Tuesday, December 16, 2008

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"A dispute is a difference of opinion supported his case with each of the opposing parties'
Dictionary of Italian G. Treccani

analysis of disputes allows us to study the company in its most dynamic because it includes all types of actors (human, natural elements, biological elements, industrial products and artistic, economic and political institutions, scientific and technological artifacts, ...). Disputes debates often conflicting and resistant to simplification in controversy, old and new have refused simplifications simplifications have yet to be established and accepted [Andrea Lorenzet, Doctor of Sociology] .
The project aimed at reintegration of the brown bear (Ursus Arctos ) in the territory of the Autonomous Province of Trento, is an example of a dispute that results in a multiplicity of viewpoints, often conflict. The views of the actors, the latter coming from different "worlds" and as carriers of different interests are varied, complex and summarized in a response such as "bear yes" or "bear no ".

Through the analysis of this case we first became aware of the importance of listening to the voices of the opposing parties remain firm on their positions without, the only way you can turn the debate proactively.

Gallizioli Barbara, Elizabeth Tomazzolli, Frank Viola, Stefania Viola: Student of Sociology, University of Trento

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From a purely scientific point of view, the project was considered Life Ursus a success, even if it is considered essential in the long term monitoring articulated in order to reach a valutazioni più precise in merito.
Si evidenzia inoltre l'importante rilievo attribuito alla reintroduzione da parte della comunità scientifica internazionale. Un esempio è dato dal fatto che nel 2005 la XVI Conferenza Internazionale sulla ricerca e sulla gestione delle popolazioni di orso si è tenuta a Riva del Garda, prima sede italiana della conferenza internazionale a cui hanno partecipato circa 400 esperti provenienti da 40 paesi diversi.
La reintroduzione dell' Ursus Arctos nella Provincia Autonoma di Trento è diventata un motivo di scontro da un punto di vista politico e sociale soprattutto a livello provinciale, anche se si segnalano dibattiti accesi anche su un internationally, particularly after the case of killing the bear JJ1 in Munich June 26, 2006.
The words of the President of 'International Bear Association Harry Reynolds, they understand very well what could lead to discontent and confrontation with the people: "The success of such initiatives ( reintroduction of specimens nda ) depends not only on conditions related to the natural habitat, but also the degree of acceptance and the cultural acceptance by the population resident
[. http://www.comune.rivadelgarda.tn.it/bollettino/2005 / atnewsitem.2005-09-28.1825957655 / ]

Scontro Politico a livello provinciale :

La questione relativa alla presenza dell'orso è stata indubbiamente, nelle ultime due legislature (XII e XIII), uno dei temi caldi dell'agenda politica trentina.
L'opposizione di centro destra (in particolare con il partito della Lega Nord, di Forza Italia e Alleanza Nazionale) ha esercitato una costante pressione sulla maggioranza di centro sinistra rappresentata da Lorenzo Dellai, che fino ad ora ha sostenuto attivamente il progetto.
Vediamo le posizioni politiche in dettaglio:

Posizione della Lega Nord al progetto di reintroduzione (vedi anche nella sezione interviste la posizione di Diego Binelli representing the party)

The Northern League considers negative the reintroduction of the animal in the province because its presence gives rise to two problems: problems of maintaining public security and a cylinder engine weight on the provincial budget. The party involved with:
-repeated interogazioni provincial (provincial Question all texts are available on site http://www.consiglio.provincia.tn.it/banche_dati.it.asp )
-event to say bear no "held at the headquarters of the Adamello Brenta Strembo, Saturday, Aug. 30.
-theme often used in campaign to denounce the alleged waste of public money of the center-left coalition represented by Lorenzo Dellai.
-petition in progress.

position of the infant political group Administer the Trentino , represented by Nerio Giovannazzi, a former member of Forza Italy, November 9, 2008 in the provincial presented himself independently, is refusing to support the center-right coalition that presented with Sergio Divina both the center-left coalition, which incorporated as a police leader for the third consecutive Lorenzo Dellai (see section interviews place Nerio Giovannazzi).

Administer the Trentino is not a group against the project re-entry, but rather the manner in which this project was managed for now. Nerio
Giovannazzi, leader of the newborn group, believes that this initiative is now a real "limitation of human freedom" as well as an operating cost too burdensome for the Autonomous Province of Trento. The representative of the party spoke with Nerio Giovannazzi:
-repeated interrogations conducted in both the provincial and in the twelfth and thirteenth term, when he was a member of Forza Italy (website http://www.consiglio.provincia.tn.it / banche_dati.it.asp you can access the texts Question provincial)
-petition with signatures collected around 6000
-poll on the website http://www.neriogiovannazzi.it/
position of the political group of the Greens and Democrats for Trentino the reintroduction project (see also section interviews with the position of the exponent of green Roberto Bombarda)
The political group of the Greens and Democrats of Trentino , part of the center-left coalition, has always been marked by a strong support for the project Life Ursus. According to Robert Bombard, now the only member of the Greens to be successful, since the elections of November 9, 2008 to enter in the Provincial Council, through this initiative may actually have the opportunity to preserve a species that has always been identified with the territory. Therefore, both the XII XIII in the Legislature, the Democrats and the Greens Trentino intervened with: Question
-provincial to understand how to find the bear in captivity and how promuovre restocking
-defense attacks the project moved by some political forces
-promotion of the project and insist on the need for public communication
"diplomatic crisis" internationally

crisis occurs at the time of the killing, by the Bavarian authorities, bear JJ1 in August 2006. The killing of the plantigrade is attributed to the danger of the animal, in which Bavaria had eaten sheep and other animals, but in any case did not attacked the man.
Italian Environment Minister then in office, Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, viewed this event as a clear violation of the European Directive Habitat that highlighted the importance of protecting endangered species, including the bear brown over the Alps, to maintain biodiversity. After the killing
animal Minister intervened demanding explanations from the Federal Environment Minister Josef Pröll, Austrian and German Sigmar Gabriel, and report this to the European Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas. "The Italian government - said Pecoraro - can not firmly draw the attention of the European countries concerned to respect the principles set out in Annex 1 of the Habitats Directive, and the opportunity to reconfirm that, regardless of any protocol for the management of ' bear, it was expected a more pronounced coordination so as to safeguard their lives. Italy can not accept that population control Bear Mountain is via the killing of people "
[ http://www2.minambiente.it/Sito/comunicati/2006/26_06_06_1.asp ]

Mobilization by environmental movements (see also Interviews section)

During commissioning in captivity and the killing of the bear Jurka JJ1 in Bavaria will be several events organized by the environmental movement (see Section approfoditamente Triune ) denouncing the conduct of the authorities.
In particular at the provincial level, Besides being spoken down to the streets and through a series of popular petitions (delivery of 20,000 signatures for the release of Jurka), Anna Pilati as legal motion no hunting seeking initiation of criminal investigations to the Attorney Trent for "Violation of the provision in Article 727, paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code, which prohibits the keeping of animals, in conditions incompatible with their nature and productive of great suffering." information at: http

The discontent of the citizens

I partiti politici che si dichiarano non favorevoli al progetto del reinserimento dell'orso bruno in Trentino ( Lega Nord , An , Amministrare il Trentino ) si considerano portatori di un disagio rilevato tra la gente, in particolare tra gli abitanti delle zone maggiormente interessate alla presenza dell'animale.
Per contrastare le critiche e fornire maggiori informazioni alla popolazione contrariata e spaventata dalla presenza dell'orso sul territorio, tra le altre iniziative la Provincia Autonoma di Trento ha promosso una serie di conferenze aperte al pubblico, ma in particolare rivolte alle categorie potenzialmente danneggiate dalla presenza del plantigrado. Qeste rientrano active in the campaign since 2003 know the brown bear, prepared by Forest Service and Wildlife, in collaboration with the Trento Museum of Natural Science.
Considering that a similar project in France failed precisely the position strongly opposed sheep goats farmers, this type of encounter, added to a number of financial plans for cushioning and preventing damage, might be useful to maintain a direct contact with the territory and respond so quickly to concerns experienced by the citizens.

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Here is a brief summary of why and chronological steps that led to the reintroduction of brown bears in Trentino and the ensuing controversy.
We have tried to present the situation in a simple, although in reality the path is quite complex. For more detailed information we suggest you a punctual explanation of the phases at the site http://www.pnab.it/natura_e_territorio/orso/cronistoria.html

The reintroduction of ' Ursus Arctos Alps Central and Eastern Europe is attributable to the project Life Ursus with which proposed the transfer of some specimens brown bears from Slovenia to the Brenta.
The initiative is made necessary by the real possibility of extinction for this sample over the Alps, that would be a serious detriment to the protection and enhancement of biodiversity. The Ursus Arctos is presumed to be an umbrella species, its presence is, in other words, crucial for the survival of many other useful species in the food chain.
The reasons for the steady decrease in the presence of these animals are attributable to at least three factors are often interrelated:

-The strong man-made and the consequent urbanization of the Alps
-poaching practices strongly disseminated by the second half of the seventeenth century have drastically reduced the number.

- 1992: The EEC decided to intervene with the 'issue of Habitats Directive (n. 43 of 1992) on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora.
In the same year, Professor Schroeder, who supervised the construction of a Plan for Wildlife Park Adamello Brenta, begins to discuss a project which sees the protected area as a place of release of specimens of Ursus Arctos.
- 1996: The Park Adamello Brenta requests and gets access to European funds Life Nature relevant to the implementation of the proposed reintroduction of brown bears in the Natural Park Adamello Brenta. Another utility company is located in the Autonomous Province of Trento (see section funds and compensation ) whose financial contribution is of decisive importance.
The economic intervention of what they call the Trentino province mother, divided public opinion. The case becomes a political tool used repeatedly during the election campaign to denounce the alleged waste of public money center-left administration.
Trentino is considered a territory ideal for the reintroduction of brown bears for several reasons:
-historical presence in the territory of the animal.
-regulatory system of the animal protection and management of indennzzi existing since 70 years of 900 (Provincial Law of 10 August 1978 No 31)-
possibility of using the fundamental scientific coordination of the Adamello-Brenta.

is promoted in the same year a feasibility study coordinated by the National Institute for Wildlife to establish clearly any areas of reintegration of the animal and the real possibilities of survival.

- 1997 : the Habitats Directive is transposed and implemented in Italy in 2002 with a significant delay.
begins a complex task of gathering information and opinions among the population. It commissioned a study in this regard the company Doxa polling which will cover all provinces in which the animal is in contact, but excluding from the sample to residents of large urban centers. The publication of the results show that about 70% of the sample is essentially supports the presence of bears.
- 1998: It is concluded that the feasibility study is approved by the National Institute for Wildlife.
- 1999: the Adamello-Brenta is in possession of all permits necessary to begin the reintroduction of the animal. Overall group will be placed on the Brenta nine bears from Slovenia, with a synergistic and collaborative work between the Park and the Forest Service of the Republic of Slovenia. For the first 40 days of the issue, the animals are monitored 24 hours 24 through radio collar, then you will go to a gradual reduction of the monitoring controls at dawn and dusk.
- 2001: The EU grants additional funding for the project Life Ursus.
- 2003 : Viene commissionata un'ulteriore indagine demoscopica alla Doxa per comprendere se, con la reintroduzione dell'animale, l'opinione dei trentini dal 1993 sia cambiata. Il dato, che questa volta includeva anche l'opinione dei residenti a Trento, mostra come ancora una volta sia presente un elevato numero di consensi (con una percentuale sostanzialmente vicina al 70% del campione, dati consultabili al sito http://www.orso.provincia.tn.it/ , alla sezione comunicazione)
- 2004 : Si conclude il progetto Life Ursus e cominca una seconda fase di activity is still ongoing, aimed at monitoring the progressive increase in population and the population of bears.
- 2005: The resonance of the project among the international scientific community is becoming stronger. Riva del Garda, in fact, becomes the first Italian city to host four-day conference of ' the International Bear Association.
- 2006: During the month of August in Bavaria, Jurka JJ1 son of the bear is killed on the orders of the Bavarian federal authorities because it considered dangerous. This evento provoca un "incidente diplomatico" tra Italia e Germania.
L'uccisione di JJ1 assume un forte eco tra l'opinione pubblica, sorgono manifestazioni ambientaliste tra Berlino, Monaco e Trento.
JJ1, soprannominato "Bruno" diventa un simbolo, tanto che Tana Libera Tutti (Centro Sociale con sede a Trento) cambia il suo nome e diventa Centro Sociale Bruno, simbolo di chi ha osato scavalcare i confini per la libertà.
A livello istituzionale questo evento porta alla necessità di capire più dettagliatamente come si intenda portare avanti il progetto e quali parter siano disposti ad ufficializzare il loro appoggio. Una riflessione in questo senso sembra necessaria dato che l'animale is naturally inclined to travel along the Alps and this is in itself the goal of the project. If the event were ricapitare what will happen?
- 2007: The bear Jurka accusasta have caused much damage to crops, herds and dwellings, is put in captivity and sent in the grounds of the Monastery of San Romedio (Prov.Tn). Once again, as occurred following the killing of JJ1, the case raises the reactions for and against public opinion. The bear became a well known character among the people and which all the local newspapers.
It is clear, even after the latter case, the importance of implementing practical work synergistically and formalized in terms istuzionale. To meet this need comes an action plan to safeguard inter dell'Ursus Arctos involving Western Central Plateau and the Alps:
Autonomous Province of Trento, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Regione Veneto, Regione Lombardia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
's intervention required by the document called PACOBACE covers many areas:
-training of qualified and competent communication to the population-
-system damage prevention
-management compensation
- 2008: In the period before the provincial election of November 9, the question of financing the project of rehabilitation dell'Ursus Arctos hear once again among the hot topics of the campaign.


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Map prepared by the Autonomous Province of Trento ( http://www.orso.provincia.tn.it/storia_arco_alpino/distribuzione_tempo/ )

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websites: we first carried out a mapping of the dispute through software Issuecrawler , a tool that allows you to view maps of networks of sites linked together thanks to a keyword (in our case URSUS LIFE), so that a particular website, enters the network only if it is "linked" from at least two other sites that are part of the network. In short, given a keyword, The software gives a map of the most important Web sites linked to them by the keyword (see the map to view the item Issuecrawler).
Having thus viewed the Web sites involved in the project Life Ursus (since 2004 continues as the Group of Research and Conservation of the brown bear - Grice), we used as sources of information for the analysis of the case. Those from which we draw most information are the websites of local authorities who have worked on the project Life Ursus is the site dedicated to the brown of the Autonomous Province of Trento http://www.orso.provincia.tn. com / , the website of Wildlife Forests and Wildlife Service of the Autonomous Province of Trento http://www.fauna.provincia.tn.it/ , the site of the Adamello Brenta http://www.pnab.it/ and the site of the Museum Trento Natural Science http://www.mtsn.tn.it/ .
What it seemed to emerge already in this first analysis is the fact that the figure "bear" embraces three different characters: there are a "bear the physical and biological processes" , a "bear political and legislative and "bear social-emotional . These three figures are what we set out in the sociology of Max Weber called tipo ideale . “Esso” dice Weber “è ottenuto mediante l’accentuazione di uno o di alcuni punti di vista” ma “nella sua purezza concettuale questo quadro non può mai essere rintracciato empiricamente nella realtà”. Quindi, il tipo ideale non è “la realtà vera e propria, ma tuttavia serve né più né meno come schema in cui la realtà deve essere sussunta come esempio […] al fine di illustrare determinati elementi significativi del suo contenuto empirico”. (Max Weber, Il metodo delle scienze storico-sociali, 1922) Abbiamo quindi utilizzato questi tre tipi ideali di orso, collegando a ciascuno dei tre gli attori che più ci sembra vedano l’animale sotto quel determinato carattere (per visualizzare lo schema dei tipi ideali vedi alla voce Attori);

riviste e pubblicazioni : il Parco Adamello Brenta, il Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali ed l’Ufficio Faunistico del Servizio Foreste e Fauna della Provincia Autonoma di Trento pubblicano alcune riviste scientifico-divulgative di grande interesse per la nostra analisi, come i numeri speciali della rivista pubblicata dal Parco Adamello Brenta contenenti il Piano Faunistico , redatto ogni anno, che riferisce la messa in opera di tutta una serie di azioni volte alla conservazione e gestione del patrimonio naturale, di cui l’orso bruno fa parte.
Il Museo Tridentino Natural Science published the book "The brown bear in Trentino. Distribution, biology, ecology and protection of the species Fabio Osti. In addition, the Museum publishes online scienZine an electronic journal of popular science in which you can see the article "The man and the bear: two loyal opponents by thousands of years," Francesca Nicolodi. Inside the magazine quarterly by the Society of Natural Sciences Museum of Trento and the Trentino Nature Nature Alpina No 3 / 4 of 2005, it is interesting to see the article by Claudio Groff and David Dalpiaz dedicated to XVI Conferenza Internazionale sull’Orso (International Bear Association – IBA) tenutasi a Riva del Garda nel 2005.
A cura dell’Ufficio Faunistico del Servizio Foreste e Fauna della Provincia Autonoma di Trento dovrebbe uscire a breve il Piano d’Azione Interregionale per la Conservazione dell’Orso Bruno sulle Alpi Centro-Orientali – PACOBACE (consultabile già da ora ai siti web http://www.orso.provincia.tn.it/ e http://www.minambiente.it/ ), che vede come attori le Province Autonome di Trento e Bolzano, la Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, la Regione Lombardia, la Regione Veneto, l’Istituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica e il Ministero for the Environment, Land and Sea. In addition, each year, the Wildlife Department publishes Bear Report on the management of brown bears in Trentino.
There are also international scientific journals such as Journal Ursus ( http://www.ursusjournal.com/ ), the official journal of the International Bear Association - IBA.
In Italy, an interesting article titled "One More Chance after termination. The poisoning of the three vultures Sardinia Trentino killing the bear JJ3 reignite the debate about the present and future re-introduction of the strategy of "Anna Meldolesi appeared in the bimonthly magazine of science darwin No 28 years 4.

newspapers: local newspapers such as The the Adige and Trentino reported an unlimited number of articles on the subject, from which we have drawn especially to search for actors, especially local ones, taking part in the dispute. In some cases we are also interested in the issue in national newspapers such as Corriere della Sera , The poster , Republic or monthly or L'Espresso;

conferences: the Wildlife Service of the Province Autonomous Trent Park and the Adamello Brenta organize conferences for the public entitled "Know the Bear" , which aim to raise awareness of the habits and behavior of brown bears and inform the public regarding the management of ' bear in Trentino. A conference was held November 21, 2008 in Baselga del Bondone, in the Province of Trento. This was perhaps the place where it was possible to observe more closely the dispute, namely the difference in points of view supported by his own reasons, reasons given by those who disagreed with the reintroduction of brown bears in Trentino ( as was the majority of those present), with the power of voice. Beyond the purely confrontational, the most recurrent question that the public had the time to understand who has decided for each local citizen free to reintroduce the brown bear in the woods of the mountains, because that was not asked stakeholders if they were in favor or against the recovery. The answer is that a survey conducted by the Institute Doxa was completed in 1997 and one later in 2003. You know, the surveys do not interview all citizens, it contacted only a part, a sample, which must still be representative of the entire population. Leaving aside the statistical survey, the question asked by citizens to local authorities is still of considerable interest who decides? A we tried to answer this question within the related issues (see under Related Topics)

questionnaires: the Adamello Brenta Park, the Wildlife Service of the Autonomous Province of Trento and the Autonomous Province of Trento commissioned to ' Doxa Institute a opinion survey in 1997 and one again in 2003, asking a representative sample of citizens Trentino "If you were to vote in a referendum to decide if it's brown bears may remain in Trentino, do you think they would vote for or against the permanence Bear in Trentino? ". The results show that in 1997 75.4% of respondents would vote for, 16.2% would vote against and 8, 5% abstains / undecided. Six years later, in 2003, a decrease of 2% of responses to issues which remain above the threshold of 70% (73.2%), an increase of 4% of opposites (20.6%) and a decrease of 8 abstentions, 5% to 6.2% (for more information about the survey, please visit his website http://www.orso.provincia.tn.it/ under Communication: opinion polls).
The question, "Knowing that in the Adamello-Brenta the bear is still alive, what kind of reactions aroused in you?" was placed in another category of players, the tourists, who declared in the fact that 62% percent rise in their interest (for more information about the survey, please visit his website http://www.pnab. tn.it / under Studies and Research: Investigations).
Regarding the questionnaires, we then made use of the results already developed by the Doxa. With these we were able to reconstruct some important stages of the journey undertaken by local institutions to approach and understand the views of citizens and tourists from Trentino;

interviews: the interviews we collected allowed us to multiply the points observation, to take account of differing views and to hear as many voices as possible. Since this is a work in six weeks, the possibility of time is that our respondents was limited, so we apologize to those who did not appear in our list of interviewees. If someone wants to interact and to write something about the case, is asked to do so because of the Blog tool allows this kind of interaction through the comments (all interviews are reported under Interviews).

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To create this pattern, we used the three ideal types of bear: physical-biological bear, bear bear social and political-legal, emotional, connecting each of the three actors who seems more see the animal on that particular character.

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Return of natural species or reintroduction?

One of the questions related to the issue of reintroduction of endangered species in the territory is that of the two possible solutions: a return to natural or reintroduction of the species. According scientists involved in the recovery of the brown bear in Trentino, the possibility that you had a natural return of the species were almost non-existent.

David Dalpiaz Tridentine Museum of Natural History argues that: "As for reintroductions / spontaneous recolonization of these latter are of course always preferable, since it is more accepted by the public and does not entail costs. This is why the region of Friuli, there china ursi Slovenian population and regularly affected by "trespassing" does not provide for the time introductions specimens moved. The spontaneous colonization, however, is a slow process, can pass from one to several tens of years to come when the first pioneers to young males than females when they arrive and even then there may be reproductions. The western Trentino then, is almost sealed "from the Val d'Adige, anthropogenic barriers that only rarely crosses the bear. The idea that the remaining population could save awaiting the arrival of bears from the east was therefore completely impossible. What's even more specimens that Slovenia's move in Friuli will be lower than a decade ago, because they were allowed a lot more killing in the north of Slovenia. "

the same opinion is Philip Zibordi the Adamello Brenta: "We opted for a re-entry: the local population of bears had to be considered biologically extinct."

The choice of re-entry but not always carries good results, as reported by two scholars, Joern Fischer and David Lindenmayer , in an article published in the journal Biological Conservation in 2000 entitled "An Assessment of the Published Results of Animal Relocation." They have a number of cases re-entry, the authors show how restorations over time can not always give satisfactory results. In fact, about 100 examples of re-entry, only 26% had positive results, 27% fall gone and the remaining 47% had uncertain results.

Tourism and Environment

Map Issuecrawler sites, through which we analyzed The most important websites related to the project Life Ursus, placed at the center as a site more "linked" http://www.trentino.to/ , a site that deals with travel and accommodation in Trentino. In short, a tourist site. It follows then that the proposed rehabilitation of the brown bear has something to do with the tourist aspect, in this case the environment of the web, as we have documented in other parts of the blog with video and advertising. It is then the case of trying to understand how sociology confronts the concept of tourism and what type of tourism can bring with it the choice of a reintroduction of endangered species like the brown bear. To get started, tourism in contemporary society is especially a means of knowledge, that are most important to major means of mass communication. Tourism is therefore a way to learn, judge and do just what you find. Here, therefore, that the phenomenon is no longer just a value play, but also the discovery of tangible and intangible things that are part of local culture. Clearly, because it creates an exchange relationship, there must be a willingness of comparison between the two parties, ie between those who benefits from the discovery site and proponents as their cultural heritage. While the brown bear is part of the cultural background of a population, its replacement can be seen as an element of recovery and rediscovery of the local culture . In fact, the awareness local communities of their natural environment, understood as a set of elements linked to their cultural tradition, has in recent years led to a revaluation of all that for a long time did not seem to affect the tourists and, therefore, not even part of the population Local tourism-related economic activity. Thus, in recent years, it comes to tourism alternative definition by which it is hoped that tourism will evolve in terms of quality to a more critical consumer of the product vacation, a tourist who becomes aware of the limits of available resources. Often in places where the phenomenon of tourism has had a significant influence on the lives of local culture of that went over time forgetting. It has lost sight of that set of traditions and customs characteristic of everyday life. The way of life has changed, adapting to the needs of the tourism phenomenon in progress, needs that often led to the construction of infrastructure oblivious respect scenic and historic site. The so-called alternative tourism refers, on the contrary, for a tourist development that pays attention to human and natural landscape in which it is immersed.

Who decides? Community legislation, national and local

Berne Convention of 1979 or the Convention for the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats in Europe. The aims of the Convention are the conservation of flora and fauna and their habitats spontaneous and to promote cooperation between States; monitor endangered species and vulnerable to provide assistance on legal and scientific issues.

Article 1 of the Berne Convention for the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats in Europe (Signed September 19, 1979) 1. The purpose of this Convention is to ensure the conservation of flora and fauna and their habitats, including species and habitats whose conservation requires the cooperation of several States, and to promote such cooperation. 2. Particular attention is paid to the species, including migratory birds, endangered and vulnerable.

European Directive : Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC of the Council of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora. In particular, the Directive requires Member States to: monitor the conservation status of brown bear (art. 11), promote research, exchange of information to ensure effective coordination of research carried out in the European Community (Article 18, paragraph 1); encourage cross-border cooperation in the field of research (Article 18, paragraph 2). Based on this directive was set the Natura 2000 , a set Sites that provide habitat and species of Community interest. The project Natura 2000 network and Berne Convention for the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats in Europe operate in parallel.

national laws: in Italy the Habitats Directive has been transposed by the DPR 357/97 (the Regulation implementing Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora). Article 4 of the DPR says the bodies in charge of regulatory and administrative functions related to the implementation of the Habitats Directive are the regions and autonomous provinces. By September 3, 2002 DM the Ministry of the Environment has also issued the "Guidelines for the management of Natura 2000 " . The guidelines leave ample room for maneuver to regional and provincial administrations responsible for implementing specific measures for the sites of the Natura 2000, provided that they comply with the general aims of the Habitats Directive and addresses provided by the document.

Provincial Law : the Autonomous Province of Trento has issued the LP 10/04, which, among other things, identifies measures to adapt legislation to the provincial under national and EU level, with particular reference to the protection of the Natura 2000 network. In paragraph 5 of Article 9 of the LP states that if the areas identified as habitat fall within national parks, conservation measures should be "taken and secured" by the parks themselves "within the instruments planning and programming provided from the LP 18/88 " (" the law establishing the parks). Since the re-entry has been activated within the habitat area of \u200b\u200bthe Adamello Brenta and the latter being wholly within the boundaries of the Autonomous Province of Trento, with regard to the proposed reintroduction of the species Brown Bear (Ursus Life ) be based on the information contained in the Plan of the Park and Wildlife Plan, drawn up annually.

inter-regional Action Plan (PACOBACE) : At this point, since the project aims to a restocking Life Ursus della specie Orso bruno su tutta la Regione Alpina Centro-Orientale, “risulta evidente la necessità di assicurare l’armonizzazione delle politiche di conservazione dell’Orso bruno su scala alpina e quindi il coordinamento degli Enti locali competenti”. Per assolvere a questo compito è stato approvato in data 5 novembre 2008, il Piano d’Azione Interregionale per la Conservazione dell’Orso bruno nelle Alpi Centro-Orientali (PACOBACE) previa attuazione del Protocollo d’intesa tra il Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, l’Istituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica , la Regione Lombardia , the Veneto Region, the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Autonomous Province of Bolzano.

Article 2 and 4 of the approval of the Action Plan for Inter Conservation of brown bears in Central and Eastern Alps (PACOBACE)

Article 2 of the Plan view of the adherence to the Guidelines for the management of large carnivores mentioned in the introduction, it is the reference document for International Agreements with EU countries and extra-and cross-border agreements.

Article 4 The Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, regions and autonomous provinces take care of the implementation of the Plan.

loans and allowances

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The project "Life usus" was not limited to the sphere of physical, biological, but like any scientific process is also the question of the reintroduction of bears in Trentino has affected the social and political.
We have identified three areas in the physical-biological, political and social-emotional actors and issues derived from 'introduction of' animal.

The bear belongs to the category of mammals and, although it is considered a carnivore , only occasionally feeds meat. Since an animal can be easily adapted to locally available resources, in fact, often fall in its power plants, insects and larvae of bees. A male specimen Alpine weighs up to 200 Kg while for females, the weight is just over half of a male bear.
The plantigrade, so called because, as human beings when they walk support the entire sole of the foot on the ground, moving too much territory at night. Usually the pace is "up" while running can reach 45 mph .
are solitary animals, if it excludes the period mating, moving alone, without moving in a pack. During the winter brown bears hibernate, but their sleep is not necessarily continuous, in fact, the bears can get away from their dens for brief moments.
After these early years of reintroduction, which is currently in the territory are about 25 to 30 bears. At the end of the 90 had survived about three to four copies. These animals have a low reproductive rate, but the causes of the decrease in the number of animals in the area are not attributable to natural events, but to the widespread practice of poaching, as well as to 'inexorable process of urbanization.

political and legislative
Documents and agreements to protect and save from extinction a likely 's Ursus Arctos in the Alps:

-Berne Convention September 19, 1979: protection and conservation of wildlife in Europe and its natural habitat.

-Convention on International Trade in Endagered the Wild Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES)

-Convention 03/03/1973 : regulates trade in endangered species.
-EU : Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC of 22.07.1992

coordination between regions

PACOBACE (online text available at http : / / www.orso.provincia.tn.it/ ): Inter-Action Plan for the Conservation of brown bears in the Alps, Central Eastern, conceived in the summer of 2007. Subjects covered in the Action Plan are: the Autonomous Province of Trento

Ministry of National Institute for wildlife
Autonomous Province of Bolzano
Regione Lombardia Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia


local political agenda: often sharp contrast, among the supporters of the project and against. (Lega Nord-Giovannazzi Vs Board Dellai)


Mobilization of environmental movements (see images in the photo ) :

-Saturday, October 13 event Jurka free "Trent

-Berlin event

July 1, 2006-September 2, 2006 Monaco event

survey of the issue in the media

Jurka-Trent becomes the character of the year 2007, according to the survey online the newspaper " Trentino " with 40% of the preferences of 3,200 votes cast

- Trentino: 434 Jurka typing results (December 2004/1novembre2008)
- Trentino: 109 JJ1 typing results (2006 / 2008)
- Trentino: 239 typing results Life Ursus (2004/2008)

Tourist (see also in detail between related topics )

-View mapping of sites of crawlers Issue


Center Social Tana Libera Tutti of Trent decided to rename its center "Bruno." It 'was decided to adopt that name as JJ1, trespassing in Bavaria, the bear became a symbol of freedom and rebellion against the imposed political and institutional boundaries.

International interest and scientific

-IBA (International Conference on Bear Research Management & Riva del Garda 2005 (September 27-October 1)

Realization Doxa opinion survey in 1997, 2003.

In 2007:

- Third Coordination Meeting for the management trans problem bears (Liechtenstein 14 to 16 May 2007)

- Visit of the French delegation in Trento (WWF-FRA and local associations of the Pyrenees) May 11 to 12

2007 - Delegation to breeders, beekeepers and hunters together to learn about the methods used by the PAT for the management of the local bear population with a focus on prevention and damage compensation. (12 to 13 October 2007)

- French delegation composed by government representatives, farmers, hunters mayors and other representatives of other associations from the French Pyrenees (18 and 19 October, 11 and 12 December 2007)

- Meeting held in Bologna INFS between Swiss and scholars to discuss problematic JJ3 bear (bear then killed in Switzerland)

Business (see detail in the photos section Business: the bear as its logo )

- "Jurka fruit that" trade mark registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Trento for berries .

- Cosmetic products dedicated to the bear.
-line food with the bear logo duly registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Trento.
-frequently used as a certificate of environmental quality, as well as a source of tourism promotion for the Autonomous Province of Trento.

Holly Willoughby Disc Necklace







Chicken Stages Images

IL BUSINNES: l'orso come logo

We show you some photos of the events sponsored or produced by using the logo as' brown bear.
leave to you any kind of reflection on the matter.

The team of 'brown bear

An example is also from the video posted on the Blog (advertising section) the spot of the farm CASAMELA in Trentino.

Where In The Body Does Malaria Affect?


media, and especially local ones, have shown since the first reintroductions great attention to the theme of the bear, which appears systematically in the news daily newspapers, radio and television news.
In this section we therefore indicates the results on web catalog of the newspaper "Trentino" ( http://trentinocorrierealpi.repubblica.it/ ) typing Life Ursus.

2008: 49 results (January 2nd, March 2nd, April 13, May 8, June 10, July 2, Aug. 4, Sept. 6, Oct. 2)

2007: 58 results (January 5, February 1, March 2 , April 18, May 1, June 5, July 7, Aug. 4, Sept. 6, Oct. 4, December 5)

2006: 57 results (January 4, March 1, aprile1, May 7, June 16, July 7, August 12, September 2, October 3, novembe 2, 2 December)

2005: 48 results (March 2, April 11, May 7, June 8, July 5, Aug. 8, Sept. 4, Oct. 1, Nov. 1, Dec. 1)

2004: 27 results (January 1, February 2, March 2, April 1, June 4, July 1, Aug. 8, Sept. 1, Oct. 2, Nov. 1, Dec. 2)

Con i seguenti dati abbiamo elaborato un istogramma : sull' asse delle x abbiamo posto gli anni, mentre sulle y, il numero di citazioni del nome del progetto Life Ursus.
E' possibile osservare una rapida espansione del peso dato dal quotidiano Trentino al progetto. Gli anni in cui tale interesse è maggiore sono il 2006/2007

"La Repubblica" catalogo web

3 risultati per Life Ursus 2006 (maggio 1, giugno 1, luglio 1)


2005 a result (August)


a result 2001 (September)


It 's interesting to note that, nationally, the 2006 is the' year in which there has been greater media attention to the project Life Ursus. Recall che il 2006 è stato l'anno dell' uccisone di JJ1 e delle conseguenti tensioni politiche createsi tra Italia - Germania.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Is It Ok To Give A Baby Water If They Have Reflux


Per esaminare la controversia relativa all'orso bruno abbiamo deciso di intervistare sia i vari attori sociali coinvolti nella realizzazione del progetto Life Ursus, sia le persone che, come gli allevatori, inevitabilmente si sono trovati a convivere con la sua attuazione. Abbiamo diviso le interviste, in base al gruppo d'appartenenza, in:

ENTI PROVINCIALI: Ufficio Faunistico del Servizio Foreste e Fauna della Provincia Autonoma di Trento; Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali.

PARTITI POLITICI: Lega Nord, the Greens and Democrats of Trentino; Administer the Trentino.

MOV and environmental groups WWF, animal No hunting.

ASSOCIATIONS: Beekeepers Trento.

FARMERS: testimonies of two pastors.

TOUR OPERATORS: the hotel.

CITIZENS: a review.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Salieri Streaming Mario

Enti provinciali

Responds Claudio Groff : contact person and coordinator of services for the activities of monitoring, information to the community, staff training, administration of compensation, emergency management and liaison with the States and Regions.

semi-structured interview face to face on 27/11/2008

Q: Are you in favor or opposed to the recovery of brown bears in Trentino? Why?

R: I'm all in favor. For many years that I deal with the question, when I was a kid and now as a hobby to work. In the late '80s, early '90s, I was part of a small pioneering group that wrote the first draft on the bears. To this I have always believed they are very passionate about mountains, mountain environment in which the bear is the symbol and so I think any of us care about the fate of the environment has not possa prescindere dall’orso, così come dall’aquila o dalla stella alpina, ma anche da tutte le altre specie. L’orso ha però qualcosa in più. Quando si parla di orso non si parla solo di fattori biologici, ma anche emotivi, culturali, sociali e storici. È una forma di vita che dà molti spunti ed opportunità di riflessione. Detto questo, per spiegare perché è importante il ripopolamento dell’orso starei comunque al dato di base: cercare di contrastare il trend generale esistente che è quello della perdita delle specie, della perdita di biodiversità, dell’impoverimento dell’ambiente.

D: Secondo Lei è più forte l’immagine dell’orso “cattivo” che si mangia le pecore o quella dell’orso “vittima” ucciso in Germania e Svizzera?

R :È difficile dire quale sia l’immagine rimasta più impressa nella mente delle persone, soprattutto perché sono state entrambe evidenziate, sottolineate dai media. Posso dire che quella dell’orso cattivo che fa dei danni, dell’orso che può anche essere pericoloso, è condivisa da più persone che non quella dell’orso vittima. Però ci sono persone che sentono entrambe le cose: ci sono persone che conoscono poco l’orso, che non c’hanno a che fare e dicono “eh! però è pericoloso, eh! però fa danni, eh! But it would be better off without, "and then when they shoot him" eh! poor bear would have been better to put him in a cage. " Two seem to have mixed feelings but I think you can try both.

Q: How many bears and where are they?

R: The last figure we have is that at the end of 2007 (soon will be available as of 2008) which tells us that we have 23 animals and we are not many more, no more than 25. This is the official figure. They are all in the western Trentino but one that is on the Asiago plateau, in a one or two in Lombardy and Alto Adige.

Q: In today believe that the bear recovery plan has failed?

R: I think so, is a successful project. There are also the most authoritative opinions of my supporting it, namely that of National and International Scientific Community. About the bear is an international network of conferences worldwide, and through these we can understand the current situation and what others think of our project. So far, it is considered a successful project. Compared to other experiences we can compare our project to the French Pyrenees and Austrian. The latter had a negative result probably due to poaching, while the French have had a result even better if the social conflict in France is very strong, especially with the farmers, who are politically very active. In addition, as the operators themselves admit the French have activated, compared to us, fewer channels of information, preparation before taking the bears. If we look at our territory, and at least sixteen litters born in the last thirty years is a good thing. But remember that the feasibility study said that it will take twenty to forty years to see if the project works and I understand, the more it goes on, that the study is right. In only six years have passed and it is too early to say how it will end. The most uncertain variable is that the social component: is also possible that we realize that people do not want the bears to a level that will not be able to take even a few, to be removed. There is this possibility.

Q: How much thought has affected the tourist attraction, that is having the bear in the woods free from Trentino, in the decision to repopulate the area?

R: Very little, and I can tell from a privileged position because, as I told before, in the early '90s was among the people as part of the Adamello Brenta at the beginning and then also in the province, which gathered and brought forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe project, an idea was born thanks ad un professore tedesco, Schroeder, il quale stendendo il Piano Faunistico del Parco Adamello Brenta per la prima volta scrisse: “L’orso si sta estinguendo, o lo lasciamo estinguersi o ne portiamo degli altri”. La sua era una motivazione biologica, essendo egli biologo di formazione. A questo punto la reazione è stata positiva rispetto al ripopolamento, sia da parte del Presidente sia da parte del Direttore del Parco Adamello Brenta, sia da parte dalla Provincia. Quindi in principio si è detto sì perché si è sempre creduto che l’orso è un valore delle nostre montagne. Successivamente, quando si è arrivati alla delibera nel Mercato di Gestione del Parco, immagino che i rappresentanti dei Comuni abbiamo pensato even the appearance of a tourist attraction. That is weighed in the policy decision, which would in my opinion is shared, so that in 2003 became Doxa survey to see if the tourists are in favor of the presence of bears, an investigation which has had a positive response. Then the representatives of the municipalities actually have been right to think about it.

Responds David Dalpiaz : PhD in Animal Biology, a scientist at Natural Sciences Museum of Trento and is in charge of monitoring the bears control the damage caused by the bear, the implementation of its compensation practices and communication with the community and with schools.

semi-structured interview carried out face to face on 20/11/2008.

Q: Are you in favor or opposed to the reintegration of brown bears in Trentino? Why?

R: I support the reintegration of the brown because I think there are several aspects that make this interesting project: first, from a regulatory point of view, Trentino has faced an obvious choice because he was called upon to respond to the directives of the European Union to protect the species. In addition, the brown bear is an animal native, that is, Trentino has always found his presence. Currently, there are areas of the Trentino, such as the Valley of the Lakes or the Monte Bondone, where the bear was no longer visible for some time, so the locals are still somewhat 'reluctant to re- dell’orso sul territorio. Invece in altre zone, vedi la zona del Brenta, dove gli abitanti ne hanno una “memoria più fresca” si è abbastanza favorevoli alla sua presenza. Sono altresì favorevole perché ogni perdita di biodiversità va assolutamente evitata per le generazioni future. I pareri contrari alla reintroduzione derivano dalla convinzione del fatto che l’orso sia pericoloso, ma la sua pericolosità è virtuale: l’animale se è gestito nella maniera giusta non è pericoloso, si può dimostrare aggressivo solo quando sta difendendo una preda o i suoi cuccioli. Comunque il Trentino ha ottenuto una grande visibilità grazie a questo progetto, il quale è conosciuto in tutto il mondo.

Q: Do you think public opinion is stronger than the image of the bear "victim" is killed in Germany and Switzerland and the Bear "bad" eating sheep?

R: Both images have raised the public. In fact, when JJ1 was killed in Bavaria has risen a debate, but also a debate on when the bear comes back to kill the sheep. It is important to understand that the bear is a wild species worthy of respect as any other, is not a toy, nor a cruel predator as shown by certain films. Therefore we must not "love" of the single specimen, such as Jurka, but instead find a happy coexistence between man and animal: see the bear, but from afar. The real problem is therefore the approach of the bear man, while damage to other animals such as bees or sheep can be protected through the use of electrified fences, for humans it is a bit 'more complicated.

D: He knows exactly how many and where are the bears right now?

R: In the early years of the project were released in the Adamello-Brenta 10 bears from Slovenia, which However, one female died the same year . These "founders" has developed a population genetic methods constantly monitored and currently has about 25 pieces. Some people, young males, have left the province. At the moment, JJ5 is in Lombardy and is thought to be attributable to him some damage, a couple are in Alto Adige, two in Switzerland and one on the Asiago plateau. The rest are all in the western Trentino, especially on the Brenta, Paganella, Monte Gazza, in Val di Ledro Valley and Lakes .

Q: Given the events in the past (ill-treatment, killings ..), you find that the project is Ursus Life is successful or not?

R: Doxa opinion poll In the survey of 1997 residents were interviewed of all the provinces affected by the project Life Ursus, but not residents of large cities such as the city of Trento, because considered far from reality "bear". In subsequent investigation carried out in 2003 were, however, only those respondents Trentini, including those residing in large urban centers. From the two surveys shows a high percentage of consensus, in fact there was a percentage of favorable approximately 75% of respondents. Further investigation to see how the situation is evolving in terms of acceptance, is expected this year.
In terms of economic damage is limited. It is detected a small increase this year, but figures are still low when compared with other expenditures of the Administration. There be noted, however, that the money used to repair the damage caused by the bear or prevent are available to the industry environment, and then, if not were used for compensation, would still be employed in sectors relevant to this sector.

Q: How long believed to have influence in the decision to re-population of bears in Trentino, a tourist attraction that the tourist may have on the presence of bears in the woods free and not as a cage at the zoo?

R: E' sicuramente uno dei fattori che sono stati presi in considerazione per consolidare l'opinione positiva rispetto alla opportunità di reintrodurre degli esemplari. Il Parco Nazionale d'Abruzzo (ora d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise), i Comuni inclusi nel territorio del quale hanno redditi pro capite tra i più alti d'Italia, è emblematico in tal senso, visto che da decenni ha altissimi numeri di visitatori (ad oggi quasi due milioni all'anno) attirati tra il resto, dalla presenza species of animals "prestigious" as the bear Marsicano first and foremost, but also the wolf. Let us note however that the main factor that led the decision was required to react to standards and national laws and international (especially EU directives) in practice imposed or called for this very solution in the presence of a population was going to disappear.

Responds Mauro Baggia : Team capture operator and emergency bear damage detection dogs and training to bear.

semi-structured interview made by telephone on 25/11/2008

Q: Are you in favor or opposed to the recovery of brown bears in the Alps? Why?

R: I support. Revitalize the program of the brown bear is especially important because the extinction of the species grazed was caused by man and is therefore a duty to save it within its natural environment, in this case, the Alps.
The only critical point is that I see what he sees as an actor of the population.
also are in favor because the presence of large carnivores on the ground is sign of a high quality environment.

Q: Do you think the image of the bear is stronger than "bad" you eat the sheep, or bear the "victim" killed in Germany and Switzerland?

R: We must make a distinction: in Val di Non the bear has always been there, there is a continuity of his presence and gives therefore assumed that the bear there. But in other areas such as the Val di Ledro Valley Giudicarie low and there is a low tolerance with respect to his presence, especially by farmers. I also believe that in addition to these two cases there are individuals le quali, stando o da una parte o dall’altra, esagerano l’immagine dell’orso. Mi accorgo però che questo accadeva soprattutto nei primi tempi; ora credo che la popolazione abbia un’immagine dell’orso più vicina alla realtà e questo grazie alle serate di informazione sul comportamento e le abitudini dell’orso tenute nelle varie località trentine.

D: Quanti sono gli orsi e dove sono?

R :Si stima siano tra i 25 e i 30. Ricordo che siamo già alla terza generazione, e quando fino alla prima gli orsi si conoscevano per nome, ora questo non è più possibile. Abbiamo invece un quadro della situazione attraverso l’analisi genetica.
Le zone nelle quali sono presenti sono la zona della Catena del Brenta, la zona della Val di Sole, la Val Rendena, le Sarche, Molveno, i monti Paganella e Gazza. Due o tre orsi sono sulle Maddalene e uno è nella zona degli altipiani.

D: Ad oggi pensa che il progetto di ripopolamento dell’orso sia riuscito?

R : Per valutarne la riuscita bisogna aspettare dai 18 ai 40 anni dall’ultimo orso rinsanguato, ed oggi ne sono trascorsi quasi 10. Non è ancora tempo di tirare le somme. L’obiettivo è quello di avere una popolazione di orsi sulle Alpi orientali che entri poi in contatto con la popolazione dei Balcani. È un progetto ambizioso, però finora la riproduzione è attiva, c’è un buon tasso di natalità. Ciò fa pensare alla riuscita del progetto, ma è ancora tutto in forse, potrebbe andare a finire come in Austria dove ad un certo punto ci si è resi conto che erano rimasti solo pochissimi orsi e che i più non erano sopravvissuti. Comunque, se gli orsi non diventano problematici e se le femminine si riproducono a questo ritmo direi che il progetto riuscirà. È vero che mancano all’appello alcuni maschi ed alcune femmine adulti, ma ciò non dovrebbe compromettere la riuscita del progetto.

D: Quanto pensa abbia influito l’attrattiva turistica, ossia l’avere l’orso libero nei boschi trentini e non in gabbia come allo zoo, nella decision to repopulate the area?

R: I do not know if he has brought attractive, but I would say that places like Andalo and Molveno, places of summer tourism, have not been changed in the number of tourists who choose these places as a tourist destination. What is certain is that the bear has become a symbol and tourists are happy with his presence.