Operatori turistici
Responds Francis Rauza : Rauza owner of Hotel in Malé in Val di Sole
semi-structured interview carried out face to face on 14/12/2008.
Q: Are you in favor or opposed to the reintegration of brown bears in Trentino? Why?
R: am against it because if the bear was left from the past I would have been fine, but since our bears were gone and this is probably because the environment was no longer fit the bear, then it seems almost who wishes to include an animal that can no longer find his environment. Years ago when the bear was not approached the countries, at most it could meet the Hut or Hut Tassulla Nana, but I've never seen low. Our bears would have kept them there, but under the circumstances, it seems absurd to go buy them somewhere.
Q: Do you think the image of the bear is stronger than "bad" you eat the sheep, or bear the "victim" killed in Germany and Switzerland?
R: The strongest image is that of the bear that bit a 'fear of doing it. Now when you go into the woods, just feel something moving ... Not that I'm afraid, because I have not met But I do not think it would be nice trovarselo front. When I go into the woods alone does not have much fear, but when I go there on horseback. The horse has already reported the presence of the bear a couple of times, he backed off because the horse is afraid of the bear, so I fear that I dismounted the horse. Then I do not think the bear attacks, but also when they are riding I am afraid of him.
Q: How much thought has affected the tourist aspect, namely to have the bear in the woods free from Trentino, in the decision to repopulate the area?
R: tourists a second did not affect me. As for me riguarda io non dico ai miei clienti che c’è l’orso e loro non chiedono niente. Insomma io non ne parlo, non vengo mai sull’argomento. Non c’è mai stata occasione di fare un discorso. Ho anche clienti che vanno sul Monte Peller, sulla Malga Clesera, ma dell’orso neanche con loro ne ho mai discusso, perché credo non sia il caso. Casomai credo che se si voleva investire nel turismo si potevano gestire meglio i soldi, ad esempio segnando meglio i sentieri e tenendoli puliti.
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