Elucubrazioni notturne 1:
Spesso ho scritto di notte, perché nel silenzio della notte i pensieri s’ impregnano di sentimenti rari e tutto si colora di compassione.
Donna di Sarajevo.
I miei occhi
han visto
immensi orrori
i tuoi no!
Le mie orecchie
han udito
rumori inenarrabili
le tue no!
Le mie mani
han avvertito il passaggio
fra il tepore e il marmo
le tue no!
Il mio corpo
è stato sotto
non per amore
il tuo no!
Now I'm afraid my face is stone
but in my eyes glimpsed
those who wait.
Teo 1999
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Ross Kemp On Gangs Online Kenya
friends what should I do? I completely lose the dignity? Here I am writing to
I'm thinking they are much debated in the sense that if you lower your head, I lean, I surrender, I bow, I become a quaquaraquà, maybe I could save my family, otherwise the risk of succumbing.
14 years ago but I decided not to ever say yes sir, yes sir, yes sir!
What should I do my virtual friends?
was just for me but I already decided is right for me to jeopardize my family?
close to me, if you will. Theodore
Mario Pizzorno
I'm thinking they are much debated in the sense that if you lower your head, I lean, I surrender, I bow, I become a quaquaraquà, maybe I could save my family, otherwise the risk of succumbing.
14 years ago but I decided not to ever say yes sir, yes sir, yes sir!
What should I do my virtual friends?
was just for me but I already decided is right for me to jeopardize my family?
close to me, if you will. Theodore
Mario Pizzorno
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Is Toilet Paper Big Girth
Fernando Rossi Comunistone PBC now.
Da: Pizzorno Mario Teodoro
A: Rossi Fernando ex senatore della Repubblica italiana.
Titolo: aiutami e fammi aiutare da i tuoi amici, conoscenti, se vorrai sconosciuti, a non perdere completamente la dignità.
Sottotitolo: la goccia che fa traboccare il vaso!
Mi costa molto scrivere questa lettera ma devo farlo, devo provare qualsiasi strada lecita.
Caro Fernando Rossi, ti scrivo per sapere se eventualmente vorrai darmi un piccolo aiuto, non so quale esso potrà essere, ma purtroppo non ho altra scelta che diventare un mendicante virtuale.
E mi devo anche sbrigare, to "take advantage" of Internet use that can help me in my difficult situation, up to those peaks that Tiscali does not realize that is a year that do not pay them more.
Those of water are more timely in every sense, in fact they cut now and then but after two days of discomfort, in which I was forced to fetch water from a fountain, as I did I would refer the say that after a few hours the water has reappeared as if by magic.
Telecom regulation instead should have changed the users as February 13, 2009 I unplugged the phone to the thirtieth day and not the forty-first as I was used ...
Light (ENEL), I managed to pay for the skin of our teeth and in any case, though fortunately not yet happened to me, I know that initially reduces the power, not the size, only reduces.
But the Franceschini know these things here? However, perhaps for something he heard and understood ...
Luckily I have not lost the desire to play, which is of great help to me and gives me the strength to move forward and continue to soldier on.
before continuing to my request for help, I want to point out that perhaps one of my strengths is definitely not to be a pimp, I mean the instance that ti rivolgo, non mi impedirà di dire mai comunque quello che penso.
Vedi Rossi, ho evidenziato questo mio pensiero perché da tempo ho già deciso di entrare in pista in qualche modo e se non l’ho ancora fatto e solo dipeso da questa mia situazione economico finanziaria precaria, situazione che oserei definire di sopravvivenza.
Questa mia complicata situazione personale, mi toglie
(Art. 3 Tutti i cittadini hanno pari dignità sociale e sono eguali davanti alla legge, senza distinzione di sesso, di razza, di lingua, di religione, di opinioni politiche, di condizioni personali e sociali.
È compito della Repubblica rimuovere gli ostacoli economic and social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social development of the country.)
(My case is emblematic of not respecting the Constitution)
what little peace of mind that I would fight for a fairer Italy.
right and I believe it essential that all decent people should, somehow, to try to contain and possibly change the state of affairs that currently exists in Italy. Already
decided that, as soon as I can start to do some little thing for PBC, probably just a little, but I will, because I just do it.
wish, however, be clear until the impossible, I do not want any misunderstanding, my request for help has nothing to do with what I can possibly do to PBC because I would do the same even if you send me ac .... And scratch dear Rossi, I'll do as I am convinced that at the time, PBC is the best policy formation, that which is closest to my way of thinking, of course, with its distinction.
With distinction to say that among the many good things on paper PBC suggests, perhaps other lacking, perhaps others should be taken higher in the ladder of priorities, also posting Montanari, some of your other answers and Monia are at least cast doubt, but if anything, my conclusions of these probably will talk about when it's wrong time.
Anyway to get back to my problem I tell you dear Rossi, although he tried in every way to make a decent living, unfortunately I could not, or at least I did bad, very bad.
Enter below a letter, which perhaps will make clearer the kind of life I lived:
Honourable Gasparri (Alleanza Nazionale)
Oggetto: Davide contro Golia
Caro Onorevole Gasparri, intanto vorrei ringraziarti per avermi scritto di pugno circa sette anni fa.
Conservo ancora la tua lettera, in quella occasione non risolvesti il mio problema, ma almeno mi rispondesti.
Scrivo a te per primo per simpatia e perchè appunto mi scrivesti nell'occasione sopra citata, non sono del tuo partito e ritengo quasi impossibile che io possa avvicinarmi al vostro pensiero politico e quindi a parte la divina Provvidenza, immagino che non sarò mai dei vostri.
Ti scrivo in quanto rappresentante dei cittadini, nel senso che anche se ti trovi all'opposizione, sei comunque un rappresentante eletto dagli italiani.
Mario Pizzorno Theodore I've written 20 days ago, an e-mail, 200 deputies of the center-left coalition, as well as more than 100 Senators center-left, which you attach the end of this letter. This
my letter I wrote asking for help to be heard, to have someone close to the institutions that care about me, that feeling could find some possible solution, honest, just, to my distress.
Unfortunately, to date have not received a response.
This letter I wrote to the representatives of the center-left coalition, as it seemed more appropriate to address those who have supported me, who I have given, reluctantly, my vote. I say reluctantly
in the sense that the coalition of the left is closer to me for ways to be, but I voted because there was no other alternative. O
you or them. I chose them.
long the speech would you give it to me ...
a hand, even if you never give a vote, give it to me for human solidarity.
of solutions there are different if you were not to mind, I suggest to you, with the utmost transparency and honesty. Theodore
Mario Pizzorno
Below is the letter I sent in the days before, to about 300 Ladies of center-left coalition.
Ronco Scrivia (Genova) 10 2003 2007
From: Mario Pizzorno
Teodoro Via Roma 159
Ronco Scrivia (Ge)
16019 Tel 010 9657008 (Shop)
010 935 942 Tel (Home) 333 7170176 Cell
e-mail: politica@ilgiovinemondo.eu
All ' Mr
Subject: So 50 years is too long.
Note: Everything I write is certified
Dear Hon. I send you my and others like to send deputies, senators, labor leaders, local administrators away from my country and all who should take action immediately, in similar situations. Mr
See I was born in Genoa 51 years ago, my life so far has almost always been difficult for a number of reasons that we learn in the course of this letter.
Do you think that in all these long years, I made a huge effort to maintain a certain decorum in disguise.
I immediately started to suffer: I vaguely remember that about five or six years, turning the house shouted: <<>>.
imagine that the neighbor, probably attracted by my noise, one day, perhaps worn out by my screaming, knocked on the door of my house.
My mother opened the door, let in and walked quickly into the nearby kitchen pouring a lot of bread on the table, I do not know what was the weight, I just know that I shut up immediately and was fully satisfied.
Dear Mr, I can tell you my life in a few lines, but if an Italian citizen sane, honest, with a normal family is doing this, it means that this city really does not know where to turn more heads.
I want to briefly illustrate some of the highlights of my life, so you will understand why I'm writing.
A 11 and a half years I left school, but I have not abandoned because it was a donkey because I had to do it more often when I returned home at the end of school lessons, I had to turn around the table.
remember that the police came to my house to ask for back to school that morning my mother Confabula something that led the law enforcement not to leave without penalty
... And so I found myself at half past eleven, by my precise and well chosen, on a bike to bring the bread, milk and the cake into people's homes, they began earning a living.
I had to change a lot of work up to 15 years because in those days the minimum age to work and to request the book work was attached to the fifteenth year of age.
So when employers are aware of my little white lie, referring to my real age, they were reluctantly forced to send me away.
From 15 years until I am married and have a family in 1982, I had some periods of rest alternating with other vicissitudes not simple to manage.
After I married I continued to suffer again, still in alternating periods, for example in 1990 I was in a state of unemployment for about a year and a half, although I sbattessi in the various employment agencies etc ... .. etc. .. anything, anything.
So I put on a train and go in search of a hypothetical job, with my own, I went to Forli to 200 million francs in his pocket, which were no more than half of that with the help My wife had managed to scrape together in order to initiate the company "hopes in God and I am leaving to go to find work. Somehow I will. "
I was young and there I managed to survive in Forlì, I found a piece of work, then another, somehow, I bought a Garelli moped from 50 000 pounds to go to work, then another, newer motor, and later still a Fiat 500 and finally before leaving for a new tempting proposal work, I was sold a Alfasud on the word from a guy I hardly knew.
This car is essential, without which I could not get the job, let me start the new coveted job.
From 1991 to September 1995 I had a discrete period, did not become a nabob, but the situation improved.
I worked with this firm in Genoa who sent me as an "inspector of ultrasonic welding, in different Italian sites on loan to the company Snamprogetti.
As I worked on these sites became Bravin, have been appreciated, until in 1995, for complex reasons that would take too long to explain here, I was degraded, humiliated.
It took my patience to endure this too, but in October 1995 I was forced to resign without prejudice to work again.
A bit 'worried, but not at all discouraged, I opened a small business that closed soon after, and I closed four months.
returned to the employment office and nothing anything for me. So
up their sleeves. Looking, looking, and I'm going to wash the stairs, then after the Province of Genoa me the honor of working all'Amiu with the position of street sweeper, only for the period of the G8, however.
He has won the city of Genoa for the Station Square PP door, I cleaned even in the most secluded corners, even in the interstices between the columns.
ends the contract operator of ecological, although I prefer to be called a street sweeper, and I'm back on the road.
After a bit 'of time reminds me of the Province for another nice little job and in fact in 2001 I found myself doing security on ships.
The fact is that the job centers never found a real solution for me, so tired, I devised another alternative disaffected. In September 2002
bunches all the finances gained with such sudore, e in più basandomi sulla pensione di mia suocera, ci provo ed apro un negozietto qui nel mio paese, dove tuttora svolgo l’attività di negoziante.
Con l’aiuto di mia moglie mettiamo l’anima nell’attività e grazie al reddito di mia suocera in famiglia campiamo, tiriamo avanti, male ma tiriamo avanti.
Il mese scorso manca mia suocera e sono di nuovo daccapo.
Nonostante tutti questi dolori, continuerò ad andare in negozio, sorridente, come deve fare un buon commerciante, ma dentro di me penserò continuamente soluzioni che possano garantire lo studio a mio figlio piccolo, che possano dargli la certezza di non girare intorno al tavolo, non farò, usando tutte le mie capacità, no leak in the country, with anyone, much less with local institutions, to ensure absolute privacy in my minor child who knows nothing about what happens to us, I want you to live "peaceful" as it has done until now in spite of everything. See
minister, living in a small town so unfortunately, if people, the institutions were aware of my true financial situation, to me it would expose my family to Berlin, which would defeat.
My wife and I have succeeded, as Benigni's film, to give the impression to our small family to live in a decent, normal, he can not jump through hoops that we had to do to care for the honor of the day. For some time I lost
confidence in the institutions, because when I turned in a clear, could not do anything for me, no ones right, no one on the left and in some cases I have not even responded.
I give you an example parallel and specific: a local family, whose name I'll never even under torture, long ago came to my shop to try a little 'comfort, to talk about their problems; of eviction had become Executive, the common good could not solve the problem of these gentlemen. In fact they changed the country.
These gentlemen told me that the common view of these problems glissando, that he was not able to assign a property and how much more could alleviate their suffering. Moreover
the monthly delivery of the good from 25 €, to be spent at the Butcher of the country.
But I know where he puts on good ...
Factory program sensitizes me to keep fighting with you, but what if you do not see these things, in Italy there are 7 million people at various levels are high risk.
I will never stop fighting, never lose precious dignity that no one ever can take me, even if I recover, will build a movement that gives voice to these important issues.
I still believe in the 'man', that's why I write to you, give me a hand, you're a powerful person, unlike me, you can find a right way, a solution.
I ask you a hand in a clear, transparent, I ask you how you can help me, I'm not asking for a recommendation to the umma umma, hidden, secret, I am saying that there is an Italian citizen who needs help.
I have supported you, because unfortunately there was no alternative!
Or here or there and I chose the center of the coalition - left considered the "least worst ...", no offense, but I think so like many others.
Your role will not allow you to do anything to me, and then make up a collection and help me, I am not ashamed to ask this because, in the near future I can no longer close to feed to my son and my wife.
But do you think a man should be reduced to this?
without acrimony and with absolute dignity I salute you with affection. Mario Pizzorno
Ps this letter today from 10 03 07 will be sent to other ladies, with the addition of the following text:
I want to clarify that before this letter, by e-mail was sent on 05 03 2007 at 23 55 '33 ", for I still have not received any response.
Second point: this letter was sent from the website www.camera.it ", I also searched some websites, personal, some ladies, and I sent my own sites, and I still have extrapolated e-mail, present their sites to be certain they received my letter, and I sent the box provided politica@ilgiovinemondo.eu.
Well, I think, would be right for someone to give me an answer.
Dear Fernando Rossi, from the above two letters I wrote in March 2007, shows that until 2000 had never asked anything of the institutions, that I had always arranged with my sun forces, but I was younger ...
Then, when forced by necessity I started to ask, I found out what our institutions are virtually non-existent! Before we get to write
The two letters above, I had already asked the center for employment, the Province and the Region of getting answers, and only in rare cases when it happened, the contents were of hot air.
I even wrote to the European Ombudsman to raise awareness, encourage, forcing the Italian Parliament, to which I had intended to do their duty, nothing Mr. Ombudsman Nikiforos Diamandouros I wrote that did not fall within its powers etc etc. At least it is
was educated, he said. * See end of email
The clergy, in my case, was in perfect harmony with the Italian institutions, I say this because I turned to them, but pulls out a spider hole.
(No! high clergy said Giuseppe Mazzini. God and people, I am agree more with him)
In any case, the fact is that the passing of my mother-in-law, things got worse, the lack of income of my mother-in-law who lived with me, I was not allowed to stay longer honor of the day, completely overwhelming.
Despite this, I managed to resist, to get along better and better ... the
Unfortunately, after 16 years that I have here in this house where I'm writing, I come, last week, the eviction for rent arrears.
SUNIA I call immediately. Genoa which I respond, even if gently, to avoid the inclusion of practice 50, oo € so because I have to go out anyway, in the same morning I go before a court in Genoa to see if I can get legal aid, the clerk replies that do not fall the fees prescribed by law ...
So what if high just written, more depressed about the health of my wife is getting worse and I can not cure it, that should be my coupons for small ailments and all the rest, well , oh Pangloss seems to me that my party did.
These things should understand our representatives in the institutions today Saturday, March 21, 2009 in my pocket 190, oo € exact, my wife went out to do a little shopping, so to speak, and I here at home while I'm writing are debated whether to call my wife to ask her to buy But the Sanipirina (The poor Tachipirina costs only 2 €) 190.00 € I will need to pay rent for the shop not just cash out another 10 euro on Monday, Tuesday, are already in arrears in the payment of 46 days.
I dare the same phone: <<>>
Brunetta will never understand things like this?
PS1 Everything I have written I can prove it, of course, complying with the privacy and protection for me and my family.
No I have no problem to answer any questions also strictly personal.
PS 2 ears for a slap Monia Benini: You could at least answer me and thank me for the harness and bags.
Mario Pizzorno.
* Writing e-mails to representatives, senators, politicians, European Ombudsman ... etc etc ... I must have worried some, but do not know who to be exact, because in that period came to my shop to see the mayor of my country to offer me a job to do in the town hall.
We had already previously been selected to perform another job in a nursing home in town Ronco Scrivia, but on that occasion was not the mayor himself to order the work, but used a simple ...
I write this out of simple curiosity, however, then I stopped writing around the world, as by hook and I could get by Raffe ...
In conjunction with this new situation, our young mayor dropped the order into oblivion ...
Perhaps my mind is very fertile, my fantasy is just a guess, so they depend on my statements from my imagination, with the mayor but I have never had contact of any kind before or after and during.
Da: Pizzorno Mario Teodoro
A: Rossi Fernando ex senatore della Repubblica italiana.
Titolo: aiutami e fammi aiutare da i tuoi amici, conoscenti, se vorrai sconosciuti, a non perdere completamente la dignità.
Sottotitolo: la goccia che fa traboccare il vaso!
Mi costa molto scrivere questa lettera ma devo farlo, devo provare qualsiasi strada lecita.
Caro Fernando Rossi, ti scrivo per sapere se eventualmente vorrai darmi un piccolo aiuto, non so quale esso potrà essere, ma purtroppo non ho altra scelta che diventare un mendicante virtuale.
E mi devo anche sbrigare, to "take advantage" of Internet use that can help me in my difficult situation, up to those peaks that Tiscali does not realize that is a year that do not pay them more.
Those of water are more timely in every sense, in fact they cut now and then but after two days of discomfort, in which I was forced to fetch water from a fountain, as I did I would refer the say that after a few hours the water has reappeared as if by magic.
Telecom regulation instead should have changed the users as February 13, 2009 I unplugged the phone to the thirtieth day and not the forty-first as I was used ...
Light (ENEL), I managed to pay for the skin of our teeth and in any case, though fortunately not yet happened to me, I know that initially reduces the power, not the size, only reduces.
But the Franceschini know these things here? However, perhaps for something he heard and understood ...
Luckily I have not lost the desire to play, which is of great help to me and gives me the strength to move forward and continue to soldier on.
before continuing to my request for help, I want to point out that perhaps one of my strengths is definitely not to be a pimp, I mean the instance that ti rivolgo, non mi impedirà di dire mai comunque quello che penso.
Vedi Rossi, ho evidenziato questo mio pensiero perché da tempo ho già deciso di entrare in pista in qualche modo e se non l’ho ancora fatto e solo dipeso da questa mia situazione economico finanziaria precaria, situazione che oserei definire di sopravvivenza.
Questa mia complicata situazione personale, mi toglie
(Art. 3 Tutti i cittadini hanno pari dignità sociale e sono eguali davanti alla legge, senza distinzione di sesso, di razza, di lingua, di religione, di opinioni politiche, di condizioni personali e sociali.
È compito della Repubblica rimuovere gli ostacoli economic and social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social development of the country.)
(My case is emblematic of not respecting the Constitution)
what little peace of mind that I would fight for a fairer Italy.
right and I believe it essential that all decent people should, somehow, to try to contain and possibly change the state of affairs that currently exists in Italy. Already
decided that, as soon as I can start to do some little thing for PBC, probably just a little, but I will, because I just do it.
wish, however, be clear until the impossible, I do not want any misunderstanding, my request for help has nothing to do with what I can possibly do to PBC because I would do the same even if you send me ac .... And scratch dear Rossi, I'll do as I am convinced that at the time, PBC is the best policy formation, that which is closest to my way of thinking, of course, with its distinction.
With distinction to say that among the many good things on paper PBC suggests, perhaps other lacking, perhaps others should be taken higher in the ladder of priorities, also posting Montanari, some of your other answers and Monia are at least cast doubt, but if anything, my conclusions of these probably will talk about when it's wrong time.
Anyway to get back to my problem I tell you dear Rossi, although he tried in every way to make a decent living, unfortunately I could not, or at least I did bad, very bad.
Enter below a letter, which perhaps will make clearer the kind of life I lived:
Honourable Gasparri (Alleanza Nazionale)
Oggetto: Davide contro Golia
Caro Onorevole Gasparri, intanto vorrei ringraziarti per avermi scritto di pugno circa sette anni fa.
Conservo ancora la tua lettera, in quella occasione non risolvesti il mio problema, ma almeno mi rispondesti.
Scrivo a te per primo per simpatia e perchè appunto mi scrivesti nell'occasione sopra citata, non sono del tuo partito e ritengo quasi impossibile che io possa avvicinarmi al vostro pensiero politico e quindi a parte la divina Provvidenza, immagino che non sarò mai dei vostri.
Ti scrivo in quanto rappresentante dei cittadini, nel senso che anche se ti trovi all'opposizione, sei comunque un rappresentante eletto dagli italiani.
Mario Pizzorno Theodore I've written 20 days ago, an e-mail, 200 deputies of the center-left coalition, as well as more than 100 Senators center-left, which you attach the end of this letter. This
my letter I wrote asking for help to be heard, to have someone close to the institutions that care about me, that feeling could find some possible solution, honest, just, to my distress.
Unfortunately, to date have not received a response.
This letter I wrote to the representatives of the center-left coalition, as it seemed more appropriate to address those who have supported me, who I have given, reluctantly, my vote. I say reluctantly
in the sense that the coalition of the left is closer to me for ways to be, but I voted because there was no other alternative. O
you or them. I chose them.
long the speech would you give it to me ...
a hand, even if you never give a vote, give it to me for human solidarity.
of solutions there are different if you were not to mind, I suggest to you, with the utmost transparency and honesty. Theodore
Mario Pizzorno
Below is the letter I sent in the days before, to about 300 Ladies of center-left coalition.
Ronco Scrivia (Genova) 10 2003 2007
From: Mario Pizzorno
Teodoro Via Roma 159
Ronco Scrivia (Ge)
16019 Tel 010 9657008 (Shop)
010 935 942 Tel (Home) 333 7170176 Cell
e-mail: politica@ilgiovinemondo.eu
All ' Mr
Subject: So 50 years is too long.
Note: Everything I write is certified
Dear Hon. I send you my and others like to send deputies, senators, labor leaders, local administrators away from my country and all who should take action immediately, in similar situations. Mr
See I was born in Genoa 51 years ago, my life so far has almost always been difficult for a number of reasons that we learn in the course of this letter.
Do you think that in all these long years, I made a huge effort to maintain a certain decorum in disguise.
I immediately started to suffer: I vaguely remember that about five or six years, turning the house shouted: <<>>.
imagine that the neighbor, probably attracted by my noise, one day, perhaps worn out by my screaming, knocked on the door of my house.
My mother opened the door, let in and walked quickly into the nearby kitchen pouring a lot of bread on the table, I do not know what was the weight, I just know that I shut up immediately and was fully satisfied.
Dear Mr, I can tell you my life in a few lines, but if an Italian citizen sane, honest, with a normal family is doing this, it means that this city really does not know where to turn more heads.
I want to briefly illustrate some of the highlights of my life, so you will understand why I'm writing.
A 11 and a half years I left school, but I have not abandoned because it was a donkey because I had to do it more often when I returned home at the end of school lessons, I had to turn around the table.
remember that the police came to my house to ask for back to school that morning my mother Confabula something that led the law enforcement not to leave without penalty
... And so I found myself at half past eleven, by my precise and well chosen, on a bike to bring the bread, milk and the cake into people's homes, they began earning a living.
I had to change a lot of work up to 15 years because in those days the minimum age to work and to request the book work was attached to the fifteenth year of age.
So when employers are aware of my little white lie, referring to my real age, they were reluctantly forced to send me away.
From 15 years until I am married and have a family in 1982, I had some periods of rest alternating with other vicissitudes not simple to manage.
After I married I continued to suffer again, still in alternating periods, for example in 1990 I was in a state of unemployment for about a year and a half, although I sbattessi in the various employment agencies etc ... .. etc. .. anything, anything.
So I put on a train and go in search of a hypothetical job, with my own, I went to Forli to 200 million francs in his pocket, which were no more than half of that with the help My wife had managed to scrape together in order to initiate the company "hopes in God and I am leaving to go to find work. Somehow I will. "
I was young and there I managed to survive in Forlì, I found a piece of work, then another, somehow, I bought a Garelli moped from 50 000 pounds to go to work, then another, newer motor, and later still a Fiat 500 and finally before leaving for a new tempting proposal work, I was sold a Alfasud on the word from a guy I hardly knew.
This car is essential, without which I could not get the job, let me start the new coveted job.
From 1991 to September 1995 I had a discrete period, did not become a nabob, but the situation improved.
I worked with this firm in Genoa who sent me as an "inspector of ultrasonic welding, in different Italian sites on loan to the company Snamprogetti.
As I worked on these sites became Bravin, have been appreciated, until in 1995, for complex reasons that would take too long to explain here, I was degraded, humiliated.
It took my patience to endure this too, but in October 1995 I was forced to resign without prejudice to work again.
A bit 'worried, but not at all discouraged, I opened a small business that closed soon after, and I closed four months.
returned to the employment office and nothing anything for me. So
up their sleeves. Looking, looking, and I'm going to wash the stairs, then after the Province of Genoa me the honor of working all'Amiu with the position of street sweeper, only for the period of the G8, however.
He has won the city of Genoa for the Station Square PP door, I cleaned even in the most secluded corners, even in the interstices between the columns.
ends the contract operator of ecological, although I prefer to be called a street sweeper, and I'm back on the road.
After a bit 'of time reminds me of the Province for another nice little job and in fact in 2001 I found myself doing security on ships.
The fact is that the job centers never found a real solution for me, so tired, I devised another alternative disaffected. In September 2002
bunches all the finances gained with such sudore, e in più basandomi sulla pensione di mia suocera, ci provo ed apro un negozietto qui nel mio paese, dove tuttora svolgo l’attività di negoziante.
Con l’aiuto di mia moglie mettiamo l’anima nell’attività e grazie al reddito di mia suocera in famiglia campiamo, tiriamo avanti, male ma tiriamo avanti.
Il mese scorso manca mia suocera e sono di nuovo daccapo.
Nonostante tutti questi dolori, continuerò ad andare in negozio, sorridente, come deve fare un buon commerciante, ma dentro di me penserò continuamente soluzioni che possano garantire lo studio a mio figlio piccolo, che possano dargli la certezza di non girare intorno al tavolo, non farò, usando tutte le mie capacità, no leak in the country, with anyone, much less with local institutions, to ensure absolute privacy in my minor child who knows nothing about what happens to us, I want you to live "peaceful" as it has done until now in spite of everything. See
minister, living in a small town so unfortunately, if people, the institutions were aware of my true financial situation, to me it would expose my family to Berlin, which would defeat.
My wife and I have succeeded, as Benigni's film, to give the impression to our small family to live in a decent, normal, he can not jump through hoops that we had to do to care for the honor of the day. For some time I lost
confidence in the institutions, because when I turned in a clear, could not do anything for me, no ones right, no one on the left and in some cases I have not even responded.
I give you an example parallel and specific: a local family, whose name I'll never even under torture, long ago came to my shop to try a little 'comfort, to talk about their problems; of eviction had become Executive, the common good could not solve the problem of these gentlemen. In fact they changed the country.
These gentlemen told me that the common view of these problems glissando, that he was not able to assign a property and how much more could alleviate their suffering. Moreover
the monthly delivery of the good from 25 €, to be spent at the Butcher of the country.
But I know where he puts on good ...
Factory program sensitizes me to keep fighting with you, but what if you do not see these things, in Italy there are 7 million people at various levels are high risk.
I will never stop fighting, never lose precious dignity that no one ever can take me, even if I recover, will build a movement that gives voice to these important issues.
I still believe in the 'man', that's why I write to you, give me a hand, you're a powerful person, unlike me, you can find a right way, a solution.
I ask you a hand in a clear, transparent, I ask you how you can help me, I'm not asking for a recommendation to the umma umma, hidden, secret, I am saying that there is an Italian citizen who needs help.
I have supported you, because unfortunately there was no alternative!
Or here or there and I chose the center of the coalition - left considered the "least worst ...", no offense, but I think so like many others.
Your role will not allow you to do anything to me, and then make up a collection and help me, I am not ashamed to ask this because, in the near future I can no longer close to feed to my son and my wife.
But do you think a man should be reduced to this?
without acrimony and with absolute dignity I salute you with affection. Mario Pizzorno
Ps this letter today from 10 03 07 will be sent to other ladies, with the addition of the following text:
I want to clarify that before this letter, by e-mail was sent on 05 03 2007 at 23 55 '33 ", for I still have not received any response.
Second point: this letter was sent from the website www.camera.it ", I also searched some websites, personal, some ladies, and I sent my own sites, and I still have extrapolated e-mail, present their sites to be certain they received my letter, and I sent the box provided politica@ilgiovinemondo.eu.
Well, I think, would be right for someone to give me an answer.
Dear Fernando Rossi, from the above two letters I wrote in March 2007, shows that until 2000 had never asked anything of the institutions, that I had always arranged with my sun forces, but I was younger ...
Then, when forced by necessity I started to ask, I found out what our institutions are virtually non-existent! Before we get to write
The two letters above, I had already asked the center for employment, the Province and the Region of getting answers, and only in rare cases when it happened, the contents were of hot air.
I even wrote to the European Ombudsman to raise awareness, encourage, forcing the Italian Parliament, to which I had intended to do their duty, nothing Mr. Ombudsman Nikiforos Diamandouros I wrote that did not fall within its powers etc etc. At least it is
was educated, he said. * See end of email
The clergy, in my case, was in perfect harmony with the Italian institutions, I say this because I turned to them, but pulls out a spider hole.
(No! high clergy said Giuseppe Mazzini. God and people, I am agree more with him)
In any case, the fact is that the passing of my mother-in-law, things got worse, the lack of income of my mother-in-law who lived with me, I was not allowed to stay longer honor of the day, completely overwhelming.
Despite this, I managed to resist, to get along better and better ... the
Unfortunately, after 16 years that I have here in this house where I'm writing, I come, last week, the eviction for rent arrears.
SUNIA I call immediately. Genoa which I respond, even if gently, to avoid the inclusion of practice 50, oo € so because I have to go out anyway, in the same morning I go before a court in Genoa to see if I can get legal aid, the clerk replies that do not fall the fees prescribed by law ...
So what if high just written, more depressed about the health of my wife is getting worse and I can not cure it, that should be my coupons for small ailments and all the rest, well , oh Pangloss seems to me that my party did.
These things should understand our representatives in the institutions today Saturday, March 21, 2009 in my pocket 190, oo € exact, my wife went out to do a little shopping, so to speak, and I here at home while I'm writing are debated whether to call my wife to ask her to buy But the Sanipirina (The poor Tachipirina costs only 2 €) 190.00 € I will need to pay rent for the shop not just cash out another 10 euro on Monday, Tuesday, are already in arrears in the payment of 46 days.
I dare the same phone: <<>>
Brunetta will never understand things like this?
PS1 Everything I have written I can prove it, of course, complying with the privacy and protection for me and my family.
No I have no problem to answer any questions also strictly personal.
PS 2 ears for a slap Monia Benini: You could at least answer me and thank me for the harness and bags.
Mario Pizzorno.
* Writing e-mails to representatives, senators, politicians, European Ombudsman ... etc etc ... I must have worried some, but do not know who to be exact, because in that period came to my shop to see the mayor of my country to offer me a job to do in the town hall.
We had already previously been selected to perform another job in a nursing home in town Ronco Scrivia, but on that occasion was not the mayor himself to order the work, but used a simple ...
I write this out of simple curiosity, however, then I stopped writing around the world, as by hook and I could get by Raffe ...
In conjunction with this new situation, our young mayor dropped the order into oblivion ...
Perhaps my mind is very fertile, my fantasy is just a guess, so they depend on my statements from my imagination, with the mayor but I have never had contact of any kind before or after and during.
Tape Backup Alternative
But God ..
But what would God want from me?
Lots time ago I went to a hospital in Foggia, I went there to accompany my wife Mary probably waiting for a visit and I went to visit the sick.
That day I walked into a room where he was a gentleman, I do not know what was wrong, but memory inspires me to write a poem. From its
Ligabuistica sentence gave the title to one of my "poetry"!
The Point! This is the title.
soon as I can to post here!
But what would God want from me?
Lots time ago I went to a hospital in Foggia, I went there to accompany my wife Mary probably waiting for a visit and I went to visit the sick.
That day I walked into a room where he was a gentleman, I do not know what was wrong, but memory inspires me to write a poem. From its
Ligabuistica sentence gave the title to one of my "poetry"!
The Point! This is the title.
soon as I can to post here!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Transfer Autocad Ke 3dsmax
Francesco Barbato, IDV etc ...
I have personally talked to Francesco Barbato, by phone.
I say this to say that IDV is somehow different, or at least that there are people in IDV, the better!
Maybe, maybe ...
I have not yet given the final decision on all IDV, as it is too complicated if you do not have time to be interested only in politics, then I expose the facts and my thoughts.
For example, when I heard the phone with Frank Barbato, I talked about my personal things that I have not posted here, only for reasons of time, because I always have to run, to put together the ends meet: well Francis I have heard and is not a trivial matter!
I know it should be the norm but, as we all know is not so, I have written to more than 300 senators and deputies and have not been heard!
I am neither brother tantomeno parente di Barbato però, dico che lui ha risposto al numero di telefono che ha messo sul suo sito web e su FaceBook.
Purtroppo anche lui è in mezzo alla tempesta, con mare forza 10!
Comunque vedremo con il tempo.
Per essere ancora più chiari, io ho sempre detto che non sono dell’IDV e lo confermo, non nascondo che ho votato per IDV in passato ( Di Pietro) e che alle ultime elezioni ho votato Luigi De Magistris, Luigi perché l’ho considerato quasi come me, cioè un cittadino modello!
Non faccio sconti a nessuno, dico solo quello che veramente penso e quando faccio una analisi cerco di essere, nei limiti umani, il più preciso e fedele possibile, non mi va di dire nonsense, I read the Blog of Antonio Di Pietro (Di Pietro is still one of those 300 who did not respond to an Italian citizen, that is, to me!) Antonio exculpatory responses of many accusations that it is difficult to understand if basis or if they are exploited.
So I try to understand ...
not easy, not easy to judge, should be in for a better understanding.
Yesterday I listened to the speech Donadi, nice words, then you put them into practice, one thing is certain there is great excitement in IDV, probable changes and a lot of good people!
The rotten apple in the basket never fails, God forbid, we must identify chi è e prenderla a calci!
(Devo avere una Sindrome della Crocerossina particolare, atipica, io!)
Non è facile, non è facile giudicare, bisogna essere dentro per capire meglio.
Ci sono però, dei fatti che fanno pensare molto…
Per esempio quando appresi che la signora Manuela Cappello consigliere nonché assessore IDV qui in Genova diede le dimissioni….(Non sono proprio un amico della signora Cappello)
E poi ho letto e ascoltato anche questo:
http://www.armandodellabella.it / testo.asp? id = 1183
I do not know who is right, but I think ...
I'll have to read, listen to (especially if you do not succeed in founding a party that I think would be the best thing, because of I trust me) if you decide to enter in IDV.
Also if I want, because someone like me do not know if it is better to enlist ...
If fate wills IDV will come in to try to improve it, I know that Manuel and others now think "But we've already shown us, and if some 'is ...."
But I'm not them! Theodore
Mario Pizzorno.
I have personally talked to Francesco Barbato, by phone.
I say this to say that IDV is somehow different, or at least that there are people in IDV, the better!
Maybe, maybe ...
I have not yet given the final decision on all IDV, as it is too complicated if you do not have time to be interested only in politics, then I expose the facts and my thoughts.
For example, when I heard the phone with Frank Barbato, I talked about my personal things that I have not posted here, only for reasons of time, because I always have to run, to put together the ends meet: well Francis I have heard and is not a trivial matter!
I know it should be the norm but, as we all know is not so, I have written to more than 300 senators and deputies and have not been heard!
I am neither brother tantomeno parente di Barbato però, dico che lui ha risposto al numero di telefono che ha messo sul suo sito web e su FaceBook.
Purtroppo anche lui è in mezzo alla tempesta, con mare forza 10!
Comunque vedremo con il tempo.
Per essere ancora più chiari, io ho sempre detto che non sono dell’IDV e lo confermo, non nascondo che ho votato per IDV in passato ( Di Pietro) e che alle ultime elezioni ho votato Luigi De Magistris, Luigi perché l’ho considerato quasi come me, cioè un cittadino modello!
Non faccio sconti a nessuno, dico solo quello che veramente penso e quando faccio una analisi cerco di essere, nei limiti umani, il più preciso e fedele possibile, non mi va di dire nonsense, I read the Blog of Antonio Di Pietro (Di Pietro is still one of those 300 who did not respond to an Italian citizen, that is, to me!) Antonio exculpatory responses of many accusations that it is difficult to understand if basis or if they are exploited.
So I try to understand ...
not easy, not easy to judge, should be in for a better understanding.
Yesterday I listened to the speech Donadi, nice words, then you put them into practice, one thing is certain there is great excitement in IDV, probable changes and a lot of good people!
The rotten apple in the basket never fails, God forbid, we must identify chi è e prenderla a calci!
(Devo avere una Sindrome della Crocerossina particolare, atipica, io!)
Non è facile, non è facile giudicare, bisogna essere dentro per capire meglio.
Ci sono però, dei fatti che fanno pensare molto…
Per esempio quando appresi che la signora Manuela Cappello consigliere nonché assessore IDV qui in Genova diede le dimissioni….(Non sono proprio un amico della signora Cappello)
E poi ho letto e ascoltato anche questo:
http://www.armandodellabella.it / testo.asp? id = 1183
I do not know who is right, but I think ...
I'll have to read, listen to (especially if you do not succeed in founding a party that I think would be the best thing, because of I trust me) if you decide to enter in IDV.
Also if I want, because someone like me do not know if it is better to enlist ...
If fate wills IDV will come in to try to improve it, I know that Manuel and others now think "But we've already shown us, and if some 'is ...."
But I'm not them! Theodore
Mario Pizzorno.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Pic Of Awomans Fajina
Today I wrote to my mayor.
Ronco Scrivia February 4, 2010
From: Mario Pizzorno Teodoro
A: Mayor Simone Franceschi
Councillor Oliveri Rosa (I did not e-mail)
Social worker Helen Doglio
Dear Mr. Mayor Simone Franceschi, as they are, for reasons of force majeure, in the City Hall of Ronco Scrivia, I begin to understand more and more how a municipality.
I mean that sometimes se una persona non è perfettamente dentro ad una situazione, può dare delle valutazioni sbagliate come mi scrisse, tempo fa, giustamente lei.
Mi spiego ancora meglio, quando lei mi ha messo in contatto con l’assistente sociale Elena Doglio, io appunto non sapendo esattamente come avrebbe girato la pallina, ho pensato, fra me e me, che la signora Elena Doglio fosse una figura istituzionale preposta a risolvere la situazione da “sola”.
All’inizio pensavo che un assistente sociale avesse più “potere” e invece poi mi sono reso conto che la signora Elena Doglio è solo una semplice impiegata che esegue le vostre direttive.
Quando la prima volta l’assistente Elena Doglio tentò di sbolognarmi a Busalla, mi arrabbiai un po’, poi ci pensai su e arrivai alla conclusione che i suggeritori avrebbero potuto essere altri.
Ecco perché oggi con la signora Elena Doglio, abbiamo un rapporto di estremo rispetto, le ho fatto questa premessa per dirle signor sindaco che sto cercando di individuare con precisione millimetrica le responsabilità, perché in questo modo saprò poi a chi fare eventualmente plausi o a chi scagliare i miei poderosi fulmini e saette!
E’ la politica che conta in queste situazioni, cioè lei e l’assessore preposto a queste problematiche sociali che, se non erro dovrebbe essere la signora Oliveri Rosa.
Lei mi scrisse 27 giorni is to trust, I trust, but about 30 days I will not have a house, unless we find other accommodation.
In his interview of January 2, 2010, the assessor Rosa Oliveri, said that for my situation would have to consult many associations has, over the past one month, time is short and by the way, I have to do even if such a move In short I do not think that everything runs smoothly.
Frankly though I'm not used to never judge rashly, I begin to worry a little bit, because in all that you know, being a good person, will have no difficulty in accommodating my family to his home for his meals and ' accommodation for the time necessary to work out of my unfortunate situation, obviously only if unfortunate, that in the very remote case in which I had to be thrown into the street!
However as you know I'm a romantic but to get to the pragmatic as she pleases, communities that have not yet been made aware of exactly how you want to act, tomorrow, Friday I'm going to see a house, but I have already explained that can not provide guarantees to the owners, a risk of doing unnecessary work.
I can not decide for you, you have told me that they support me, but did not specify as well ....
Also I have asked phone numbers owners of several houses, I wondered January 28, and today I have not yet received your response.
And again, I've written for any other accommodations, such as the yellow tower block in the upper right corner there is still a free home, but even here you gave me no answer!
Time flies, I think it would be best to coordinate this, I ask you a further meeting, possibly for hours, where I would like the presence of Councillor Mrs Rosa Oliveri, frankly, because of the many associations that were to be interested in my case, I do not I have not even seen the shadow.
your new look.
Mario Teodoro Pizzorno.
Ps I inform you that my letter will surely be brought into the public domain.
Ronco Scrivia February 4, 2010
From: Mario Pizzorno Teodoro
A: Mayor Simone Franceschi
Councillor Oliveri Rosa (I did not e-mail)
Social worker Helen Doglio
Dear Mr. Mayor Simone Franceschi, as they are, for reasons of force majeure, in the City Hall of Ronco Scrivia, I begin to understand more and more how a municipality.
I mean that sometimes se una persona non è perfettamente dentro ad una situazione, può dare delle valutazioni sbagliate come mi scrisse, tempo fa, giustamente lei.
Mi spiego ancora meglio, quando lei mi ha messo in contatto con l’assistente sociale Elena Doglio, io appunto non sapendo esattamente come avrebbe girato la pallina, ho pensato, fra me e me, che la signora Elena Doglio fosse una figura istituzionale preposta a risolvere la situazione da “sola”.
All’inizio pensavo che un assistente sociale avesse più “potere” e invece poi mi sono reso conto che la signora Elena Doglio è solo una semplice impiegata che esegue le vostre direttive.
Quando la prima volta l’assistente Elena Doglio tentò di sbolognarmi a Busalla, mi arrabbiai un po’, poi ci pensai su e arrivai alla conclusione che i suggeritori avrebbero potuto essere altri.
Ecco perché oggi con la signora Elena Doglio, abbiamo un rapporto di estremo rispetto, le ho fatto questa premessa per dirle signor sindaco che sto cercando di individuare con precisione millimetrica le responsabilità, perché in questo modo saprò poi a chi fare eventualmente plausi o a chi scagliare i miei poderosi fulmini e saette!
E’ la politica che conta in queste situazioni, cioè lei e l’assessore preposto a queste problematiche sociali che, se non erro dovrebbe essere la signora Oliveri Rosa.
Lei mi scrisse 27 giorni is to trust, I trust, but about 30 days I will not have a house, unless we find other accommodation.
In his interview of January 2, 2010, the assessor Rosa Oliveri, said that for my situation would have to consult many associations has, over the past one month, time is short and by the way, I have to do even if such a move In short I do not think that everything runs smoothly.
Frankly though I'm not used to never judge rashly, I begin to worry a little bit, because in all that you know, being a good person, will have no difficulty in accommodating my family to his home for his meals and ' accommodation for the time necessary to work out of my unfortunate situation, obviously only if unfortunate, that in the very remote case in which I had to be thrown into the street!
However as you know I'm a romantic but to get to the pragmatic as she pleases, communities that have not yet been made aware of exactly how you want to act, tomorrow, Friday I'm going to see a house, but I have already explained that can not provide guarantees to the owners, a risk of doing unnecessary work.
I can not decide for you, you have told me that they support me, but did not specify as well ....
Also I have asked phone numbers owners of several houses, I wondered January 28, and today I have not yet received your response.
And again, I've written for any other accommodations, such as the yellow tower block in the upper right corner there is still a free home, but even here you gave me no answer!
Time flies, I think it would be best to coordinate this, I ask you a further meeting, possibly for hours, where I would like the presence of Councillor Mrs Rosa Oliveri, frankly, because of the many associations that were to be interested in my case, I do not I have not even seen the shadow.
your new look.
Mario Teodoro Pizzorno.
Ps I inform you that my letter will surely be brought into the public domain.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Track The Number Chennai Landline
I looked for work anywhere.
After suffering a heavy share of harassment, I have resigned ...
Then I started to look for work immediately turning to all institutions.
The employment center of the Province of Genoa gave me a job a few months, as a scavenger during the period of the G8.
Then yet another chore for a few more months as security on ships.
Six months of work in all over 10 years, congratulations!
After suffering a heavy share of harassment, I have resigned ...
Then I started to look for work immediately turning to all institutions.
The employment center of the Province of Genoa gave me a job a few months, as a scavenger during the period of the G8.
Then yet another chore for a few more months as security on ships.
Six months of work in all over 10 years, congratulations!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Are There Any Glory Holes In Tucson
A woman who sits in the Chamber of Deputies he writes ...
Una donna deputato che siede alla Camera, mi scrive circa un mese fa, leggete sotto.
Appena posso farò il nome e cognome.
Ora non posso farlo perché, la signora è “furba” e scrive sotto la sua e-mail così:
AVVISO: Questo messaggio ed i suoi eventuali allegati sono rivolti esclusivamente ai destinatari e possono contenere informazioni riservate. Qualsiasi utilizzo, diffusione o riproduzione senza autorizzazione è proibita. Qualora vi fosse pervenuto questo messaggio per errore, esso va cancellato immediatamente con preghiera di avvisare il mittente. Grazie.
L’onorevole della Camera scrive a Mario Teodoro Pizzorno così:
"Dear voters" His proposal is not indecent is indecent and schifatocon contemptuous tone which turns to me, knowing nothing about me, about how I live, quelloche to do, those who help! I do not accept populism, demagogy! Intolerance, justice-intellectual and dishonest, because in conscience I do not limerito.Qualsiasi what does or says she will find a way to despise and irridermilo itself, so I just make her my best wishes.
(Mario Teodoro Pizzorno has taken first and last name of Mr nice lady who sits in the House, to avoid possible lawsuits, but both do not care anyway because she will be smart but I'm smarter than her!)
PS Of course you will conclude that my response is an excuse for a penny ... noncacciare Amen! Do you think what he wants, so much worse than that! ...
Mario Pizzorno therefore adds Mr Teodoro writes above in my response to this challenge:
Title: Proposal for decent! Dear
our elected officials, I have no doubt that you Ladies of people, so I ask you one-off (temporarily putting allatesta of "forgotten") to assess whether it would be fair to pay your salary plus your December 2009 on the thirteenth account ... ... .... in order to bring a little ' di sollievo e rendere un pochino più decenteil natale di tanti italiani “Dimenticati”in difficoltà!
Tanto comunque voi il Natale lo passerete bene ugualmente, indipendentemente da questa eventuale piccola rinuncia.
Sono certo che non avrete la minima titubanza, so che al momento giusto sapete dimostrarvi dei veri Italiani, come noi del Popolo dei Dimenticati.
Grazie, veramente di cuore, Grazie.
Per il Popolo dei Dimenticati:Mario Pizzorno
Questa mia e-mail è stata inviata a molti onorevoli, a parte la signora in oggetto non ha risposto nessun altro deputato.
Una donna deputato che siede alla Camera, mi scrive circa un mese fa, leggete sotto.
Appena posso farò il nome e cognome.
Ora non posso farlo perché, la signora è “furba” e scrive sotto la sua e-mail così:
AVVISO: Questo messaggio ed i suoi eventuali allegati sono rivolti esclusivamente ai destinatari e possono contenere informazioni riservate. Qualsiasi utilizzo, diffusione o riproduzione senza autorizzazione è proibita. Qualora vi fosse pervenuto questo messaggio per errore, esso va cancellato immediatamente con preghiera di avvisare il mittente. Grazie.
L’onorevole della Camera scrive a Mario Teodoro Pizzorno così:
"Dear voters" His proposal is not indecent is indecent and schifatocon contemptuous tone which turns to me, knowing nothing about me, about how I live, quelloche to do, those who help! I do not accept populism, demagogy! Intolerance, justice-intellectual and dishonest, because in conscience I do not limerito.Qualsiasi what does or says she will find a way to despise and irridermilo itself, so I just make her my best wishes.
(Mario Teodoro Pizzorno has taken first and last name of Mr nice lady who sits in the House, to avoid possible lawsuits, but both do not care anyway because she will be smart but I'm smarter than her!)
PS Of course you will conclude that my response is an excuse for a penny ... noncacciare Amen! Do you think what he wants, so much worse than that! ...
Mario Pizzorno therefore adds Mr Teodoro writes above in my response to this challenge:
Title: Proposal for decent! Dear
our elected officials, I have no doubt that you Ladies of people, so I ask you one-off (temporarily putting allatesta of "forgotten") to assess whether it would be fair to pay your salary plus your December 2009 on the thirteenth account ... ... .... in order to bring a little ' di sollievo e rendere un pochino più decenteil natale di tanti italiani “Dimenticati”in difficoltà!
Tanto comunque voi il Natale lo passerete bene ugualmente, indipendentemente da questa eventuale piccola rinuncia.
Sono certo che non avrete la minima titubanza, so che al momento giusto sapete dimostrarvi dei veri Italiani, come noi del Popolo dei Dimenticati.
Grazie, veramente di cuore, Grazie.
Per il Popolo dei Dimenticati:Mario Pizzorno
Questa mia e-mail è stata inviata a molti onorevoli, a parte la signora in oggetto non ha risposto nessun altro deputato.
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