Saturday, March 27, 2010

Free Indean Satellite

Eg. Mr. Enel.

March 27, 2010

Dear Mr. Enel, I understand that I have not paid the bill in December 2009 before the expiry date, however, are eight years that correspond to the current consumption figures in my shop.
And what's more with the work I am doing there in the store "field", so you, Mr. Enel, knowing that the bill was a shop, an activity might be a bit 'more magnanimous, giving me even more time to pay.

Not only that, she sends me a letter (I enclose the bottom of page) dated 19 February 2010 the conglobando € 55.39 bill with a maturity of 22 and 12 in 2009 (already expired on the date of your letter), even the next one, namely that of € 56.98 with an expiration date 08 03 2010, on the date of your letter is still around 20 days before the natural expiration. So I ask

€ 112.77, the aggregate amount of the last two bills plus a small fee, even before the end of the second bill, note dated 08 03 2010??

Apart from that it seems somewhat unusual behavior like that, then I know for certain that there have been other cases in my area for which, however, have only reduced the current, without considering that they were not even businesses ma, bensì privati.

Comunque, una volta si trattava con i vostri impiegati e, in appositi uffici che sono spariti, si arrivava a dilazioni senza traumatizzare nessuno , oggi invece scrivete sul frontespizio delle bollette “L’ENERGIA CHE TI ASCOLTA” ma, mi sa che non ascoltate proprio nessuno!!!

Vi chiedo comunque una rateizzazione per l’intero ammontare delle due bollette, per fare in modo che io possa lavorare in modo più decente nel mio negozio di Ronco Scrivia, nella speranza che di qui a breve arrivino le compagnie elettriche inglesi, tedesche e svizzere in modo che noi utenti potremmo avere scelta.

Distinti saluti.

Mario Teodoro Pizzorno.

Ps 1 Among other bills have increased dramatically, I still have those years ago when they were still in lire ...

Ps 2 Then I do not know if the CIP 6, at least morally, I would be more in me, m 'inform!

Interesting information about CIP 6 # RLZ = & hl = en & q = cip + 1R2ADBF_it 6 + tax + fair & meta = & aq = f & & = aqi aql oq = & cip = +6 + tax + gs_rfai = right & & fp = f6470b7ad5ee0a24


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