websites: we first carried out a mapping of the dispute through software Issuecrawler , a tool that allows you to view maps of networks of sites linked together thanks to a keyword (in our case URSUS LIFE), so that a particular website, enters the network only if it is "linked" from at least two other sites that are part of the network. In short, given a keyword, The software gives a map of the most important Web sites linked to them by the keyword (see the map to view the item Issuecrawler).
Having thus viewed the Web sites involved in the project Life Ursus (since 2004 continues as the Group of Research and Conservation of the brown bear - Grice), we used as sources of information for the analysis of the case. Those from which we draw most information are the websites of local authorities who have worked on the project Life Ursus is the site dedicated to the brown of the Autonomous Province of Trento com / , the website of Wildlife Forests and Wildlife Service of the Autonomous Province of Trento , the site of the Adamello Brenta and the site of the Museum Trento Natural Science .
What it seemed to emerge already in this first analysis is the fact that the figure "bear" embraces three different characters: there are a "bear the physical and biological processes" , a "bear political and legislative and "bear social-emotional . These three figures are what we set out in the sociology of Max Weber called tipo ideale . “Esso” dice Weber “è ottenuto mediante l’accentuazione di uno o di alcuni punti di vista” ma “nella sua purezza concettuale questo quadro non può mai essere rintracciato empiricamente nella realtà”. Quindi, il tipo ideale non è “la realtà vera e propria, ma tuttavia serve né più né meno come schema in cui la realtà deve essere sussunta come esempio […] al fine di illustrare determinati elementi significativi del suo contenuto empirico”. (Max Weber, Il metodo delle scienze storico-sociali, 1922) Abbiamo quindi utilizzato questi tre tipi ideali di orso, collegando a ciascuno dei tre gli attori che più ci sembra vedano l’animale sotto quel determinato carattere (per visualizzare lo schema dei tipi ideali vedi alla voce Attori);
riviste e pubblicazioni : il Parco Adamello Brenta, il Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali ed l’Ufficio Faunistico del Servizio Foreste e Fauna della Provincia Autonoma di Trento pubblicano alcune riviste scientifico-divulgative di grande interesse per la nostra analisi, come i numeri speciali della rivista pubblicata dal Parco Adamello Brenta contenenti il Piano Faunistico , redatto ogni anno, che riferisce la messa in opera di tutta una serie di azioni volte alla conservazione e gestione del patrimonio naturale, di cui l’orso bruno fa parte.
Il Museo Tridentino Natural Science published the book "The brown bear in Trentino. Distribution, biology, ecology and protection of the species Fabio Osti. In addition, the Museum publishes online scienZine an electronic journal of popular science in which you can see the article "The man and the bear: two loyal opponents by thousands of years," Francesca Nicolodi. Inside the magazine quarterly by the Society of Natural Sciences Museum of Trento and the Trentino Nature Nature Alpina No 3 / 4 of 2005, it is interesting to see the article by Claudio Groff and David Dalpiaz dedicated to XVI Conferenza Internazionale sull’Orso (International Bear Association – IBA) tenutasi a Riva del Garda nel 2005.
A cura dell’Ufficio Faunistico del Servizio Foreste e Fauna della Provincia Autonoma di Trento dovrebbe uscire a breve il Piano d’Azione Interregionale per la Conservazione dell’Orso Bruno sulle Alpi Centro-Orientali – PACOBACE (consultabile già da ora ai siti web e ), che vede come attori le Province Autonome di Trento e Bolzano, la Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, la Regione Lombardia, la Regione Veneto, l’Istituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica e il Ministero for the Environment, Land and Sea. In addition, each year, the Wildlife Department publishes Bear Report on the management of brown bears in Trentino.
There are also international scientific journals such as Journal Ursus ( ), the official journal of the International Bear Association - IBA.
In Italy, an interesting article titled "One More Chance after termination. The poisoning of the three vultures Sardinia Trentino killing the bear JJ3 reignite the debate about the present and future re-introduction of the strategy of "Anna Meldolesi appeared in the bimonthly magazine of science darwin No 28 years 4.
newspapers: local newspapers such as The the Adige and Trentino reported an unlimited number of articles on the subject, from which we have drawn especially to search for actors, especially local ones, taking part in the dispute. In some cases we are also interested in the issue in national newspapers such as Corriere della Sera , The poster , Republic or monthly or L'Espresso;
conferences: the Wildlife Service of the Province Autonomous Trent Park and the Adamello Brenta organize conferences for the public entitled "Know the Bear" , which aim to raise awareness of the habits and behavior of brown bears and inform the public regarding the management of ' bear in Trentino. A conference was held November 21, 2008 in Baselga del Bondone, in the Province of Trento. This was perhaps the place where it was possible to observe more closely the dispute, namely the difference in points of view supported by his own reasons, reasons given by those who disagreed with the reintroduction of brown bears in Trentino ( as was the majority of those present), with the power of voice. Beyond the purely confrontational, the most recurrent question that the public had the time to understand who has decided for each local citizen free to reintroduce the brown bear in the woods of the mountains, because that was not asked stakeholders if they were in favor or against the recovery. The answer is that a survey conducted by the Institute Doxa was completed in 1997 and one later in 2003. You know, the surveys do not interview all citizens, it contacted only a part, a sample, which must still be representative of the entire population. Leaving aside the statistical survey, the question asked by citizens to local authorities is still of considerable interest who decides? A we tried to answer this question within the related issues (see under Related Topics)
questionnaires: the Adamello Brenta Park, the Wildlife Service of the Autonomous Province of Trento and the Autonomous Province of Trento commissioned to ' Doxa Institute a opinion survey in 1997 and one again in 2003, asking a representative sample of citizens Trentino "If you were to vote in a referendum to decide if it's brown bears may remain in Trentino, do you think they would vote for or against the permanence Bear in Trentino? ". The results show that in 1997 75.4% of respondents would vote for, 16.2% would vote against and 8, 5% abstains / undecided. Six years later, in 2003, a decrease of 2% of responses to issues which remain above the threshold of 70% (73.2%), an increase of 4% of opposites (20.6%) and a decrease of 8 abstentions, 5% to 6.2% (for more information about the survey, please visit his website under Communication: opinion polls).
The question, "Knowing that in the Adamello-Brenta the bear is still alive, what kind of reactions aroused in you?" was placed in another category of players, the tourists, who declared in the fact that 62% percent rise in their interest (for more information about the survey, please visit his website http://www.pnab. / under Studies and Research: Investigations).
Regarding the questionnaires, we then made use of the results already developed by the Doxa. With these we were able to reconstruct some important stages of the journey undertaken by local institutions to approach and understand the views of citizens and tourists from Trentino;
interviews: the interviews we collected allowed us to multiply the points observation, to take account of differing views and to hear as many voices as possible. Since this is a work in six weeks, the possibility of time is that our respondents was limited, so we apologize to those who did not appear in our list of interviewees. If someone wants to interact and to write something about the case, is asked to do so because of the Blog tool allows this kind of interaction through the comments (all interviews are reported under Interviews).
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