La buona morte
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Diagram Of Myoma Pathophysiology
Nulla di nuovo sotto il sole: fango
The riot of clerical scandals in boarding schools . It 's a way of Corriere della Sera of 2 August 1907. The celebrations of the centenary of the birth of Garibaldi had excited the minds of anti-clerical. In that climate the allegations of sexual abuse of children (at the Salesians of Varazze, the Hospice of Saint Jerome Emiliani in Rome, Milan Consolata founded the Hospice of the false nun Fumagalli) gave way to a hunt priest in which fell victim as the renowned musician Don Lorenzo Perosi and the scientist and father Piarist, Guido Alfani. The Masonic propaganda was unleashed in the press with the aim to discredit the Catholic education throughout Italy and many priests and religious were lynched in the streets. In Milan, Cardinal Andrea Ferrari, under the windows of the palace which was held one day a protest, he wrote (I draw from the biography of John the Baptist Penco): "Milan has seen abused on public streets and insulted the priests and religious: Saw spread among the people, almost as a corrective immorality, loose sheets filled with all manner of wickedness and ugliness. "He concluded : "We therefore appeal to all honest opinion, whether it is right and fair to generalize in this way. The priests, men and women religious, to mention in this diocese, are several hundred, but let us say frankly, in their great majority there we have beautiful examples of honesty, sacrifice, virtue? can attest to the Bishop without fear of contradiction: and for some cases of degenerate and vicious will be allowed to lower the other degrading treatment at the same level? " Demand , as shown, is always present.
The riot of clerical scandals in boarding schools . It 's a way of Corriere della Sera of 2 August 1907. The celebrations of the centenary of the birth of Garibaldi had excited the minds of anti-clerical. In that climate the allegations of sexual abuse of children (at the Salesians of Varazze, the Hospice of Saint Jerome Emiliani in Rome, Milan Consolata founded the Hospice of the false nun Fumagalli) gave way to a hunt priest in which fell victim as the renowned musician Don Lorenzo Perosi and the scientist and father Piarist, Guido Alfani. The Masonic propaganda was unleashed in the press with the aim to discredit the Catholic education throughout Italy and many priests and religious were lynched in the streets. In Milan, Cardinal Andrea Ferrari, under the windows of the palace which was held one day a protest, he wrote (I draw from the biography of John the Baptist Penco): "Milan has seen abused on public streets and insulted the priests and religious: Saw spread among the people, almost as a corrective immorality, loose sheets filled with all manner of wickedness and ugliness. "He concluded : "We therefore appeal to all honest opinion, whether it is right and fair to generalize in this way. The priests, men and women religious, to mention in this diocese, are several hundred, but let us say frankly, in their great majority there we have beautiful examples of honesty, sacrifice, virtue? can attest to the Bishop without fear of contradiction: and for some cases of degenerate and vicious will be allowed to lower the other degrading treatment at the same level? " Demand , as shown, is always present.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wii Points Generator Myth
Monday, April 26, 2010
Congratulationfor New Pregnancy
Che nostalgia dell'Italia divisa
miss the interview today Aldo Cazzullo an Enzo Bettiza amiably that demolishes some persistent commonplace of historiography and political commentary. Some examples:
miss the interview today Aldo Cazzullo an Enzo Bettiza amiably that demolishes some persistent commonplace of historiography and political commentary. Some examples:
"Italy was used to being divided. A splendid division, which is its size. Ducati, municipalities, even an empire: Venice was Britain in the Mediterranean. If it had not been a capital of Mantova Mantegna and we would not have the Bridal Chamber, if not, there would have been Ferrara Palazzo dei Diamanti. "
" The league follows the Habsburg Lombardy-Veneto.'s ancestors Bossi Maria Theresa, Joseph II, the human side of Radetzky. Its antecedent is the proper administration of Austria. "
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Sanitaryware Product Inida
"Il bridge non basta, naturalmente"
" I had only two loves in life, besides my wife, with whom have been married 64 years: I was at Lazard for 35 years, and in general 37. From the day after the meeting, for me it will be a tremendous test wondering what I will do today. Perhaps it is true that I am old, but to live neurons need to run and I need to work. In Lazard've seen so many presidents of large and very large companies that, maybe when I met by chance two years after their retirement, looked like a zombie. I participated in the European and World Championships in bridge, but the bridge is not enough course. In my life I have always motivated challenges, but the board what is the challenge? Perhaps death? I'll talk with my friends, bishops and cardinals. "So
Antoine Bernheim, 85, the eve of his last day as chairman of Assicurazioni Generali ( here, his interview with Small ).
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Indian Satalite Freqency
I declare myself a victim of political persecution.
This platform does not allow me to highlight all the facts chronologically and that happen to me.
Dear readers know that from time to time ENRICH, depending on the evolution of my situation, so I'll have to add supplements in various posts, articles, inserting new news at the bottom of each post.
Any way to follow my unhappy story you can read here:
Democracy Workshop: / # 35308136
May 4, 2010 A little while ago, I was contacted by Mrs. Sabrina Provenzani of AnnoZero, to which I have issued an initial telephone interview. Theodore
Mario Pizzorno.
Moles, moles ......
Today 07 05 2010 10 am and 30: Ms. Sabrina Provenzani think there is a Journalist ... Caterpillar, however, is proving to be another joke Assomarmi probably that of self-styled journalist Louis Meadows (I want to see the person to see if the gentleman who came to my house and Lodovico Meadows) also if I add Mrs. Silvia Lazzarino's Who Since, he called me on my cell. by a number in London, another one Mr. Upmann he says he is a journalist and another young man here believe that Ronco Scrivia, he should be a "journalist" but on weekends ago at the Stone Castle Guardian over here in the area.
Then I spoke about Facebook with another self-styled Gilberto Squizzato likely and also more likely pu-called Alfredo D'Amato;
for all these reasons and more, yesterday I went to the barracks of the Carabinieri Ronco Scrivia nicely and I converse with the policeman Sebastian.
As soon as I have posted or complainant, I wish that the Judiciary is interested in my situation and not just those mentioned above.
update us.
Teodoro Mario Pizzorno.
Today 07 05 16 and 2010 hours ... Hello Don Paolo Farinella I've written that I esteem, I have offered two hundred euro which I declined, but now a little bit to help me get out of my unjust situation??
If you can, of course.
I, your money not because I have not accepted that you wrote to me in return I would have given way to repay, you know, maybe making me a bit to clean your church ..... .
Comunque grazie a qualche benefattore e soprattutto al negozio, riesco a tirare avanti ugualmente.
Appena posso ti regalerò un pizzo meraviglioso.
Mario Teodoro Pizzorno
P.s Ieri ho parlato con un signore che mi aveva promesso la casa, poi chissà ha cambiato idea ma...
Vabbè vorra dire che dormirò per strada come un barbone è una esperiaenza che mi manca, solo una notte dormii per strada, tanti anni fa...devo chiedere a mio fratello che lui ha provato per più tempo.
I wrote a post yesterday, but I do not want to exploit it, speak and write to my brother now publicly, as I wrote then of the rest of the network.
Hello I love you, I have sent to tell you also Livia Botto. (Specifying that this statement is addressed to Don Paolo Farinella and my brother Andrew.)
Mario Teodoro Pizzorno.
I declare politically persecuted and still ask for political asylum, I would be accepted, with my family in Sweden, England or America. Write to me qui: è la e-mail del mediatore europeo, dicendo che io desidero asilo politico in altra nazione. Mario Teodoro Pizzorno.
Alle ore 12 e 13 di oggi 22 04 2010 sono stato contattato sul mio cellulare 333 7170176, da un cooperativa, precisamente la Cisef ( Coop Pontex ) in qunato domani sarà ricevuto per un colloquio di lavoro presso l'ufficio comunale della signora Elena Doglio, alle ore 10 e 30.
Ho risposto di si e che domani sarò li puntuale!
Mario Teodoro Pizzorno.
Link al meetup di napoli: # / notes/salviamo-il-salvabile-mario-pizzorno- non-aspettiamo-il-peggio/una-richiesta-di-aiuto/115891635104763
Ronco Scrivia addition of 25 April 2010 at 17:13
Warning, Warning this post below is full of falsehood, now explain the link below: # / note.php? note_id = 397027468480
this link above, open well and read, you will find falsehoods about me because they have tried to de-legitimize, in all ways and manners.
So, I did 184 hours of hunger strike without touching even a crumb of bread!
point out that I have warned my Mayor Simone Francis, the social worker who follows my family and other institutional representatives, stating that they could come to my house 24 hours a day, to check that it took place on a regular basis.
I wrote that I would be available to move in institutional or other public place.
Lord, gentlemen, that we see in Italy ..., however, did not show anyone!
Moreover, I do not know who exactly has indeed sought to delegitimize and discredit me in every way possible,
They will not succeed, because they do not know where I could attack them and they are many ... ..
Arridunque while trying to defend myself on the internet, my only source of protection, some pity, Mr. Giovanni Brambilla, showed me a page that has only served faithfully copy and paste my writings.
page provided by Giovanni Brambilla:
At one point, The situation is convoluted at this point I go to the maximum pressure, not least because in the hunger strike and I had already fainted several times.
Someone (who will verify, unless all the post ..) (focus on people who were not expert in computer and telecommunication, know that you can make fake accounts, we know there are lots of trolls, ie impostors, who are there to various reasons ...) I propose to do a second page that explains my situation is but at the same time bring me benefit, ie a subscription.
fact is that I get to a gentleman named Albert Woods (Attention, attention, probably self-styled Albert Woods, because Mr. Alberto Woods is a missionary who lives in Nicaragua and in front of which, I am a citizen of the Italian sample, template, I raise my hat! )
Everything here is even more complicated!!
were saying that the would begin to stink ... (otherwise it means that someone has blocked my e-mail so I can not send nor receive it) anyway, or rather the self-styled Albert Woods wrote on the page created for me , for the subscription as follows: "I wrote to Maria asking what I could do for him, but I have not received an answer."
I, as I read this sentence I started to feel even more stink di bruciato, poi leggendo ancora h queste frasi:” Ho telefonato al Comune di Ronco Scrivia ed ho parlato con una assistente sociale, la quale mi ha confermato che purtroppo nel piccolo comune di 4485 abitanti esistono, a causa della crisi economica, molte persone in situazioni ancora peggiori di quella di Mario. Mario, dice l'assistente sociale del Comune, non é disposto a collaborare, ma pretende con prepotenza un aiuto che il Comune non gli ha mai negato, ma che non può continuare a dare solo a lui.”
Qui siamo alla denigrazione completa, studiata a tavolino da una persona che ha una capacità incredibile, quasi come la mia ma, la usa nel male!
Nota: Integrazione to finish, is complex to write these things .... rest assured that I write all about me!
word of honor of Theodore Mario Pizzorno. 25 04 2010 hours 18:38
I wrote in 2007 that now wants to do now Luigi De Magistris.
So probably as a m'individuano CapoPopolo, so everything is explained.
27 04 2010 36 A at 11 and my son Django:
Dear Son as you want but you think your father is a Mazzini, the real ones, those who have always said that if they found the arrival of the funnel, it would be dressed as a partisan and he would go to the mountains! The psychiatric
are willing to do it and also to undergo lie-detector tests, but in America, with referees third British, Swedes, Germans, and maybe even Dutch!
daddy loves you more good!
Your Father always.
Ps Do not say anything to Jacob, the shattered!
I'm not afraid to die:
Hello Giancarlo Belletti, (do read on Crithian Abundance) read here: Dear Vincent, Massimo dear, dear Robert Fico because Naples is not responding ????? Anyway today I wrote facebbok like this: This morning in my house I saw an ugly face .... My country is divided into smaller neighborhoods, not missed anything. If someone comes along who is not from here, you notice. I invite all who wish to speak with me personally for any questions, so you'll understand that I am a normal person. TeoFatevi recognize, because it is true that Don Paolo Farinella I was diagnosed with the syndrome of the Red Cross, but if I want to hurt .... Hello. Teo.Penso at this point in the road there will be over, I'm going to live where I do not know, however, find some gaming institutions, are almost certain to 90 percent! If I die, with an incident like what happened to the parents of Judge Forleo, or something similar will be murder. Light! I have no enemies to mai.Ho a character that can talk to anyone, if they are not bad guys, of course! Teodoro Mario Pizzorno. Ps ...... Come to know me, my prior approval, so you'll understand. Mario Pizzorno.
27 04 2010 hours 24:03
I am not defending my brother, but if others are worse than him, I say is right than the previous!
At this time I phoned my brother, do not respond, is already the second time that does not respond Ola! My brother, my brother Andrew. Well, I sent a text message days ago to say he was here in Genoa seven years have not seen him. I do not get me to renounce ulteriromente stumentalizzare, also because ... My brother is a "thug" And I'll put you in prison .... Teo.
This platform does not allow me to highlight all the facts chronologically and that happen to me.
Dear readers know that from time to time ENRICH, depending on the evolution of my situation, so I'll have to add supplements in various posts, articles, inserting new news at the bottom of each post.
Any way to follow my unhappy story you can read here:
Democracy Workshop: / # 35308136
May 4, 2010 A little while ago, I was contacted by Mrs. Sabrina Provenzani of AnnoZero, to which I have issued an initial telephone interview. Theodore
Mario Pizzorno.
Moles, moles ......
Today 07 05 2010 10 am and 30: Ms. Sabrina Provenzani think there is a Journalist ... Caterpillar, however, is proving to be another joke Assomarmi probably that of self-styled journalist Louis Meadows (I want to see the person to see if the gentleman who came to my house and Lodovico Meadows) also if I add Mrs. Silvia Lazzarino's Who Since, he called me on my cell. by a number in London, another one Mr. Upmann he says he is a journalist and another young man here believe that Ronco Scrivia, he should be a "journalist" but on weekends ago at the Stone Castle Guardian over here in the area.
Then I spoke about Facebook with another self-styled Gilberto Squizzato likely and also more likely pu-called Alfredo D'Amato;
for all these reasons and more, yesterday I went to the barracks of the Carabinieri Ronco Scrivia nicely and I converse with the policeman Sebastian.
As soon as I have posted or complainant, I wish that the Judiciary is interested in my situation and not just those mentioned above.
update us.
Teodoro Mario Pizzorno.
Today 07 05 16 and 2010 hours ... Hello Don Paolo Farinella I've written that I esteem, I have offered two hundred euro which I declined, but now a little bit to help me get out of my unjust situation??
If you can, of course.
I, your money not because I have not accepted that you wrote to me in return I would have given way to repay, you know, maybe making me a bit to clean your church ..... .
Comunque grazie a qualche benefattore e soprattutto al negozio, riesco a tirare avanti ugualmente.
Appena posso ti regalerò un pizzo meraviglioso.
Mario Teodoro Pizzorno
P.s Ieri ho parlato con un signore che mi aveva promesso la casa, poi chissà ha cambiato idea ma...
Vabbè vorra dire che dormirò per strada come un barbone è una esperiaenza che mi manca, solo una notte dormii per strada, tanti anni fa...devo chiedere a mio fratello che lui ha provato per più tempo.
I wrote a post yesterday, but I do not want to exploit it, speak and write to my brother now publicly, as I wrote then of the rest of the network.
Hello I love you, I have sent to tell you also Livia Botto. (Specifying that this statement is addressed to Don Paolo Farinella and my brother Andrew.)
Mario Teodoro Pizzorno.
I declare politically persecuted and still ask for political asylum, I would be accepted, with my family in Sweden, England or America. Write to me qui: è la e-mail del mediatore europeo, dicendo che io desidero asilo politico in altra nazione. Mario Teodoro Pizzorno.
Alle ore 12 e 13 di oggi 22 04 2010 sono stato contattato sul mio cellulare 333 7170176, da un cooperativa, precisamente la Cisef ( Coop Pontex ) in qunato domani sarà ricevuto per un colloquio di lavoro presso l'ufficio comunale della signora Elena Doglio, alle ore 10 e 30.
Ho risposto di si e che domani sarò li puntuale!
Mario Teodoro Pizzorno.
Link al meetup di napoli: # / notes/salviamo-il-salvabile-mario-pizzorno- non-aspettiamo-il-peggio/una-richiesta-di-aiuto/115891635104763
Ronco Scrivia addition of 25 April 2010 at 17:13
Warning, Warning this post below is full of falsehood, now explain the link below: # / note.php? note_id = 397027468480
this link above, open well and read, you will find falsehoods about me because they have tried to de-legitimize, in all ways and manners.
So, I did 184 hours of hunger strike without touching even a crumb of bread!
point out that I have warned my Mayor Simone Francis, the social worker who follows my family and other institutional representatives, stating that they could come to my house 24 hours a day, to check that it took place on a regular basis.
I wrote that I would be available to move in institutional or other public place.
Lord, gentlemen, that we see in Italy ..., however, did not show anyone!
Moreover, I do not know who exactly has indeed sought to delegitimize and discredit me in every way possible,
They will not succeed, because they do not know where I could attack them and they are many ... ..
Arridunque while trying to defend myself on the internet, my only source of protection, some pity, Mr. Giovanni Brambilla, showed me a page that has only served faithfully copy and paste my writings.
page provided by Giovanni Brambilla:
At one point, The situation is convoluted at this point I go to the maximum pressure, not least because in the hunger strike and I had already fainted several times.
Someone (who will verify, unless all the post ..) (focus on people who were not expert in computer and telecommunication, know that you can make fake accounts, we know there are lots of trolls, ie impostors, who are there to various reasons ...) I propose to do a second page that explains my situation is but at the same time bring me benefit, ie a subscription.
fact is that I get to a gentleman named Albert Woods (Attention, attention, probably self-styled Albert Woods, because Mr. Alberto Woods is a missionary who lives in Nicaragua and in front of which, I am a citizen of the Italian sample, template, I raise my hat! )
Everything here is even more complicated!!
were saying that the would begin to stink ... (otherwise it means that someone has blocked my e-mail so I can not send nor receive it) anyway, or rather the self-styled Albert Woods wrote on the page created for me , for the subscription as follows: "I wrote to Maria asking what I could do for him, but I have not received an answer."
I, as I read this sentence I started to feel even more stink di bruciato, poi leggendo ancora h queste frasi:” Ho telefonato al Comune di Ronco Scrivia ed ho parlato con una assistente sociale, la quale mi ha confermato che purtroppo nel piccolo comune di 4485 abitanti esistono, a causa della crisi economica, molte persone in situazioni ancora peggiori di quella di Mario. Mario, dice l'assistente sociale del Comune, non é disposto a collaborare, ma pretende con prepotenza un aiuto che il Comune non gli ha mai negato, ma che non può continuare a dare solo a lui.”
Qui siamo alla denigrazione completa, studiata a tavolino da una persona che ha una capacità incredibile, quasi come la mia ma, la usa nel male!
Nota: Integrazione to finish, is complex to write these things .... rest assured that I write all about me!
word of honor of Theodore Mario Pizzorno. 25 04 2010 hours 18:38
I wrote in 2007 that now wants to do now Luigi De Magistris.
So probably as a m'individuano CapoPopolo, so everything is explained.
27 04 2010 36 A at 11 and my son Django:
Dear Son as you want but you think your father is a Mazzini, the real ones, those who have always said that if they found the arrival of the funnel, it would be dressed as a partisan and he would go to the mountains! The psychiatric
are willing to do it and also to undergo lie-detector tests, but in America, with referees third British, Swedes, Germans, and maybe even Dutch!
daddy loves you more good!
Your Father always.
Ps Do not say anything to Jacob, the shattered!
I'm not afraid to die:
Hello Giancarlo Belletti, (do read on Crithian Abundance) read here: Dear Vincent, Massimo dear, dear Robert Fico because Naples is not responding ????? Anyway today I wrote facebbok like this: This morning in my house I saw an ugly face .... My country is divided into smaller neighborhoods, not missed anything. If someone comes along who is not from here, you notice. I invite all who wish to speak with me personally for any questions, so you'll understand that I am a normal person. TeoFatevi recognize, because it is true that Don Paolo Farinella I was diagnosed with the syndrome of the Red Cross, but if I want to hurt .... Hello. Teo.Penso at this point in the road there will be over, I'm going to live where I do not know, however, find some gaming institutions, are almost certain to 90 percent! If I die, with an incident like what happened to the parents of Judge Forleo, or something similar will be murder. Light! I have no enemies to mai.Ho a character that can talk to anyone, if they are not bad guys, of course! Teodoro Mario Pizzorno. Ps ...... Come to know me, my prior approval, so you'll understand. Mario Pizzorno.
27 04 2010 hours 24:03
I am not defending my brother, but if others are worse than him, I say is right than the previous!
At this time I phoned my brother, do not respond, is already the second time that does not respond Ola! My brother, my brother Andrew. Well, I sent a text message days ago to say he was here in Genoa seven years have not seen him. I do not get me to renounce ulteriromente stumentalizzare, also because ... My brother is a "thug" And I'll put you in prison .... Teo.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Senior Citizens Home In Coimbatore
L'ultimo post
Last post one of my favorite bloggers has been a verbal praise of chastity, betrayed for the last time, for a few lines (but "for the purpose" already too many). There was who , always writing for the last once said of his need to deal with "other" : "Certain things, and people in flesh and blood they need me, and I them" . To remain in the field of the most popular, here who surrender to their blog for " exit avant-garde mindset" , "disuattualizzare" the topics, rebuild "bastions" . Finally, I remember an ad of "leave (temporary? Final?)" and "the tip of nostalgia" for those entering " in sleep" to follow "work commitments, what to write, projects ". I, too, months ago, I wrote on this blog my "Last Post" (later canceled), in the idea, perhaps, elsewhere starting over and over again I would have respected better chaste severity that here I had so often violated. Now, summing up: this is really you read the last post, in the sense used by Pasquale Panella in speaking of one of his albums (can not remember if the last) with Lucio Battisti: the last, that is what comes after others, as is commonly said to "have you read the last article, you listened to the last record of such and such."
Last post one of my favorite bloggers has been a verbal praise of chastity, betrayed for the last time, for a few lines (but "for the purpose" already too many). There was who , always writing for the last once said of his need to deal with "other" : "Certain things, and people in flesh and blood they need me, and I them" . To remain in the field of the most popular, here who surrender to their blog for " exit avant-garde mindset" , "disuattualizzare" the topics, rebuild "bastions" . Finally, I remember an ad of "leave (temporary? Final?)" and "the tip of nostalgia" for those entering " in sleep" to follow "work commitments, what to write, projects ". I, too, months ago, I wrote on this blog my "Last Post" (later canceled), in the idea, perhaps, elsewhere starting over and over again I would have respected better chaste severity that here I had so often violated. Now, summing up: this is really you read the last post, in the sense used by Pasquale Panella in speaking of one of his albums (can not remember if the last) with Lucio Battisti: the last, that is what comes after others, as is commonly said to "have you read the last article, you listened to the last record of such and such."
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Bath Tub Straight Back Pillow
are on hunger strike!
Hello everyone, today April 14, 2010 by a hunger strike because the Italian institutions are not able to give me a job nor a home.
E 'from 1996 to knock on every door to find a job, I had to invent everything to try to maintain a certain decorum, but it was not enough!
The most important thing for me is that relating to my conscience, I am a person who still travel by word of honor, so I declare here that I will not touch solid food until they decide otherwise.
Either way whoever wants to, can be to check that all is done in absolute honesty, or it can also propose other solutions, other places also public from which one can be sure that I do not lie!
will respect the rules, do not eat.
my word!
soon. Theodore
Mario Pizzorno.
Today 15 April 2010 at 10:25
Today the second day of hunger strike, suspending my action when someone institutions will deign to listen and help an Italian citizen exemplary!
Prete A friend of mine (when I write to give consent who is) I was diagnosed with the syndrome of the Red Cross and I wrote many, many interesting things including this: You are incapable of dialogue, sometimes it seems naive to believe and to live in a world of angels.
will also why I consider myself an exemplary citizen, some others have to confirm if they are but who knows me well knows that it is!
E 'then a girl in Italy so, risk, to my way of being, for my conduct of life, indeed in danger of being truly a person to model!!
Ha ha ha ha ... ..
why I asked for the keys to our country to my mayor, however, did not spring!
PS Yesterday I wrote about on the net: I have officially communicated to my Mayor, the President of the Liguria Region and other persons who, as of this morning are on hunger strike. I also stated that if they want to come here with me 24 hours a day to check, I have no problem. Theodore Mario Pizzorno.
Ps 1 I have written somewhere in these days that once I have not kept the word I was referring to the promise I had made, that is to go to the Madonna della Guardia, starting from a certain point, with up to a backpack full of stones.
I know it's not done but I am a sinner, but venial sinner!
tell you everything about myself, so time to time. In
life it takes patience.
Ps 2 While at this time I was writing this, my, I wanted to add that the institutions have not yet responded to my on hunger strike ...
Tinnnnnnn My Mayor Simone Franceschi has at least read it first:
15-Apr-2010 9:49
bed: I started a hunger strike Mario Pizzorno
Mayor of Busalla (
(268 bytes) ;
Message To: Cc:;; Subject: I started a hunger strike Mario Pizzorno Posted: 14/04/2010 18.41è was read on 15/04/2010 9:48.
calcHeight ();
Ps 3 Unaddressed correct, without checking, so much to me if I do the same question to answer after 20 years in the same way!
intellectual honesty, yes.
4 Ps You saved because maybe then I will fix it in time, to give grace to my confusion, for now, Blog. Theodore
Mario Pizzorno.
16 04 2010 13 and 47
A guy wrote to me: << il tuo sindaco non dovrebbe dormire la notte sapendo che un suo cittadino (aggiungo io esemplare) è in sciopero della fame!>>
Mayor Simone Franceschi I do not give up, feeling a little ': = lres9f2HMls
Teodoro Mario Pizzorno.
Teo for friends! They did
Marameo Marameo the judges and I do to you!
Ah ah ah
Ps I am writing to dozens of my "friends MEPs" to explain the situation. Theodore
Mario Pizzorno.
Today April 19, 2010:
Hello, today is the sixth day Hunger Strike, my mayor with all the town hall if it flaps its ears, give breath to the horns if you can.
Hello and thanks in advance.
page is created for me by Mr. Giovanni Brambilla: 111658452201045
Today is a reporter came to my house, I was interviewed by Mr. Louis Meadows of the nineteenth century in Genoa.
The interview was long.
not give up !!!!!!!!!!! Theodore
Mario Pizzorno.
Today 19 04 2010 21 hours and 47 I wrote a comment to a friend Meetup of Genoa who is worried for me, for those over 40 and also for future generations.
I tried with other comments that I post here not to give him confidence in the future ....
He believes that institutions are insufficient to provide practical responses to citizens ...
Then I give him more confidence as well: Rem Oh I forgot, I asked him the keys to the country to my mayor, because I am an exemplary citizen, of what should be our model.
But he did not want to let go ...
year left us with the sidewalks with three fingers of ice, I knew who took the oaths, but not by me ...
The way I wrote it for next year, I am candid to stand before him and behind me to shovel the snow, so the citizens of Ronco Scrivia can finally walk without falling. Theodore
Mario Pizzorno.
Hello everyone, today April 14, 2010 by a hunger strike because the Italian institutions are not able to give me a job nor a home.
E 'from 1996 to knock on every door to find a job, I had to invent everything to try to maintain a certain decorum, but it was not enough!
The most important thing for me is that relating to my conscience, I am a person who still travel by word of honor, so I declare here that I will not touch solid food until they decide otherwise.
Either way whoever wants to, can be to check that all is done in absolute honesty, or it can also propose other solutions, other places also public from which one can be sure that I do not lie!
will respect the rules, do not eat.
my word!
soon. Theodore
Mario Pizzorno.
Today 15 April 2010 at 10:25
Today the second day of hunger strike, suspending my action when someone institutions will deign to listen and help an Italian citizen exemplary!
Prete A friend of mine (when I write to give consent who is) I was diagnosed with the syndrome of the Red Cross and I wrote many, many interesting things including this: You are incapable of dialogue, sometimes it seems naive to believe and to live in a world of angels.
will also why I consider myself an exemplary citizen, some others have to confirm if they are but who knows me well knows that it is!
E 'then a girl in Italy so, risk, to my way of being, for my conduct of life, indeed in danger of being truly a person to model!!
Ha ha ha ha ... ..
why I asked for the keys to our country to my mayor, however, did not spring!
PS Yesterday I wrote about on the net: I have officially communicated to my Mayor, the President of the Liguria Region and other persons who, as of this morning are on hunger strike. I also stated that if they want to come here with me 24 hours a day to check, I have no problem. Theodore Mario Pizzorno.
Ps 1 I have written somewhere in these days that once I have not kept the word I was referring to the promise I had made, that is to go to the Madonna della Guardia, starting from a certain point, with up to a backpack full of stones.
I know it's not done but I am a sinner, but venial sinner!
tell you everything about myself, so time to time. In
life it takes patience.
Ps 2 While at this time I was writing this, my, I wanted to add that the institutions have not yet responded to my on hunger strike ...
Tinnnnnnn My Mayor Simone Franceschi has at least read it first:
15-Apr-2010 9:49
bed: I started a hunger strike Mario Pizzorno
Mayor of Busalla (
(268 bytes) ;
Message To: Cc:;; Subject: I started a hunger strike Mario Pizzorno Posted: 14/04/2010 18.41è was read on 15/04/2010 9:48.
calcHeight ();
Ps 3 Unaddressed correct, without checking, so much to me if I do the same question to answer after 20 years in the same way!
intellectual honesty, yes.
4 Ps You saved because maybe then I will fix it in time, to give grace to my confusion, for now, Blog. Theodore
Mario Pizzorno.
16 04 2010 13 and 47
A guy wrote to me: << il tuo sindaco non dovrebbe dormire la notte sapendo che un suo cittadino (aggiungo io esemplare) è in sciopero della fame!>>
Mayor Simone Franceschi I do not give up, feeling a little ': = lres9f2HMls
Teodoro Mario Pizzorno.
Teo for friends! They did
Marameo Marameo the judges and I do to you!
Ah ah ah
Ps I am writing to dozens of my "friends MEPs" to explain the situation. Theodore
Mario Pizzorno.
Today April 19, 2010:
Hello, today is the sixth day Hunger Strike, my mayor with all the town hall if it flaps its ears, give breath to the horns if you can.
Hello and thanks in advance.
page is created for me by Mr. Giovanni Brambilla: 111658452201045
Today is a reporter came to my house, I was interviewed by Mr. Louis Meadows of the nineteenth century in Genoa.
The interview was long.
not give up !!!!!!!!!!! Theodore
Mario Pizzorno.
Today 19 04 2010 21 hours and 47 I wrote a comment to a friend Meetup of Genoa who is worried for me, for those over 40 and also for future generations.
I tried with other comments that I post here not to give him confidence in the future ....
He believes that institutions are insufficient to provide practical responses to citizens ...
Then I give him more confidence as well: Rem Oh I forgot, I asked him the keys to the country to my mayor, because I am an exemplary citizen, of what should be our model.
But he did not want to let go ...
year left us with the sidewalks with three fingers of ice, I knew who took the oaths, but not by me ...
The way I wrote it for next year, I am candid to stand before him and behind me to shovel the snow, so the citizens of Ronco Scrivia can finally walk without falling. Theodore
Mario Pizzorno.
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