Responds Francis Borzaga president of the Trentino Alto Adige WWF
semi-structured interview conducted via e-mail dated 10/12/2008

Q: What is your role to ' internal matter of the bear in Trentino?
R: The WWF has been very busy at the time the bear in Trentino. Section WWF Trentino AA was founded in 1968 as the first independent section in Italy, just for the survival of the plantigrade on our mountains. The WWF has conducted much research on the topic over the years, has held conferences and organized several publications. The Association currently follows this argument in terms of "Alpine Ecoregion". Last May, he organized an international conference in Prato allo Stelvio (BZ). The theme of "bear" is constantly and actively followed by our experts of the Working Party Animals. "
Q: Do you support or oppose the reintroduction of the OAS in Trentino?
R : WWF supports the reintegration. The bear is an irreplaceable component of the fauna of the Trentino region in which it was continuously present.
Q: Do you think public opinion is stronger than the image of the bear is killed (victim) or the bear that eats sheep? ("Executioner")
R :E' più forte l'immagine dell'orso come "vittima", dato l'alto valore dell'animale. Da un altro punto di vista nelle cronache inevitabilmente l'orso appare più frequentemente come divoratore di pecore. Sarebbe molto utile al riguardo l'appoggio costante della stampa.
D:Sapete esattamente quanti e dove sono gli orsi in questo momento?
R :Gli orsi sono seguiti regolarmente e la loro localizzazione è nota. Esiste una squadra provinciale di esperti.
D:Visti gli avvenimenti accaduti in passato (maltrattamenti, uccisioni...) trovate che il progetto Life Ursus sia un progetto riuscito o piuttosto da rivedere?
R : The Life Ursus project aims to create a viable population in the Alps. Until now there has been a discreet increase of animals and a good reproductive success. To date the project has been successful.
Q: How do you think has an impact on the tourist attraction of having the brown bear in our region?
R: Probably the image of the bear in the Trentino from the tourism point of view has had a positive but not outstanding.
Responds Giusi Ferrari animal welfare groups.
semi-structured interview conducted via e-mail on 10/12/2008

Q: Can you give us a small summary of the objectives and also the size of the group that represents?
R: Animal aims to disseminate culturally animal rights philosophy. Philosophy that has been in the early seventies the great turning point in our relationship with the animal world. We believe in human evolution, which necessarily includes the unlimited expansion of our capacity for empathy. And we are the example of the possibility of a life that can not undermine the freedom of self-determination of otherness animal. We firmly believe in an Isa that after having opposed Racism and sexism bring humanity to break down the barriers that lead us to discriminate against other species. We believe in peace and freedom between men and between men and animals.
As a group we have independent membership coming from various cultural organizations, which are difficult to quantify, but many and constantly growing.
My animal rights activists began eight years ago as a representative of the Provincial Anti-Vivisection League and is continuing through the site and my work as a journalist.
D: The animal rights group that represents or is otherwise favorable to reintegration of 'brown bears in Trentino. Why?
R :Noi saremmo favorevoli al reinserimento dell’orso in Trentino se il nostro territorio fosse culturalmente pronto alla convivenza con questo animale. Non è stato fatto un lavoro serio di preparazione alla sua accoglienza e il continuo stato di allarme che crea ogni spostamento dell’orso ne è la prova. Il problema di fondo è che a pagarne le conseguenze più gravi sono gli orsi stessi.
D:Che ruolo e che posizione ha avuto Lei e il suo gruppo nel dibattito sorto in relazione al progetto?
R :Animalmente unitamente ad altre associazioni animaliste e ambientaliste è sceso in campo per la prima volta in occasione della cattura di Jurka. Già prima avevamo made of action to reduce the over-reactions and, unfortunately, exaggerated by the press following the movements of bears. Our role was to bring into the debate, the animal point of view. Historically, the animal has shifted the interest from the individual species and the current frontiers of bioethics are making the same pitch. So the project Ursus Life for us is a project made up of individuals with unique characteristics and specific behaviors. Individuals to be included, respected and safeguarded. Personally, I have written several articles and editorials in the newspaper five Trentino dedicated to our positions with respect to the project and the capture of Life Ursus Jurka. Be read at:
in container "by the newspaper Corriere Trentino Alps.
Q: In your opinion, what kind of image have the Trentino on the brown bear. It's a widespread negative view of predator kills etc.. or a positive view prevails about his presence in the area? (Of animals killed in Bavaria, a victim of the wickedness of man) ...
R: The problem of the presence of bears has been raised by farmers and beekeepers. Ancient history made defense of its source income from attacks by predators. The economic loss is, however, stemming as they are under considerable economic damages allocated by the province, not counting the measures that should still be taken to protect flocks from any hives and predation.
The general public is living with concern the death and capture of this animal. When we collected over 20,000 signatures to free Jurka, we were surprised by the amount of people in Val di Non in Cles declined to sign the petition. An elderly couple has even arrived with the tractor. All people who met Jurka, on the front door, on the bike path with its small or in the woods around the homes. No one who met her was attacked and all but I want her back. Because its presence was reported that the disappearance of the equilibrium natural predators had taken us forever.
Q: Do you know the number of plantigrade in the area following the introduction of project?
R: I know that there should be 25 to 28 units, but questioned whether the Forest Service Groff certainly get the latest information.
Q: It is now some time that the project has been started. Consider the project as an 'initiative led and managed a positive or instead be reviewed and disappointing?
R : Several times I have spoken to the press saying that the project has failed. And 'failed because there were casualties among the bears and the time when the bears have become "problematic", a term that only serves to infuse the character of negativity to the specific characteristics of these animals. Bears then continuously monitored through the Radio-. Clearly we would not want to deprive us of their presence, but we wonder why only in the nineties we had several recent examples without native who draws all this attention. They lived in this territory that is increasingly leaving less room for anthropic wilderness. They are especially ski lifts to create problems in this regard. I would point out a beautiful passage of the State Forests and Parks Service and the Museum of Natural History written by the great expert Fabio Osti in 1991: a treatise on brown in Trentino. The bear was the second Osti and actually has never extinguished. In light of this, the project Life Ursus could be a mechanism put in place on the artificial skin of the bear. Why has failed the fundamental principle of the wildlife of a living thing: freedom. We want to free bears and if they can not be free, if you risk being killed as the plan provides for inter-regional or imprisoned for life in a compound, preferring to leave where they are. We have not even been able to draw on the experience with bears Gizzly Canadian naturalist Charlie Russell, host of the latest edition of the Trento Mountain Film Festival.
Q: Do you think that the presence of bear 'may somehow affect, positively or negatively , tourism in the province and surrounding areas?
R: On the Internet you can find an amateur filmatino done by some tourists from the seat of a ski lift resume Jurka and his children who walk in the snow. The animals always attract, but what worries us is the respect for their privacy. Jurka in the enclosure San Romedio has suffered much from exposure that we forced, along with imprisonment, the children of nostalgia and boredom. Trentino spreads an image of pristine land and wild, but in hindsight it is not true. If we want to attract tourists who are those who love strong and free aspects of nature, the presence of the bear will surely stimulate further. And surely we turn the other bears are hosted in San Romedio: a small pit where the bear is removed without sunshine as much dignity.
Q: Are you in contact with other associations, the project is Ursus Life became the subject of discussion of other associations outside the province, nazionali o anche internazionali?
R :Sì, praticamente con tutte le associazioni nazionali e attraverso queste con alcune realtà internazionali
D:Vi sentite rappresentati da qualche gruppo politico? Per esempio i Verdi per il Trentino?
R: Animalmente è un gruppo indipendente. Personalmente invece collaboro con il Consigliere dei Verdi Roberto Bombarda attraverso apporti di natura culturale a quei disegni di legge che riguardano animali e vegetarianesimo.
Risponde Anna Pilati Vicepresidente Movimento Vegetariano No alla Caccia www.
Intervista semi-strutturata created by e-mail on 02/12/2008

R: Our movement has spread throughout the country. Our main goal is to abolish hunting, so we are doing activities for the dissemination of the reality of the hunt and to
people know that is not true what the lobby of hunters and that is that regulates hunting animals. It 's true the other way! As a first goal we want to be allowed to be hunted within private properties (the hunter is the only one who can enter people's property without permission). We are all vegetarians / vegans, we work evenings, principals,
events to spread vegetarianism and all the disastrous consequences of intensive derivatives industry (air pollution, world hunger, enormous waste of water, diseases of civilization and so on. ).
We are also often along with other animal welfare organizations to report all animal abuse. (Vivisection, the fur industry etc. ..)
D: The animal rights group that opposes or is conducive to the reintegration of brown bears in Trentino? Why?
R :Quando è stato iniziato il progetto il nostro movimento non era ancora nato. Alla luce di quanto è accaduto possiamo dire che siamo contrari alla reintroduzione dell’orso in quanto non c’è alcuna
tutela per gli animali.
Da come si sono comportati i politici risulta chiaro che per loro la reintroduzione dell’orso è stata voluta soltanto per un’immagine pubblicitaria del Trentino senza tener conto l’esigenze di questi
D:Che ruolo e che posizione ha avuto Lei e il suo gruppo nel dibattito sorto in relazione al progetto?
R :Noi abbiamo denunciato la violazione dei diritti degli animali. Gli orsi sono una specie protetta in Italy and a reintroduction project must also include some changes to man to create a suitable environment for the bear. For example, it is absurd to afford to go to the mountains on a snowmobile through the winter in areas where there is the bear. Any unusual noise disturbs and causes these animals out of hibernation with the consequences we can foresee.
Q: In your opinion, what kind of image have the Trentino on the brown bear? It 's more a widespread negative view of predator kills or so on a positive view prevails about his presence on the territory (of an animal killed in Bavaria, a victim of the wickedness of man) ...
A: Unfortunately I think many are afraid of the bear from Trentino. You probably carry the DNA of guilt for all the bears killed until the last century. During the campaigns for our FREE Jurka, however, have met many people who have respect for the bear and
are willing to accept its presence.
Q: Do you know the number of plantigrade in the area following the introduction of the project?
R : bears brought from Slovenia it seems to have been only three or four. In total it is estimated there may be about 20 bears.
Q: It is now some time that the project has been started. Consider the project as an initiative led and managed positively or instead be reviewed and disappointing?
R: The initiative is to be reviewed. We have repeatedly stressed that the Life Ursus was more an experiment than a project. give an example: it is well known that bears are great walkers. A project should have anticipated the possibility that some bears move to Switzerland or Austria for which they were taken before the agreements with these countries in order to avoid what ultimately happened with Bruno (killed in Bavaria) and JJ3 (killed in Switzerland) .
Q: Do you think that the presence of bears can somehow affect, positively or negatively on tourism in the province and surrounding areas?
R: Of course it can have a positive effect at the beginning and as I said this was why the politicians who supported the project. (The presence of the bear is associated with a habitat is still intact and pure ....) If we, however, is widespread "psychosis" to bear (as in the case of Jurka) here then that may adversely affect tourism and see if the 'animal is removed just at the beginning of the season and put in a place where the bear is a tourist attraction.
Q: Are you in contact with other associations?, Life Ursus project became the subject of debate outside the province of other associations, national or international?
R: We are in contact with some animal welfare groups Italian LAC, LAV and OIPA and after the story of Jurka and other animal bears an association with one German and Slovenian.
Q: Do you feel represented by any political group? for example green for Trentino?
R: Let's say we have good contacts with political representatives within the green, but we do not feel properly represented.
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