Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Humourous Congratulations New Baby Messages

Perhaps the world can still change.


Today 27 07 2010 I was sent, the work done, my first two weeks, thanks!

Mario Pizzorno Teodoro

Below I write by fax to the assistant who follows me in December 2009, I do not want to go to the restaurant !!!!!! !
The nice lady in question has also attempted several times, assisted by his chief Giribaldi Dr. Maria Teresa, to divide our family!
imagination of everyone depict a social worker as a benefactor, you ... ... Until we find you have to do .....
will only air the Vallescrivia that will only affect our social workers, can it be?
You think so! Theodore

Mario Pizzorno.

below shows some empty houses in Ronco Scrivia, but I had already made a long list of others, always empty. Pizzorno houses for nothing, you see that sciù pizzurnu u want to do the right things!

Above ask the mayor home Simone Franceschi and I write that I will not go to the restaurant:

Below insert a memory that I presented as espsoto on the facts that have happened to me during my hunger strike:

Above p. 1 - 2 - 3 espsoto against people who have qualified as journalists.

Sorry these pictures as I need to try to rissolevarmi working, are not exactly in perfect harmony with my beliefs but I can not to do otherwise ....

I mean, I do not want my picture with this movement to publicize the PBC, see below.

Teodoro Mario Pizzorno.

Accurate I was a sympathizer of the movement PBC, but for a long time are no longer ! So do not intend to publicize this very moving, as soon as I edit ...
Girls, boys out of my situation I do not have time to do the sophist, forgive me, I need time to change that I did not.
These digital photographs above are not faithfully reproduce the product is definitely live più bello, danno però una idea sul manufatto di mia invenzione che con queste fotografiae voglio rappresentare.

Questa borsa per la spesa, non solo permette di non utilizzare quelle buste di plastica dannose per l'ambiente ma, può veicolare messaggi di qualsiasi tipo perchè e provvista di una tasca laterale trasparente che da la possibilità all'acquirente di mettere il testo che più aggrada, infatti si può veicolaremessaggi con testo e simpatiche vignette stampando, a vostro piacimento, su di un semplice foglio a4 da inserire di volta in volta nella tasca laterale.

This bag is specifically designed so that you can put it in the washing machine.

Below is my complaint against a social worker Elena Doglio:

Above attach complaint against the social worker who follows my family.

Below diagnosis of my wife Mary

Above several reports with a diagnosis of pituitary microadenoma etc ...

Below fax received alleging that the mayor of my town Simone Franceschi left me cold:

Below is the text of the fax when my mayor left me cold ...

This is my first post written in 2008, is entitled "Maybe the world can still change."

Hello everyone, I think so:

I think it is important to unite all the people that we do not want to steal anything in the world, those who meet all starting with the children, old women, then, that during a football game also had to contend the World Cup, where they did a foul by touching the ball with his hand to give up World Cup for justice to declare bankruptcy, thereby winning the opponent, or those who work for others, those in the 'anonymous go to the grocery store to the old woman who has difficulty walking, those who say against their interest "was me!"

And even those who give up a little bit of their time to utter a good word, those who are thinking of how to make a decent living the last of the Italians, those who do not prevaricate, those who hear , those who give way, those who wake up from the seat of the bus to seat a pregnant woman, those who still read the book "Heart", those who can recognize their mistakes, those who deify the real mothers, those who rub the palms of your hands quickly and anointed with oil in advance, in order to distinguish the goodness of the yellow nectar, those who throw spaghetti on a modern tile to test the cooking pasta, who does not ever coffin, who calls a spade a spade and wine to wine, who does not clothes, but always those who maintain the decorum and dignity above all, who does not bend, who does not sell, who goes out the cigarette even when there is a ban on smoking because it bothers a lady, who opens the car door to pick up his girlfriend, who caresses a dog, who, who, who, those, those, those ...

Mario Pizzorno

October 7, 2008

bad I have to use this blog, once I get a decent web space will make it, for the moment from today June 30, 2010, will insert here a lot of documents that relate to my situations. I do this because, unfortunately, to keep everything in order I need another web-based platform for monetary reasons I can not have:

My wife is sick and sleeps with me in the shop on a mattress in the evening we put on the ground ... I enclose the above, documentation of 'Galliera Hospital in Genoa in order to prove what I say!

right that I do not believe in the rule of law such a thing could happen!

Mario Pizzorno Teodoro


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