to win the Nobel Prize for Medicine for arguing that only the most important thing in life is having a baby, because nothing is more special than a child.
The choice of the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm for the Nobel Prize for Medicine has fallen to English Robert Edwards ''For the development of the fertilization tube in [...] His contribution is a milestone for the development of modern medicine. The results have allowed to cure infertility, a medical condition that afflicts a large part of humanity. ".
" In retrospect - reads a note from the Nobel committee - it seems incredible that Edwards not only been able to answer all the criticisms that flooded over the years, but which has remained so unflappable and determined in pursuing its objective scientific .
in favor of the allocation of This Nobel Prize also Italian scientist Rita Levi Montalcini, who was anxious to stress that what the British scientist is a scientific work of fundamental importance for the advancement of biomedicine, so that millions of children are born into the world since it was developed the technique of artificial insemination studied by Professor Robert Edwards and thanks to this technique is now possible to overcome the serious problem of infertility which affects a significant number of couples.
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A NOBEL SCOOP: the Vatican's position
The award of the Nobel Prize for medicine in 2010 there has been widespread controversy .
The President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Mgr. Ignacio Carrasco de Paula : " I believe that the choice of Robert Edward is completely out of place and the reasons for concern are not few." Archbishop Carrasco tip the finger at the alleged 'sale of eggs, "the" freezers full of embryos "and" the confused state of assisted reproduction ", which according to prelate was caused not by the law 40 on artificial insemination, but the discovery of Edward since they'd isattende all the ethical issues and points out that the man may be reduced from subject to subject. "
The President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Mgr. Ignacio Carrasco de Paula : " I believe that the choice of Robert Edward is completely out of place and the reasons for concern are not few." Archbishop Carrasco tip the finger at the alleged 'sale of eggs, "the" freezers full of embryos "and" the confused state of assisted reproduction ", which according to prelate was caused not by the law 40 on artificial insemination, but the discovery of Edward since they'd isattende all the ethical issues and points out that the man may be reduced from subject to subject. "
Lucio Romano , co-chairman of the association of Catholic-inspired "Science & Life": " progress of biotechnology does not always mean ethical progress" [...] "in particular, we think the freezing of embryos and preimplantation genetic diagnosis, involving the abolition of life, by selecting embryos found to be most suitable for transfer and excluding those not of quality. If you perform regular checks before pregnancy, in order to detect any diseases, because in a secular state should not be having the same objective standard, pre-implantation diagnosis? Reproductive tourism and stop the act before the court rulings. "
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Il referendum
Chernobyl 'of 1987 led Italy to hold the upcoming three years national referendum on the nuclear sector.
The three referendum does not explicitly forbid the construction of new power plants (let alone imposed the closure of existing or under construction) but merely to repeal the so-called "compensatory charges" payable to local offices of the sites identified for construction di nuovi impianti nucleari (nonché la norma che concedeva al CIPE la facoltà di scelta dei siti stessi in presenza di un mancato accordo in tal senso con i comuni interessati) e a impedire all'Enel di partecipare alla costruzione di centrali all'estero.
Visto l'esito molto netto del voto, tra il 1988 e il 1990 i governi posero termine all'esperienza elettronucleare italiana con l'abbandono del Progetto Unificato Nucleare e la chiusura delle tre centrali ancora funzionanti di Latina, Trina e Caorso (l'impianto di Sessa Aurunca era infatti già stato fermato per guasti nel 1982 e, a seguito di valutazioni sull'antieconomicità delle riparazioni).
Le due centrali di Latina e di Trinio erano praticamente end of life (they were designed to operate for 25-30 years from power reactor) and therefore the only station that was actually closed well in advance cycle was expected to Caorso.
Failure to produce electricity from nuclear plants (which generally stood at 3-4%) was offset by the increased use of fossil fuels (especially coal and gas but also oil / fuel oil ) and with a further increase in imports in addition to that already required each year to cover the general increase in consumption.
then in time, the use of coal and oil / fuel oil has been increasingly abandoned in favor of gas, currently the main fossil fuels for electricity production.
-see end of blog the results of the referendum
-see end of blog the results of the referendum
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sociology and religion - ACCENNI
To ; groped to understand the Vatican's position is helpful to refer to the fundamental concept of FUNCTION ' that explains the birth and development of all religions.
The" founding fathers " of modern sociology (Emile Durkheim all, Max Weber and Karl Marx) h years shown great interest in religion and its effects on society.
means that every religion is functional to company that produces it, that that religions are the grease that slides without friction on living together in society, and as they are functional to society, they are changing, slowly, as the customs, culture, scientific research society, change the their ethics.
Friday, November 26, 2010
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The Law 40 / 2004 allows the use of procreation medical assistance only 'if there is no other effective treatment methods to remove the causes of sterility or infertility. "
heterologous fertilization are prohibited (art. 4), ie with a donor outside the couple and human cloning. Prohibit any experimentation on the embryo, as well as "any form of eugenic selection of embryos for the purpose of the gametes. On this point the controversy revolves on the pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, in fact forbidden to couple with concrete reasons to fear for any inherited genetic defects, for the simple reason that regardless of the outcome of the examination, the embryo is not selectable. Among
the most disputed passages , contained in the chapter " measures to protect the embryo, there is that provides for the creation of embryos focused on a unique, contemporary house: you can have a maximum of three embryos, a figure considered by many experts as too low, and most importantly all three together to plant because the plant is the only contemporary legally permitted.
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The studies of Edwards represented a new scientific frontier that has in turn imposed, however, and opened a large questione antropologica, una riflessione sull’uomo e su quali sono i limiti della natura umana.
Le tecniche di fecondazione assistita in quanto tali non sono in discussione, ma è come sono state usate tali tecniche e come potrebbero essere usate in futuro.
La fecondazione medicalmente assistita ha generato situazioni impensabili fino a qualche anno fa:
We think the benefits to humanity that all scientific research should be made, but also the ethical consequences that implies: perhaps it should be remembered that often is not the technique that makes committing borderline cases or aberrations but the people who use .
The studies of Edwards represented a new scientific frontier that has in turn imposed, however, and opened a large questione antropologica, una riflessione sull’uomo e su quali sono i limiti della natura umana.

Le tecniche di fecondazione assistita in quanto tali non sono in discussione, ma è come sono state usate tali tecniche e come potrebbero essere usate in futuro.
La fecondazione medicalmente assistita ha generato situazioni impensabili fino a qualche anno fa:
- mamme-nonne ( Gianna Nannini è solo l’ultimo illustre caso, ma già nel 1992 in Italia una ex-ostetrica di 61 anni diventa mamma);
- uteri in affitto (dal 1984 negli Usa, dieci anni dopo in Italia);
- figli di coppie omosessuali;
- selezioni eugenetiche;
- donne fecondate con il seme del compagno morto;
- donatrici di ovociti a pagamento, embrioni sovrannumerari congelati e abbandonati.
We think the benefits to humanity that all scientific research should be made, but also the ethical consequences that implies: perhaps it should be remembered that often is not the technique that makes committing borderline cases or aberrations but the people who use .
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Il ritorno al nucleare dell'Italia
Three of these regions (Emilia-Romagna, Puglia and Tuscany) have also made a complaint against the Legislative Decree 15 February 2010, No 31, the constitutional provision on which the courts have not yet been cast.
The government in turn appealed to the Constitutional Court for annulment (as in violation of Title V of the Constitution) of the laws approved by regional altrettamte three regions (Puglia, Basilicata and Campania) to unilaterally prohibit the establishment of plants nuclear Appeal agreed in early November 2010.
The political debate has been reopened after a surge in prices of natural gas and oil in the years between 2005 and 2008 and led to the decision of the Government of Italy in 2008 to restore a nuclear capability for electro-generation.
Minister of Economic Development, at the time nella persona di Claudio Scajola, ha proposto in tal senso di costruire dieci nuovi reattori con l'obiettivo di arrivare a una produzione di energia elettrica da nucleare in Itali pari al 25% del totale, la qual cosa, associata all'aumento fino al 25% di quella fornita da fonti rinnovabili, porterebbe conseguentemente a un ridimensionamento al 50% di quella di origine fossile.
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Minister Claudio Scajola |
La nuova politica annunciata dal Governo italiano vorrebbe in tal modo tagliare le emissioni di gas serra, ridurre la dipendenza energetica dall'estero e abbassare il costo dell'energia elettrica all'utente finale.
L'intento di tornare alla produzione elettronucleare in Italia è stato dapprima postulato con la definizione della " Strategia energetica National "under Article 7 of Decree-Law of 25 June 2008, No. 112 published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic. http://www.governo.it/GovernoInforma/Dossier/nucleare/Nucleare_decretolegislativo.pdf
Chapter III
Section 7.
a national energy strategy. Within six months from the date of entry into force of this decree, the Council of Ministers, upon proposal of the Minister of Economic Development, calls the "national energy strategy," which indicates the priorities for the short and long and bears the determination of measures necessary to achieve, through market mechanisms, the following objectives:
a) diversification of energy sources and geographical areas of supply;
b) improving the competitiveness of the national energy system and infrastructure development in the context of the European internal market;
c) promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency;
e) increase in investment in ricerca e sviluppo nel settore energetico e partecipazione ad accordi internazionali di cooperazione tecnologica;
f) sostenibilità ambientale nella produzione e negli usi dell'energia, anche ai fini della riduzione delle emissioni di gas ad effetto serra;
g) garanzia di adeguati livelli di protezione sanitaria della popolazione e dei lavoratori.
Il ministro della Sviluppo Economico Claudio Scajola ha spiegato che i primi lavori nel cantieri inizieranno nel 2013 e la produzione di energia elettrica partirà dal 2020.
- il 24 febbraio 2009 il Governo italiano ha siglato con quello francese un accordo di collaborazione industriale on civil nuclear. Is the operational arm of the understanding between Enel SpA and Électricité de France August 3, 2009 that gave birth to the company, "Nuclear Development Srl Italy, with a cost equal to 50% in order to prepare feasibility studies for lacostruzione in Italy at least four third-generation nuclear reactors by 2020.
- On 30 September 2009 the Italian government has also signed a similar agreement with the Obama administration.
Three of these regions (Emilia-Romagna, Puglia and Tuscany) have also made a complaint against the Legislative Decree 15 February 2010, No 31, the constitutional provision on which the courts have not yet been cast.
The government in turn appealed to the Constitutional Court for annulment (as in violation of Title V of the Constitution) of the laws approved by regional altrettamte three regions (Puglia, Basilicata and Campania) to unilaterally prohibit the establishment of plants nuclear Appeal agreed in early November 2010.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
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THE COPPOLA usual debate
The Vatican has declared "undesirable" to the choice made in Stockholm and submitted it as a violation of the ethical values \u200b\u200bof the Catholic Church, among some scientists found that the technology used by Edwards was already commonly used in veterinary medicine.
Under these conditions the controversy, almost nonexistent abroad, we will ignite the Nobel Peace Prize in Edwards is a choice of civilization or an ideological challenge to the Church?
read and see some comments.

The debate is more Italian than international because:
- the Vatican have in the house and on the IVF center has introduced a very restrictive law (see the post on the law 40)
- thousands of couples each year are forced to go abroad, where the procedure is less invasive to the woman and for couples at risk of transmitting genetic diseases to their children provides for controls on the embryo before implantation.
Under these conditions the controversy, almost nonexistent abroad, we will ignite the Nobel Peace Prize in Edwards is a choice of civilization or an ideological challenge to the Church?
read and see some comments.
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La Politica italiana
What do you think the Italian parties on the nuclear issue?
Rifondazione : The response of the party is a dry No to nuclear power because the site http://home. rifondazione.it / xisttest / 20% is highlighted by the fact that nuclear power is an economic issue " return to nuclear power in Italy is a huge deal that will prepare a great feast to which the table sits a lot commensali avidi di denaro e di potere ". Affermano che la promessa dei bassi costi dell'energia dopo l'instaurazione del nucleare è un grande inganno poichè non si considerano i costi provenienti di tutta la filiera che va dall'estrazione dell'uranio fino al suo trasporto.
Italia dei valori: Per questo partito bisogna rispettare la volontà dei cittadini che hanno detto NO al nucleare con il referendum nel 1987. Affermano che non esistono stime ufficiali sull'estrazione annuale di uranio (Data covered by state secrecy), but uranium is destined to run out within 35-40 years. No country in the world has come to a final solution for the storage of nuclear waste, and risks of a nuclear accident increase with the increase of power plants. For 15 years, no Western country (except Finland) has developed on-site new nuclear power plants : The last nuclear reactor built in the nation nuclearized in the world (the U.S.) since 1979. This is for a simple reason: nuclear energy is "anti-economic" costs are very high because of the construction of power plants (20 billion euro).
Partito Democratico: “ No al nucleare e sì all'efficienza e al risparmio energetico ”, queste le parole del segretario Pier Luigi Bersani " Nella nostra posizione non c’è nulla di ideologico. Siamo contrari perché c’è un problema di costi economici troppo alti ed incompatibili con le logiche del mercato libero dell’energia e perché ci sono problemi irrisolti di gestione e di sicurezza per lo smaltimenti delle scorie ". Per riavviare l'economia e la competitività bisogna puntare sul risparmio e sull'efficienza energetica, sulle fonti rinnovabili. All'interno del PD vi è la corrente dei verdi gli "ecologisti democratici" il loro è un NO categotico al nucleare. http://www.partitodemocratico.it/dettaglio/93496/no_al_nucleare_s%C3%AC_allefficienza_e_al_risparmio_energetico.
Il Pd però viene "contraddetto" dal loro stesso parlamentare del Umberto Veronesi, famoso oncologo che ha accepted the position of president of security, he says that "all Italy is aware that nuclear power is inevitable, because in 50 years we have more oil, there will be between 100 and between 150 will end the coal gas: then we will be dry. " The only possible solution, then, is the atom: "Now - Veronesi says - there is nuclear fission, in 20 years there will be the fourth generation that will no longer waste and then in the 70s will come 'fusion. If we love our children and our grandchildren, we must take this path, because they will be around 2120 to live the tragedy of lack of energy. " Umberto Veronesi and 72 other signatories (the nomi che appaiono in calce sono dei maggiori "scienziati" italiani) hanno scritto una lettera aperta al segretario Pierluigi Bersani, chiedendo di riconsiderare la propria posizione nei confronti dell’utilizzo dell’energia nucleare in Italia.
Ecco un esempio di intreccio tra politica e scienza .
Unione di centro : Il partito si è astenuto al voto. Per quanto riguarda la possibilita' di realizzare nuove centrali la posizione del partito sul nucleare e' ben nota, essendo da sempre favorevoli all'utilizzo di tale fonte d'energia, ma and the question 'of such importance that call for a bipartisan agreement, a pact between the majority and the opposition that does not exist'. Without an agreed system and a multi-year plan shared between the different political forces, says the leader of Lazio UDC Francesco Carducci " is likely to make a leap in the dark on an area that also requires large investments. For these reasons we We also abstained on the motion presented by the majority. " http://www.libero-news.it/articolo.jsp?id=538583
People of Freedom: The Berlusconi government was the proponent of the decree that launched the return of nuclear power in Italy. The Minister said that Scajola " n is inescapable on a plan of action for the return to nuclear ", clarifying that it is not statements of principle but of an "s olenne commitment by Berlusconi with confidence that we will honor with conviction and determination. " Only nuclear plants allow to produce energy on a large scale, secure, cost competitive and environmentally friendly, said the minister, thus reaffirming the need to rebuild powers and institutions of the garrison, forming the necessary technical and entrepreneurial sector and providing credible solutions for radioactive waste. The favorable points for the PDL are: the low cost of energy after production from nuclear energy, the increase of jobs, respect for the environment.
League: The League supporters are in favor of nuclear " I have absolutely voted for these policies which provide principles of safety for citizens and the sustainability of the installations "Zaia said, referring to the measure approved Wednesday, February 10 Council of Ministers. Zaia reiterated that the hypothesis could be ruled out of plants in the territory of the region:" In total transparency, we are extremely confident that it should start first by a sense consistency ". Veneto today has a positive energy balance, it produces more energy than they buy. The second finding to note is that the Veneto is a very man-made land, which is defined as the Los Angeles of Europe. And where there are no settlements, there are areas of high environmental value. For this reason, says Zaia " say that we would like to address the issue .
What do you think the Italian parties on the nuclear issue?
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Il Pd però viene "contraddetto" dal loro stesso parlamentare del Umberto Veronesi, famoso oncologo che ha accepted the position of president of security, he says that "all Italy is aware that nuclear power is inevitable, because in 50 years we have more oil, there will be between 100 and between 150 will end the coal gas: then we will be dry. " The only possible solution, then, is the atom: "Now - Veronesi says - there is nuclear fission, in 20 years there will be the fourth generation that will no longer waste and then in the 70s will come 'fusion. If we love our children and our grandchildren, we must take this path, because they will be around 2120 to live the tragedy of lack of energy. " Umberto Veronesi and 72 other signatories (the nomi che appaiono in calce sono dei maggiori "scienziati" italiani) hanno scritto una lettera aperta al segretario Pierluigi Bersani, chiedendo di riconsiderare la propria posizione nei confronti dell’utilizzo dell’energia nucleare in Italia.
Ecco un esempio di intreccio tra politica e scienza .
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010
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Cosa pensano i cittadini italiani?
Survey conducted in 2008
publish another chart that shows the views of European citizens who are asked if nuclear power're ready to be replaced by renewable energy. with this graph we see that the Italian population than the other is more sensitive to the issue.
Survey conducted in 2008
Has anything changed since the 1987 referendum? What they think and What do they know the Italians, the nuclear? polls that were published for the most part limited to answer these questions, trying to mark a clear line between who is and who is pro and cons, how many are here and how many of there, flying the shadows and do not in fact helping to understand the complexity of the picture. It stands, in this view, the research published from the Energy Lab Foundation within its preliminary report on the conditions for the return to energy power programs in Italy, and conducted by GfK Eurisko "State and prospects of public opinion on nuclear power in Italy," because it reveals particularly rich in insights and opinion of Italian nationals involved, and what it means to make information on these topics.
A void to be filled, to evaluate before choosing
The survey, which followed quantitative models and qualitative through focus groups, was conducted between late 2007 and early 2008, and involved 1500 people. First, the search was in fact a photographer: nuclear power is left completely out of our scenario for twenty years, out of any conversation, it was public or private. While the rest of the world, however, accumulated experiences, reflections, surveys, opportunities for conflict and confrontation, on the nuclear issue in our country has fallen silent. Edward Lozzi, research manager, speaks of a power failure, neglect of the collective. Not only are the plants were decommissioned, but the theme itself has been banned from our cultural landscape. A vacuum of information and culture that explains the confusion and difficulty with which respondents answered the questions of interviewers. Italy imports about nuclear power? Italy participates in international research on nuclear energy? Italy's nuclear power plants on its territory and are active? The Italians, mostly do not know that well corresponds to 76% the percentage of Italians interviewed declared that they just informed. More specifically, according to Eurisko, 35% believe that Italy can not produce nuclear energy or if it does or not, 37% considers that Italy has no nuclear energy amounts from abroad or does not know.
Let's look at the specific questions and answers of the survey statistics.
Speaking of nuclear energy, how you feel informed?
Along with this empty space becomes a new availability, practical, not ideological, to reconsider the nuclear option, ie the willingness to form an opinion. "The figure that emerges most clearly is their willingness to assess, investigate how well the nuclear option," reiterates Lozza. Respondents clearly indicated a willingness to assess the opportunity in a framework of cost-benefit analysis. Availability which is justified in the daily lives of Italian citizens in need of a new savings from current part they could not escape: the bills of electricity and gas. In 2005 was 50% of respondents to say to considering the nuclear option to get cheaper bills, in this latest research, this amounts to 66%.
knowledge about the status of nuclear power in Italy
look more data: for 56% of people consulted, the Italian situation from the point of energy is negative. For 77% to improve the situation of Italy requires investment and development of renewable sources, but the second source cited is nuclear power (35%), followed by hydrogen (32%) and oil and gas (11%). It is striking, and perhaps due to the scarcity of information available, the slight gap between the nuclear energy source in use in the rest of the world, and hydrogen, as yet still only a promise for the energy sector, but " source "about which you have created large consensus, even in the media, and high expectations.
"Above all," says Lozza, "Italians do not want the country to lose the train of research in this area." This option is considered far and dequalificante losing to Italy. Italian citizens who declare themselves, with a clear majority (72%), to the participation of the country to international research in the nuclear field, quite favorable, with a slight majority (53%), the production of nuclear energy in Italy, and were against the import of nuclear energy days (45%).
Evaluation of the energy situation in Italy and waited for action
Nuclear power becomes an issue around which to think of evaluation in a global context. A theme around which to form an opinion and define a common feeling, shared. A total mature attitude that is expressed not only in a more proactive, in a desire to exercise choice in the awareness of the need for a collective vision, the definition of a common address and shared.
What are the relations between Italy and nuclear power? Expectations and prefigurations
will obviously have to wonder if the attitude, the mental and psychological disposition is the same even where the plants were and are: bulky, visible. Eurisko research has specifically investigated the views of residents within a radius of 30 km away from the 8 sites where nuclear facilities are closed. "In these areas, we have not found a strong discrepancy with data from the rest of the Italian population, "said Lozzi." The level of awareness is slightly higher, but there is no opposition in principle stronger than elsewhere. "
perceived benefits from the production of nuclear energy
Propensione alla produzione di energia nucleare in Italia a fronte di un vantaggio economico
Dati e riflessioni interessanti che lo diventano ancora di più alla luce di altre recenti notizie. Il 24 novembre si è costituito a Roma un nuovo movimento antinuclearista che intende dare battaglia per evitare che "prenda piede l'istanza scellerata per il futuro del Paese di una riapertura al nucleare". Del comitato fanno parte personaggi come Dario Fo, Moni Ovaia, Paolo Cento, Marcello Cini e Margherita Hack.Sembrano qui riproporsi i toni di vent'anni fa, e nel buco nero informativo in cui vengono a inserirsi è difficile immaginare che la discussione resti pacata, basata su dati scientifici.
Costruzione di una visione condivisa in Italia sulla questioni di base: orientamenti
Moreover, the authors of the survey, asking how it is appropriate to make information on the subject warn scientific information in this case can not simply be poured, the scientist moved to the city, is to reconfigure the scientific data. Moreover, it is known che in un ambito che evoca scenari delicati come il nucleare, il ruolo dell'informazione è modesto, può modulare orientamenti e disposizioni già presenti negli individui più che portare a cambiare opinione. Se mettiamo insieme tutti questi elementi - le difficoltà connaturate a un discorso pubblico sul nucleare, la rimozione e l'assenza di esperienze sul tema da vent'anni in Italia, il rimettersi in moto di movimenti ideologici che si ricollegano direttamente alle battaglie degli anni Ottanta, e le prese di posizione di un Governo che pare volersi muovere in maniera autoritaria, senza troppa considerazione di un faticoso, quanto necessario, processo di condivisione e partecipazione delle scelte - sembra difficile immaginare che i cittadini italiani may be able to get what they want to show in this study: a calm and thorough comparison by which to make rational and pragmatic choices for themselves and for the country.
publish another chart that shows the views of European citizens who are asked if nuclear power're ready to be replaced by renewable energy. with this graph we see that the Italian population than the other is more sensitive to the issue.
Nike Half Black And White Shoes
December 10: the prizes for the 2010 Nobel
Assente l'ottantacinquenne Robert Edwards, nobel per la medicina, bloccato per una malattia: ritira il premio la moglie Ruth.
Svezia, consegnati a Stoccolma i premi Nobel per il 2010
Assente l'ottantacinquenne Robert Edwards, nobel per la medicina, bloccato per una malattia: ritira il premio la moglie Ruth.
Svezia, consegnati a Stoccolma i premi Nobel per il 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Gli scienziati cosa pensano del nucleare?
Per risolvere il problema dell'energia, secondo il premio Nobel Carlo Rubbia, bisogna rivoluzionare completamente la rotta. "In che modo? Tagliando il nodo gordiano e iniziando a guardare in una direzione diversa. Perché da un lato, con i combustibili fossili, abbiamo i problemi ambientali che minacciano di farci gran brutti scherzi. E dall'altro, se guardiamo al nucleare, ci accorgiamo che siamo di fronte alle stesse difficoltà irrisolte di un quarto di secolo fa. La strada promettente è piuttosto il solare, che sta crescendo al ritmo del 40% ogni anno nel mondo e dimostra di saper superare gli ostacoli tecnici che gli capitano davanti. Ovviamente non parlo dell'Italia. I paesi in cui si concentrano i progressi sono altri: Spagna, Cile, Messico, Cina, India Germania. Stati Uniti".
Scientists in favor of nuclear
Interview Punch
Scientists against nuclear
The scientific world does not was still expressed in an organized on a no return to nuclear power in Italy advocated by the government, and now, seems to materialize the new opening and reopening of central Italy, 24 scientists have decided to write up an open letter to candidates Government of the Italian regions. It should be noted, as no candidate, not even the same ruling party, has expressed himself clearly in favor of the atom, with the exception of Roberto Cota, a sign that the ground is slippery and obviously still risk of losing votes. The appeal
"Why Italy should not return to nuclear power but must develop renewable energies," bears the signature 24 of Italian scientists and on the web have already added thousands of signatures of other academics and researchers, as well as those of the citizens and towns, collected separately. To sum up the appeal explains why a return to nuclear power would be losing by choosing ecologically and economically. According to scientists, the correct Italian energy policy should be based primarily on reducing fuel consumption and then on the development of other renewable energies, the costs of which are destined to fall in the future, unlike nuclear, if already expensive today, can only increase in time, to fear that "the construction of power plants, if it ever will, be very probably suspended because in ten years, the nuclear will no longer be economically viable. "
further noted scholars such as investment in renewable energy and will benefit immediately, while the nuclear program, to hope, start to produce energy in ten or fifteen years.
The letter goes on to show how the cost-benefit ratio is in favor of renewable energy without any doubts whatsoever.
Here are the key points against the nuclear
the need for substantial public funding necessary to turn to the Italian nuclear
problems di insicurezza della filiera tecnologica, definiti dagli studiosi “intrinseci” al nucleare stesso
la difficoltà di localizzare siti per lo smaltimento delle sostanze radioattive
scarsità di combustibili nucleari
aumento delle disuguaglianze tra paesi tecnologicamente avanzati e paesi poveri
i siti nucleari potrebbero rappresentare un facile bersaglio terroristico: il nucleare civile sarebbe dunque condannato a diventare nuclear weapons, with a large input of resources and armed forces
nuclear power is not an answer to the problem of energy supply, and will not solve the current crisis
"Why Italy should not return to nuclear power but must develop renewable energies," bears the signature 24 of Italian scientists and on the web have already added thousands of signatures of other academics and researchers, as well as those of the citizens and towns, collected separately. To sum up the appeal explains why a return to nuclear power would be losing by choosing ecologically and economically. According to scientists, the correct Italian energy policy should be based primarily on reducing fuel consumption and then on the development of other renewable energies, the costs of which are destined to fall in the future, unlike nuclear, if already expensive today, can only increase in time, to fear that "the construction of power plants, if it ever will, be very probably suspended because in ten years, the nuclear will no longer be economically viable. "
further noted scholars such as investment in renewable energy and will benefit immediately, while the nuclear program, to hope, start to produce energy in ten or fifteen years.
The letter goes on to show how the cost-benefit ratio is in favor of renewable energy without any doubts whatsoever.
Here are the key points against the nuclear
now reports the appeal
Why Italy should not return to nuclear power but must develop renewable energy
Open Letter to the candidates for Governor in regional elections
We are a group of professors and researchers from universities and research centers. By virtue of knowledge gained from our studies and daily consultations with the international scientific literature, we have long felt the need to express our opinion on the energy problem with the appeal listed on the site: http://www.energiaperilfuturo. com / . Since the regions are directly involved in choices of energy policy, on the occasion of the upcoming election we want to explain to you, government candidates, the reasons why we believe that the return of Italy to nuclear power is a strategic choice wrong and every effort should instead be concentrated development of renewable energy.
Proper energy policy should be based primarily on the reduction of consumption by eliminating waste and increasing energy efficiency, then the development of solar and other renewable energy. The Italian regions can and should play an important role, not least because the European Directive 28/2009 obliges Italy, 2020, to reduce consumption, reduce CO2 emissions and to cover 17% of final consumption with renewable energy. It 'a virtuous circle in which there is no room for nuclear energy.
While the costs of renewable energy will certainly go down in the next 10 years, the costs of nuclear power by their nature are not well defined and set to increase, so that probably the construction of power plants, if it ever will, most likely will be suspended for ten years, nuclear is no longer economically viable.
In many European countries, led by Germany, is undergoing a quiet revolution based on a chain that starts from research in universities, government agencies and companies and extends to the production of materials, testing of equipment on large scale and widespread installation of domestic appliances. The idea of \u200b\u200ba substantial reduction in CO2 emissions and energy independence is strong in those countries, leaving dalla dimensione del sogno utopico e entrando in quella di un concreto fattore di sviluppo che traina l’economia e produce posti di lavoro. L’enorme ulteriore vantaggio di una scelta in favore delle energie rinnovabili sta nel fatto che un euro di investimento oggi può cominciare a produrre energia e a contribuire all’indipendenza energetica in pochi mesi. Nel caso del nucleare, invece gli enormi investimenti di oggi porteranno a produrre nuova energia nel migliore dei casi tra dieci o quindici anni.
Una politica rivolta allo sfruttamento delle potenzialità del solare e delle altre fonti rinnovabili e alla riduzione razionale dei consumi sarà un motore importante per una nuova fase di sviluppo nel nostro paese.
Proper energy policy should be based primarily on the reduction of consumption by eliminating waste and increasing energy efficiency, then the development of solar and other renewable energy. The Italian regions can and should play an important role, not least because the European Directive 28/2009 obliges Italy, 2020, to reduce consumption, reduce CO2 emissions and to cover 17% of final consumption with renewable energy. It 'a virtuous circle in which there is no room for nuclear energy.
While the costs of renewable energy will certainly go down in the next 10 years, the costs of nuclear power by their nature are not well defined and set to increase, so that probably the construction of power plants, if it ever will, most likely will be suspended for ten years, nuclear is no longer economically viable.
In many European countries, led by Germany, is undergoing a quiet revolution based on a chain that starts from research in universities, government agencies and companies and extends to the production of materials, testing of equipment on large scale and widespread installation of domestic appliances. The idea of \u200b\u200ba substantial reduction in CO2 emissions and energy independence is strong in those countries, leaving dalla dimensione del sogno utopico e entrando in quella di un concreto fattore di sviluppo che traina l’economia e produce posti di lavoro. L’enorme ulteriore vantaggio di una scelta in favore delle energie rinnovabili sta nel fatto che un euro di investimento oggi può cominciare a produrre energia e a contribuire all’indipendenza energetica in pochi mesi. Nel caso del nucleare, invece gli enormi investimenti di oggi porteranno a produrre nuova energia nel migliore dei casi tra dieci o quindici anni.
Una politica rivolta allo sfruttamento delle potenzialità del solare e delle altre fonti rinnovabili e alla riduzione razionale dei consumi sarà un motore importante per una nuova fase di sviluppo nel nostro paese.
Il Comitato energiaperilfuturo.it
Intervista a Repubblica
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Foto Carlo Rubbia |
La vena di amarezza che ha nella voce Carlo Rubbia quando parla dell'Italia non è random. Studies of physics at CERN in Geneva and consulting assignments in the energy sector in Spain, Germany, at the United Nations and European Community have moved away from our country
What do you think of the return to nuclear power in Italy?
"We know where to build the plants? How to dispose of the waste? We are aware that to achieve a central need at least ten years? We realize that four or eight plants are like a swallow in the spring and do not solve the problem, such as France goes ahead with more than fifty plants, and what the French themselves are reviewing their programs on the EPR plant technology, so you prefer to refurbish old reactors rather than building new ones? If there is no answer to these questions, it becomes hard to even discuss the nuclear Italian ".
You are the father of solar power systems thermodynamics. Priolo A, near Syracuse, c ' is the first facility in the making. This is not good news?
"Yes, but let's not forget that the technology developed when I was driving Enea, in Priolo will be able to produce 4 megawatts of power, while Spain has plants under construction to 14 thousand megawatts and has proved able to start a big solar power plant in 18 months. All this while we spend the time to suggest that nuclear reactors will need a decade of work. Of advances in solar is moving them even the American administration, along with the nations of Latin America, Asia, Israel and many Arab countries. The only question now is not whether solar energy will grow, but if you win the race will be Chinese or American. "
Even for solar no shortage of problems. ... Just come a cloud
" Not with the CSP, which is capable of accumulating energy collected durante le ore di sole. La soluzione di sali fusi utilizzata al posto della semplice acqua riesce infatti a raggiungere i 600 gradi e il calore viene rilasciato durante le ore di buio o di nuvole. In fondo, il successo dell'idroelettrico come unica vera fonte rinnovabile è dovuto al fatto che una diga ci permette di ammassare l'energia e regolarne il suo rilascio. Anche gli impianti solari termodinamici - a differenza di pale eoliche e pannelli fotovoltaici - sono in grado di risolvere il problema dell'accumulo".
La costruzione di grandi centrali solari nel deserto ha un futuro?
"Certo, i tedeschi hanno già iniziato a investire grandi capitali nel progetto Desertec. La difficoltà è che per muovere le turbine è necessaria molta acqua. Perfino le centrali nucleari in Europa durante l'estate hanno problemi. E nei paesi desertici reperire acqua a sufficienza è davvero un problema. Ecco perché in Spagna stiamo sviluppando nuovi impianti solari che funzionano come i motori a reazione degli aerei: riscaldando aria compressa. I jet sono ormai macchine affidabili e semplici da costruire. Così diventeranno anche le centrali solari del futuro, se ci sarà la volontà politica di farlo".
Intervento di Carlo Rubbia ad Annozero:
"Dobbiamo tener realize that nuclear power is an activity that can only be done in very long time. We know that to build a nuclear power plant takes about five or six years, including ten in Italy. The bank that gives 4 to 5 billion euros to create successful, if all goes well, to repay their investment in approximately 40 to 50 years. "
" There is a second problem: an error that often people perform. It is believed that nuclear energy can reduce energy costs. This is not true: a recent study has shown, for example, that the costs of nuclear power in Switzerland will continue to increase.
costs for nuclear vary greatly from country to country : Germany has a price of about two and a half times more than the French. This is due to the fact that nuclear power in France was financed for years by the State, then by the citizens. Even today, the 30,000 people who work for the French nuclear are paid through massive state investment. The increase in the number of nuclear power in the world in recent years has caused also a significant increase in the cost of uranium, which is unlikely to come back down. Nuclear power is therefore very expensive, even in the long run. "
" I really think that if we were to adopt nuclear power in Italy we could do it, but we should organize outline procedures to support this initiative . The amount of energy required is comparable to the French from Italy. Therefore if we wanted to produce 30% of electricity with nuclear power, as happens in Spain, Germany and England, there would need 15 to 20 nuclear power plants. In practice, one for the region.
Each of these plants will produce a certain amount of slag, a very serious problem. In America the issue is topical. Both Obama and Clinton have made clear that Yukke Mountain - the largest deposit of waste in the U.S. - should be eliminated to find a site more suitable for the storage of radioactive waste. The solution to isolate them and bury them in fact is not as effective as one would like. "
" I wonder then: if you can not solve the problem of building an incinerator to be able to burn garbage, as we can arrange these large quantities of nuclear waste that nobody in the world knows yet disposed of?
In reality, the answer was technically to retrieve the waste and make them harmless. I had a wonderful program to implement this technology to burn the dross of matter with accelerators. The program has been rejected and not funded by Italy, much to push me to emigrate to Spain. "
Scientists in favor of nuclear
Led by Umberto Veronesi and Margherita Hack, a seventy scientists and intellectuals close to the PD wrote a letter to party secretary Pierluigi Bersani and asked him not to close our eyes to the issue of nuclear energy, avoiding "careless and anti-scientific attitudes.
" The data you are clear: we import more 80 percent of primary energy we need, mainly from countries geopolitically problematic. Produce electricity for 70 percent fossil fuel. About 15 to import from abroad and mainly of nuclear origin. If it does not matter to our dependence on fossil fuels (gas and coal in the first place) would rise more than 80 percent. With renewables, if we exclude hydro, historical heritage of our country, but almost does not increase, we produce about 6 per cent. Solar energy for which they have invested about 4 billion so far, well rewarded by generous incentives granted to date by the Italian electricity system, contribute to our electricity needs of 0.2 percent. "
The letter, also published in part on the Corriere della Sera not asked to consider nuclear power as the ultimate solution to all energy problems, but as a way of combating emissions of CO2, while those renewable energy sources are able to give us all the sustenance we need. Then he attacks the attitude of the Democratic Party on this issue.
" It is incomprehensible, however, the sbrigatività and carelessness with which, often by members of the Democratic Party, discusses topics that deserve discussion and informed with facts. We in the country heard of "phosphorescent farms" and other falsehoods of this kind, which clash with the spirit of common sense and rational, serious approach to the problem. Just across the border and visit French nuclear power plants close to the chateaux of the Loire valley or those in Switzerland to understand the enormity of such statements. Or with regard to the costs of the nuclear program: incomprehensible without a complete discussion of all the reference data (generation costs of kWh, cost of fuel, plant life, etc.) and without regard to the costs of alternative Upon surrender its nuclear program. Not to mention the issue of security aims to silence the track record of safety of nuclear installations that is unmatched by that of any other energy supply chain. "
The group concludes by stating that the disappearance of open and progressive spirit that once made it possible to to be the center point of reference for scientists and intellectuals looking for discussion and debate.
Umberto Veronesi"Dear Secretary, avoid the risk of PD to take root in an anti-scientific spirit, an attitude that would isolate the elitist and snobbish 'Italy, not only in this field, the boundaries of innovation. Large areas of scientific and technical intelligentsia, that once looked to the center as the most open and modern Italy, do not understand us more and look elsewhere. We ask that you acknowledge that nuclear power is neither left nor right, and that, indeed, the world leader in many of the governments of left and progressive link it to develop an economic system and way of life and society of echo -compatible: Brazil with Lula, the U.S. with Obama, Hatoyama, Japan, Great Britain with Brown. We ask that you ensure that national and local offices of the Democratic Party, the press, the headquarters of external reflection allowing an open and pragmatic. You will feel unnatural and incomprehensible any closure prior to a matter that affects the strategic choices energy policy, technological innovation and industrial development so critical and so long-term impact for our country. "
Interview Punch
Photo by Umberto Veronesi |
In our country could be implemented "from 4 to 8 nuclear plants and no region, not even the Lombardy and 'excluded from the choice of sites.
"I was just appointed head of the authority ' nuclear safety, but the confirmation of the appointment must come from Parliament, then there will be the basis to proceed expeditiously. "
"The waste problem relating to health does not exist," Veronesi said again, adding that "I could sleep very safe even if I had the dross in my bedroom. The first objective of the Agency and 'safety and waste are not a problem. " Veronesi has finally added that part of the slag may also be sent to Spain.
"I could sleep peacefully at home with the radioactive waste."
Umberto Veronesi, the future president of the for safety at nuclear power (the final vote of the Commission meeting and Environment activities and production was delayed until today, ed) resolutely denies that radioactive waste can pose a hazard to health.
"The waste is not a health problem, it is a small amount of radioactive material which is enclosed by four blocks of lead, which is glazed." So "do not take radiation, I could sleep in a room with nuclear waste and not emerge even a small amount of radiation"
phrases designed to create controversy. Veronesi recognizes that the storage of waste can be problematic, but only "with time "and in any case" in Italy there are very few. " And he wants to look at what happens in other European countries, particularly Spain, Sweden and France. "In Spain they made a call to ask what the common wish to have the waste and there is a race for them because several cities have understood that those making the sacrifice, who takes this commitment has a host of benefits such that common
that will have a lot of pressure. "
that will have a lot of pressure. "
Nuclear power plants. How many?
"Nuclear power is not a choice - Veronesi attacks - is a necessity so I'm sure we could put our plans in place for four or even eight nuclear power stations. "
And mostly where? 'All Regions may be eligible to host a central'. And as we remember that in Milan a few miles from Lombardy, Switzerland, there are already five stations and "the news release yesterday that they are doing three more, then a total of eight power plants close to our doors to a wider population small Lombardy '.
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