music or perhaps better said Moseca
La gente spesso si fa riempire la testa di stupidaggini, per questo qui sotto coloro un po’ il mio modo di esprimermi:
Ma non è questo Giovanna è che la gente non sa niente di niente e pensa che Bob Dylan sia bravo! Qui vicino a casa mia c'è un asino che ha una voce molto ma molto simile a quella di Dylan! Poi se mi dici i testi può essere che siano anche forse belli ma, credi musicalmente è una chiavica, dicono così a Napoli! La musica e fatta di tante cose...
Capisco che ti sei forse offesa ma, secondo te la musica e fatta da Re sol7 e do??????
Quando vuoi parlare seriamente di musica, sono a disposizione!...
Il Re è nudo e la gente non se ne è ancora accorta.
Oggi 24 gennaio 2010 aggiungo:
Prediligo il Jazz, la signora qui sotto è stupenda e di Dylan ho già detto:
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Tom Delonge Sleeve Tattoos
not personally know Cristina, but she loves me!
17 gennaio 2010 0re 17 e 05
Domani mattina avrò il piacere di rivedere dopo tantissimo tempo un Ufficiale Giudiziario, forse si, forse no, comunque in antitesi e per la legge di compensazione; pubblico uno scambio epistolare con la mia Amica per sempre Cristina.
So ... I sent in December 2009, an e-mail to Christina and she answered:
Dear Mario, I read your letter
all in one go and I felt tiny when I finished. .. Your words made me touch the dramatic situation in which millions of people are living in this country. I'm still (do not know how ...) among the lucky few who, occupying a public post, although it is still difficult to go on day after day, given the small amount of salary, they can still count on monthly revenue Safe .
I can not and will not remain deaf to the cry for help in front of my brother and his family. I would like to qualcosa, nel modo che mi sarà possibile, per farti sentire meno solo, per cui ti chiedo di farmi pervenire un recapito sicuro che io possa usare.
Ci sarebbero tante e tante cose da dire, ma credo che il silenzio, in certe circostanze, sia la forma più alta di comprensione, fratellanza e rispetto.
Ti abbraccio forte, insieme a tutta la tua famiglia,
Io sono educato e quindi rispondo così:
Cara Cristina, la prima cosa che mi viene da dirti dal cuore è che ti voglio bene.
Non sei niente per me, non abbiamo gradi di parentela, legami veri d’amicizia, niente che possa farti scrivere ciò che scrivi, se non un Grande Believe.
Yet you do not need to see my face, to express solidarity.
You're a Woman, a figure that I loved the interface of the human species, I have always considered the woman a human being who can not send his son, husband, father and sister and now also at war!
Again I was wrong, probably because, as one says' another beautiful woman, I am pure of spirit.
are so well informed, insightful as equally naive!
Maybe yes, maybe, maybe.
Today, however, are not convinced that women are better than men ...
Maybe, maybe, maybe ...
I love so well as may be wanting a sister, sister, however, depends on!
I wish you success and I wonder if I can post this reply without clearly say who you are .. Cristina
You Bon!!
look forward to hearing from you and will respect your wishes, whatever it is.
Your friend forever.
Soon I will hear, hello. Theodore
Mario Pizzorno.
Cristina she is educated and for the second time I arrisponde accussi:
Dear Mario,
that your beautiful words! When I hear, read or see something like I say, "I reconciled with the world" ... And this causes me a ensazione such sweetness that makes me feel so convinced that a drop in the ocean but, there being so many drops as you will never be alone. It reassures me every time that I have to keep going on my way, for myself, for those who love you and love me for my students, who try to teach the values \u200b\u200bthey believe that they can do the same with other people and these in turn with others in an endless chain of love ...
course you can publish my few lines, indeed, I am honored! Even
I love you, my brother ... Love comes and clears the gap.
Good evening!
17 gennaio 2010 0re 17 e 05
Domani mattina avrò il piacere di rivedere dopo tantissimo tempo un Ufficiale Giudiziario, forse si, forse no, comunque in antitesi e per la legge di compensazione; pubblico uno scambio epistolare con la mia Amica per sempre Cristina.
So ... I sent in December 2009, an e-mail to Christina and she answered:
Dear Mario, I read your letter
all in one go and I felt tiny when I finished. .. Your words made me touch the dramatic situation in which millions of people are living in this country. I'm still (do not know how ...) among the lucky few who, occupying a public post, although it is still difficult to go on day after day, given the small amount of salary, they can still count on monthly revenue Safe .
I can not and will not remain deaf to the cry for help in front of my brother and his family. I would like to qualcosa, nel modo che mi sarà possibile, per farti sentire meno solo, per cui ti chiedo di farmi pervenire un recapito sicuro che io possa usare.
Ci sarebbero tante e tante cose da dire, ma credo che il silenzio, in certe circostanze, sia la forma più alta di comprensione, fratellanza e rispetto.
Ti abbraccio forte, insieme a tutta la tua famiglia,
Io sono educato e quindi rispondo così:
Cara Cristina, la prima cosa che mi viene da dirti dal cuore è che ti voglio bene.
Non sei niente per me, non abbiamo gradi di parentela, legami veri d’amicizia, niente che possa farti scrivere ciò che scrivi, se non un Grande Believe.
Yet you do not need to see my face, to express solidarity.
You're a Woman, a figure that I loved the interface of the human species, I have always considered the woman a human being who can not send his son, husband, father and sister and now also at war!
Again I was wrong, probably because, as one says' another beautiful woman, I am pure of spirit.
are so well informed, insightful as equally naive!
Maybe yes, maybe, maybe.
Today, however, are not convinced that women are better than men ...
Maybe, maybe, maybe ...
I love so well as may be wanting a sister, sister, however, depends on!
I wish you success and I wonder if I can post this reply without clearly say who you are .. Cristina
You Bon!!
look forward to hearing from you and will respect your wishes, whatever it is.
Your friend forever.
Soon I will hear, hello. Theodore
Mario Pizzorno.
Cristina she is educated and for the second time I arrisponde accussi:
Dear Mario,
that your beautiful words! When I hear, read or see something like I say, "I reconciled with the world" ... And this causes me a ensazione such sweetness that makes me feel so convinced that a drop in the ocean but, there being so many drops as you will never be alone. It reassures me every time that I have to keep going on my way, for myself, for those who love you and love me for my students, who try to teach the values \u200b\u200bthey believe that they can do the same with other people and these in turn with others in an endless chain of love ...
course you can publish my few lines, indeed, I am honored! Even
I love you, my brother ... Love comes and clears the gap.
Good evening!
Source Launch Commands
Never touch your wallet, if you want to keep your friends!
January 17, 2010
meets a virtual friend of mine on Facebook:
agree completely, but find a friend is to find a treasure! In every way if you want to keep a good relationship and friendship with people, not toccategli never, never my wallet. Never! Often, almost always, except for rare cases, people prefer to do something when others are watching, secretly not!
How do the real philanthropists.
January 17, 2010
meets a virtual friend of mine on Facebook:
agree completely, but find a friend is to find a treasure! In every way if you want to keep a good relationship and friendship with people, not toccategli never, never my wallet. Never! Often, almost always, except for rare cases, people prefer to do something when others are watching, secretly not!
How do the real philanthropists.
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