Thursday, April 29, 2010

Diagram Of Myoma Pathophysiology

Nulla di nuovo sotto il sole: fango

The riot of clerical scandals in boarding schools . It 's a way of Corriere della Sera of 2 August 1907. The celebrations of the centenary of the birth of Garibaldi had excited the minds of anti-clerical. In that climate the allegations of sexual abuse of children (at the Salesians of Varazze, the Hospice of Saint Jerome Emiliani in Rome, Milan Consolata founded the Hospice of the false nun Fumagalli) gave way to a hunt priest in which fell victim as the renowned musician Don Lorenzo Perosi and the scientist and father Piarist, Guido Alfani. The Masonic propaganda was unleashed in the press with the aim to discredit the Catholic education throughout Italy and many priests and religious were lynched in the streets. In Milan, Cardinal Andrea Ferrari, under the windows of the palace which was held one day a protest, he wrote (I draw from the biography of John the Baptist Penco): "Milan has seen abused on public streets and insulted the priests and religious: Saw spread among the people, almost as a corrective immorality, loose sheets filled with all manner of wickedness and ugliness. "He concluded : "We therefore appeal to all honest opinion, whether it is right and fair to generalize in this way. The priests, men and women religious, to mention in this diocese, are several hundred, but let us say frankly, in their great majority there we have beautiful examples of honesty, sacrifice, virtue? can attest to the Bishop without fear of contradiction: and for some cases of degenerate and vicious will be allowed to lower the other degrading treatment at the same level? " Demand , as shown, is always present.


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